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Think You've Got it Rough?
So many times we have a tendency to think we've got it rough. If someone says something about us, we are being persecuted. Now you take our president, who by the way is a gift from God, he is accused of every thing evil you can think of. If they do wrong, they accuse him of it. We really need to pray for him. No, he's not perfect, but, he is the best we've had in the last 30 years. He really cares. I didn't intend to say this, but It fits in with what I am speaking about. I was thinking about Joseph in Genesis 37, 38-48. First of all, he was hated by his brethren. They even thought to kill him, but Reuben tried to spare him. saying there is a pit without water, throw him in it. They did.Reuben intended to save him later. they were then going to kill him. Judah said it would be better to sell him. The midianites beat them to it. He is about 17. He was sold as a slave in potiphar. Even as a slave, God blessed him. He had a destiny to save Israel, his father & linage from famine. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him & because he was pure in heart retaliated & accused him of doing what she had tried to do. So Joseph ended up in prison. I'm safe in saying that it was at least 11 years. He was blessed in the prison, in a place of authority. So far he was hated, thrown in a pit to die, sold into slavery, falsely accused, thrown into prison for something he didn't do, he lost every- thing.Stripped of honor, yet it was all on the road to his destiny. then God opened the door & he was put in charge of all Egypt next to Pharaoh. God was in charge. I've only hit the highlights. Looking at Joseph's life, He was a foreshadow of Jesus. No sin was found in either. Things aren't really that bad. Be strong, Jesus will never forsake you!
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Wednesday, October 2, 2019 - 12:30am