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Stand Up For Jesus, Ye Soldiers of the Cross !
The old hymn says. "stand up, stand up ye soldiers of the cross. lift high her royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From vict'ry on to vict'ry, His army shall He lead; 'Til ev'ry foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed." We, as Christians, should unite as the army of the Lord, putting away petty differences and standing firm on the basic foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The church has been divided by the enemy which we all must stand against. We have our part to do.Yes we must believe in Christ Jesus and the work he did at Calvary's Cross. that is not a license to be at ease in Zion, but be led by the Holy Spirit to witness, (one of the best witnesses is to show God's love, compassion). This is the only witness some folks will receive. A wounded man is hard to win. There are so many that have been hurt by unconcerned christians. Galatians 5:1 Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. v.7 Ye did run well; who did hinder you from obeying the truth. Selfish pride blinds the people of God from seeing the needs of others. How many people leave in worse shape than when they came. Since John died there has been many times I needed someone to be there, just to talk to. We need to be sensitive to others needs. It can be the difference of life or death. There has been so much condemnation in the house of God, when people need compassion; not condoning sin, but considering that you could be in the same situation. We must unite and do our part. If people know you love them, they are more likely to receive correction. United we stand, divided we fall. Have patience, God was patient with you.
Expire Date:
Friday, November 1, 2019 - 2:30pm