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012824 Sunday Night Service Live
This service was filmed on January 28, 2024, during the Sunday Night Service. This service contains the Sermon by Bennie Dendy and more.
012824 Sunday Night Notes
Song Leaders:
"Trixie Renfro, Donna Worley, Cassandra Leberta"
Page 146 Overshadowed by Love
Page 83 Joy Unspeakable
Page 50 Thank you Lord
Page 42 They That Wait Upon The Lord
Something Wonderfull
"You Are My God, I Will Ever Praise You"
Time - Who - Title
1828 - Ben Hampton - Song
1834 - Cassandra Leberta - God'S Wonderful People
1841 - Mark and Gina Adams - He Means The World To Me
1845 - Donna Worley - Testify
1848 - Esmeralda Cassio - Testify
1901 - Kenneth Franklin - Testify
1905 - Samuel Renfro - Testify
1910 - Trixie Renfro - He'Ll Do It Again
1918 - Kenneth Franklin - There Rose A Lamb
Sermon By:
Bennie Dendy
Acts 9:1-43