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051224 Sunday Morning Service Live
This service was filmed on May 12, 2024, during the Sunday Morning Service. This service contains the Sermon by Bennie Dendy and more.
051224 Sunday Morning Notes
Pre SS Song Leaders:
"Trixie Renfro, Donna Worley"
Page 14 There is Power In The Blood
Sunday School Teacher:
Donna Worley
SS Scriptures:
Genesis 22:9-24
Booster Band Leader(s):
Stephanie France
Booster Band Kids:
Florence Cristan
Lacey France
Angelica France
Anastasia France
Booster Band Songs:
We Are Boosters
Sing And Shout
"Alive, Alive"
Jesus Is The Rock Of My Salvation
Father Abraham
Song Leaders:
"Trixie Renfro, Donna Worley"
Page 12 Tell it to Jesus
Page 18 When The Saints Go Marching In
Time - Who - Title
"1151 - Trixie Renfro - Her Mother Pick ""Hanna"""
"1157 - Natalle Cornetios - Her Mother Pick ""Naomi"""
"1212 - Sandy Talkington - Her Mother Pick ""Ruth"""
Sermon By:
Jeanette Dendy
Sermon Title:
Who Can Fine A Virtuous Woman
Genesis 2:18-24
Proverbs 31:10-31
Ruth 1:6
Proverbs 3:5
Ruth 1:20