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Song Words for CV
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qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2040qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Just Wanna Be A SheepqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just I don't wanna be a Sadducee, I don't wanna be a Sadducee cause their so sad you see, I don't wanna be a Sadducee. I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa. I don't wanna be a Pharisee, I don't wanna be a Pharisee, cause their not fair you see. I don't wanna be a Pharisee. I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa. I don't wanna be a hypocrite, I don't wanna be a hypocrite, cause they're not hip not it. I don't wanna be a hypocrite. I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa, I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Just Wanna Be A Sheep Booster Book 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1511qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAll Hail the Power of Jesus' NameqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp All hail the pow'r of Jesus name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all! Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all; Hail Him who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all; Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all; To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all! O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Blue book - Melodies of Praise 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8668qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe wish you a Merry ChristmasqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year! Good tidings we bring To you and your kin, Good tidings for Christmas And a Happy New Year! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWe wish you a Merry Christmas Christmas 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChristmasqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2986qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm on The BattlefieldqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I was alone and idle.
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord
I lost my flag in battle.
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord
I'm fighting for my Savior.
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord qqqqTagppppI'm on The Battlefield Generic Song Book 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1690qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPrepare me to be a sanctuaryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary. Pure and Holy, tried and true. With Thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPrepare me to be a sanctuary Chorus 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1024qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppKneel At The CrossqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Kneel at the cross, Christ will meet you there, Come while He waits for you; List to His voice, Leave with Him your care And begin life a new. Kneel at the cross, Leave every care; Kneel at the cro-ss, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the cross, There is room for all, Who would His glory share; Bliss there awaits, Harm can never be fall Those who are anchored there. Kneel at the cross, Leave every care; Kneel at the cro-ss, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the cross, Jesus bids you come, Drink from the fount of love; Bliss there awaits In that heavenly home For all the saved above. Kneel at the cross, Leave every care; Kneel at the cro-ss, Jesus will meet you there. Kneel at the cross, Give your idols up, Look unto realms above; Turn not away To life's sparkling cup; Trust only in His love. Kneel at the cross, Leave every care; Kneel at the cro-ss, Jesus will meet you there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppKneel At The Cross White book - Songs We Sing 1qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp1qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1161qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJob's God Is TrueqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I can feel the hand of Satan, as the tempter presses me sore; He has been before the Father asking leave to tempt me more. Tho God slay me, Yet I'll trust Him, I will then come forth as gold; And I know that He still liveth, For I feel Him in my soul. I can hear the Father grant it, Saying do not touch his life; Tho you crush him he'll not falter, He will rise above the strife Tho God slay me, Yet I'll trust Him, I will then come forth as gold; And I know that He still liveth, For I feel Him in my soul. Though I struggle, I'll not stagger, By His grace I'll make it through, For His grace is all sufficient, And I know that God is true. Tho God slay me, Yet I'll trust Him, I will then come forth as gold; And I know that He still liveth, For I feel Him in my soul. When I have looked all around me, And His face I cannot see, Then I know that thru the lattice, He beholdeth even me. Tho God slay me, Yet I'll trust Him, I will then come forth as gold; And I know that He still liveth, For I feel Him in my soul. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJob's God Is True White book - Songs We Sing 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2052qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI've got the joy qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've got the joy,joy,joy,joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. I've got the joy,joy,joy,joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay. and I'm so happy, so very happy, I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. And I'm so happy so very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. And if the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack, OUCH! Sit on a tack, OUCH! Sit on a tack and if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack OUCH! Sit on a tack to stay. and I'm so happy, so very happy, I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. And I'm so happy so very happy I've got the love of Jesus in my heart. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI've got the joy Booster Book 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1512qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPraise Him! Praise Him!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim! Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory; Strength and honor give to His holy name! Like a shephard, Jesus will guard His children, In His arms He carries them all day long:
Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! praise Him! ever in joyful song!
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died; He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, Hail Him! hail Him! Jesus the crucified. Sound His Praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows. Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong:
Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! praise Him! ever in joyful song!
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer! Heav'nly portals loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever; Crown Him!crown Him! Prophet, and priest, and King! Christ is coming! over the world victorious, Pow'r unto the Lord belong:
Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! praise Him! ever in joyful song! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPraise Him! Praise Him! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2918qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm In A New WorldqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The Lord has been so good to me.
I'm in a new world.
While traveling down this sinful road,
I'm in a new world.
I can't explain the way i feel.
I'm in a new world. qqqqTagppppI'm In A New World Generic Song Book 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8672qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSilent Night, Holy nightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Silent night, holy night Silent night, holy night Silent night, holy night qqqqTagppppSilent Night, Holy night Christmas 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChristmasqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1694qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI love you LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what you hear, let it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI love you Lord Chorus 2qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp2qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2254qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhat A Day That Will BeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is com-ing a day
What a day that will be
There will be no sor-row there,
What a day that will be qqqqTagppppWhat A Day That Will Be Generic Song Book 3qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp3qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1162qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOh! Why Not Tonight!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh, do not let the word depart, And close thine eyes against the light; Poor sinner, harden not your heart, Be saved, oh, tonight. Oh, why not tonight? Oh, why not tonight? Wilt thou be saved? Then why not tonight? Tomorrow's sun may never rise, To bless thy long deluded sight, This is the time , oh, then be wise, Be saved, oh, tonight. Oh, why not tonight? Oh, why not tonight? Wilt thou be saved? Then why not tonight? Our Lord in pity lingers still, And wilt thou thus His love requite; Renounce at once thy stubborn will, Be save, oh, tonight. Oh, why not tonight? Oh, why not tonight? Wilt thou be saved? Then why not tonight? Our blessed Lord refuses none, Who would to Him their souls unite, Believe, obey, the work is done, Be saved, oh, tonight. Oh, why not tonight? Oh, why not tonight? Wilt thou be saved? Then why not tonight? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOh! Why Not Tonight! White book - Songs We Sing 3qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp3qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2053qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Flag Flown HighqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a flag flown high from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart. Let it fly in the sky, let the whole world know, let the whole world know, let the whole world know. Let it fly in the sky let the whole world know, that the King is in residence there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Flag Flown High Booster Book 3qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp3qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1513qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Love to Tell the StoryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I love to tell the story; Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love, I love to tell the story, Because I know tis true, It satisfies my longings, As nothing else can do. I love to tell the story! Twill be my theme in glory To tell the old, old story Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story; More wonderful it seems Than all the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story, It did so much for me; And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee I love to tell the story! Twill be my theme in glory To tell the old, old story Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story; Tis pleasant to repeat What seems each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story; For some have never heard The message of salvation From God's own holy word. I love to tell the story! Twill be my theme in glory To tell the old, old story Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story; For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, Twill be the old, old story, That I have loved so long. I love to tell the story! Twill be my theme in glory To tell the old, old story Of Jesus and His love. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Love to Tell the Story Blue book - Melodies of Praise 3qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp3qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1695qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe are standing on Holy groundqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We are standing on Holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in His presence on Holy ground. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWe are standing on Holy ground Chorus 3qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp3qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1025qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppO Say, But I'm GladqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a song in my heart today,Something I never had; Jesus has taken my sins away,O say,but I'm glad! O say, but I'm glad, I'm glad, O say, but I'm glad! Jesus has come and my cups over run, O say, but I'm glad! Wonderful, marvelous love He brings, Into a heart that's sad; Thru darkest tunnels the soul just sings, O say, but I'm glad! O say, but I'm glad, I'm glad, O say, but I'm glad! Jesus has come and my cups over run, O say, but I'm glad! We have a fellowship rich and sweet, Tongue can ne'er re-late; Living in Him is a blessed treat, O say, but I'm glad! O say, but I'm glad, I'm glad, O say, but I'm glad! Jesus has come and my cups over run, O say, but I'm glad! Won't you come to Him with all your care, Weary and worn and sad; You, too, will sing as His love you share, O say, but I'm glad! O say, but I'm glad, I'm glad, O say, but I'm glad! Jesus has come and my cups over run, O say, but I'm glad! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppO Say, But I'm Glad White book - Songs We Sing 4qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp4qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3655qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Saw The LightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin.
I saw the light.
Just like a blind man, I wandered alone.
I saw the light.
I was a fool to wander astray.
I saw the light. qqqqTagppppI Saw The Light Generic Song Book 4qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp4qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4672qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Don't Know What You Came to DoqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I don't know what you came to do, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah I don't know what you came to do, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah I don't know what you came to do, qqqqTagppppI Don't Know What You Came to Do Chorus 4qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp4qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2054qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLord's armyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I may never march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, shoot the artillery. I may never fly over the enemy, but I'm in the Lord's army...yes sir. I'm in the Lord's army..yes sir, I'm in the Lord's army..yes sir. I may never march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, shoot the artillery. I may never fly over the enemy, but I'm in the Lord's army.. yes sir. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLord's army Booster Book 4qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp4qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1514qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe're Marching to ZionqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known, Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But children of the heavenly King, But children of the heavenly King, May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. Then let our songs abound And every tear be dry; We're marching thro Immanuel;s ground, We're marching thro Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high. We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWe're Marching to Zion Blue book - Melodies of Praise 4qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp4qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3656qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Want To Know More About My LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp While travelin' thru this world of sorrow,
I want to know more.....
I'm glad i know the blessed Savior.
I want to know more.....
He promised when his soul ascended,
I want to know more..... qqqqTagppppI Want To Know More About My Lord Generic Song Book 5qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp5qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1163qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppNo Tears In HeavenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp No tears in heaven, no sorrows given, All will be glory in that land; There'll be no sadness, all will be gladness, When we shall join that happy band. No tears, no tears, no tears up there, Sorrow and pain will all have flown; No tears, no tears, no tears up there, No tears in heaven will be known. Glory is waiting, waiting up yonder, Where we shall spend an endless day; There with our Savior we'll be forever, Where no more sorrow can dismay. No tears, no tears, no tears up there, Sorrow and pain will all have flown; No tears, no tears, no tears up there, No tears in heaven will be known. Some morning yonder, we'll cease to ponder O'er things this life has bro't to view; All will be clearer, loved ones be dearer, In heav'n where all will be made new. No tears, no tears, no tears up there, Sorrow and pain will all have flown; No tears, no tears, no tears up there, No tears in heaven will be known. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppNo Tears In Heaven White book - Songs We Sing 5qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp5qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4673qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAlive, AliveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Alive, alive, alive forevermore, Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, qqqqTagppppAlive, Alive Chorus 5qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp5qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2094qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe devil is a sly old foxqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh, the devil is a sly old fox, if I could catch him I would put him in a box, lock that box and throw away the key for all the mean tricks he's played on me. I'm glad I am a christian. I'm glad I am a christian. I'm glad I am a christian. Glory to His name. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe devil is a sly old fox Booster Book 5qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp5qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1515qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Will Sing The Wondrous StoryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will sing the wondrous story, Yes, I'll sing ...the wondrous story, I was lost but Jesus found me, Yes, I'll sing ...the wondrous story, I was bruised but Jesus healed me, Yes, I'll sing ...the wondrous story, Soon He'll come, the Lord of Glory, Yes, I'll sing ...the wondrous story, He will keep me till the river Yes, I'll sing ...the wondrous story, qqqqTagppppI Will Sing The Wondrous Story Blue book - Melodies of Praise 5qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp5qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1026qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBlessed AssuranceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit,washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission,perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy,whispers of love. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest; Watching and waiting, looking above Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBlessed Assurance White book - Songs We Sing 6qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp6qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3657qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThank You Lord For Your Blessings On MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp As the world looks upon me
There's a roof up above me.
I know I'm not wealthy.
There's a roof up above me. qqqqTagppppThank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me Generic Song Book 6qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp6qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4725qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppYou Are My All In AllqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all I'm seeking you like a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame Rising again I bless your name You are my all in all When I fall down You pick me up When I run dry You fill my cup You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name
You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all I'm seeking you like a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name
When I fall down You pick me up When I run dry You fill my cup You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name
Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is your name qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppYou Are My All In All Chorus 6qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp6qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2134qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJ-E-S-U-S IS HIS NAME-OqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S and Jesus is His name-o There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, __-E-S-U-S. __-E-S-U-S, __-E-S-U-S and Jesus is His name-o. There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, __-__-S-U-S. __-__-S-U-S, __-__-S-U-S and Jesus is His name-o. There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, __-__-__-U-S. __-__-__-U-S, __-__-__-U-S and Jesus is His name-o. There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, __-__-__-__-S. __-__-__-__-S, __-__-__-__-S and Jesus is His name-o. There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name-o, __-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ , __-__-__-__-__ and Jesus is His name-o. J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S and Jesus is His name-o. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJ-E-S-U-S IS HIS NAME-O Booster Book 6qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp6qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1516qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Hideth My SoulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me, He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away, He holdeth me up, and I shall not be moved, He He giveth me strength as my day, He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. With numberless blessings each moment He crowns, And filled with His fullness divine, I sing in my rapture, oh; glory to God For such a Redeemer as mine! He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise To meet Him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, His wonderful love, I'll shout with the millions on high. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Hideth My Soul Blue book - Melodies of Praise 6qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp6qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1027qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFrom The Cross To The CrownqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Look away from the cross to the glittering crown, from your cares weary one look away; There'sa home for the soul, where no sorrow can come And where pleasures will never decay. Look away, look away, From the cross to the glittering crown, Look away,look away, From the cross to the glittering crown. Tho' the burdens of life may be heavy to bear, And your crosses and trials severe;There's a beautiful hand that is beckoning come And no heartaches and sighings are there. Look away, look away, From the cross to the glittering crown, Look away,look away, From the cross to the glittering crown. Mid the conflicts, the battles, the struggles and strife,Bravely onward your journey pursue; Look away from the cross to the glittering crown That's awauting in heaven for you. Look away, look away, From the cross to the glittering crown, Look away,look away, From the cross to the glittering crown. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppFrom The Cross To The Crown White book - Songs We Sing 7qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp7qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3658qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus, Use MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Dear Lord, I'll be a witness
Jesus, use me
I'll stand for Thee dear Jesus
Jesus, use me
He's the Lily of the valley,
Jesus, use me qqqqTagppppJesus, Use Me Generic Song Book 7qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp7qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2135qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSing and ShoutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm gonna sing, sing, sing, I'm gonna shout, shout, shout. I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout and praise the Lord. When those gates are open wide, I'm gonna stand by Jesus side. I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout and praise the Lord! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSing and Shout Booster Book 7qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp7qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1517qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLet the Holy Ghost Come InqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Would you be redeemed from every inbred sin, Have the Holy Spirit constantly within? Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Let the Holy Ghost come in, Let the Hold Ghost come in. Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Would you have the Spirit in your heart to cheer? Would you be relieved from every doubt and fear? Make the consecration, trust in God and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Let the Holy Ghost come in, Let the Hold Ghost come in. Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Do you want the fire of God to fill your soul. Burn up all the dross, and sanctify the whole? Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Let the Holy Ghost come in, Let the Hold Ghost come in. Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Do you want the pow'r to make you true and brave, So that you can rescue those that Christ would save? Make the consecration, trust in God and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. Let the Holy Ghost come in, Let the Hold Ghost come in. Make the consecration, trust in God, and then, Let the Holy Ghost come in. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLet the Holy Ghost Come In Blue book - Melodies of Praise 7qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp7qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4814qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI AM BlessedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am blessed We are blessed qqqqTagppppI AM Blessed Chorus 7qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp7qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1164qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHallelujah! We Shall RiseqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In the resurrection morning, When the trump of God shall sound, We shall rise, we shall rise! Then the saints will come rejoicing, And no tears will e'er be found, We shall rise, We shall rise. Hallelujah! Amen! We shall rise! In the resurrection morning, When death's prison bars are broken, We shall rise, we shall rise! In the resurrection morning, What a meeting it will be, We shall rise, we shall rise! When our fathers and our mothers, And our loved ones we shall see, We shall rise, we shall rise. Hallelujah! Amen! We shall rise! In the resurrection morning, When death's prison bars are broken, We shall rise, we shall rise! In the resurrection morning, Blessed tho't it is to me, We shall rise, we shall rise! I shall see my blessed Savior, Who so freely died for me, We shall rise, we shall rise. Hallelujah! Amen! We shall rise! In the resurrection morning, When death's prison bars are broken, We shall rise, we shall rise! In the resurrection morning, We shall meet Him in the air, We shall rise, we shall rise! And be carried up to glory, To our home so bright and fair, We shall rise, we shall rise. Hallelujah! Amen! We shall rise! In the resurrection morning, When death's prison bars are broken, We shall rise, we shall rise! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHallelujah! We Shall Rise White book - Songs We Sing 8qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp8qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3659qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Beautiful LifeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Each day I'll do.....
.....Life's evening sun
To be a child.....
.....Life's evening sun
The only life.....
.....Life's evening sun
While going down.....
.....Life's evening sun qqqqTagppppA Beautiful Life Generic Song Book 8qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp8qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2136qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe's got the whole world in His handsqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He's got the mama and the daddy's in His hands, He's got the mama and the daddy's in His hands,He's got the mama and the daddy's in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole wide world, in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the sisters and the brothers in His hands, He's got the sisters and the brothers in His hands,He's got the sisters and the brothers in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole wide world, in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the little bitty babies in His hands, He's got the little bitty babies in His hands,He's got the little bitty babies in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole wide world, in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got you and me brother in His hands, He's got you and me sister in His hands,He's got you and me brother in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole wide world, in His hands. He's got the whole world, in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe's got the whole world in His hands Booster Book 8qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp8qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1518qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Shall Be Showers of BlessingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp "There shall be showers of blessing;" This is the promise of love' There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above, Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need" Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. "There shall be showers of blessing" Precious reviving again' Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need" Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. "There shall be showers of blessing" Send them upon us, O Lord; Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honor Thy Word. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need" Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. "There shall be showers of blessing" oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need" Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere Shall Be Showers of Blessing Blue book - Melodies of Praise 8qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp8qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4815qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGod's Got an ArmyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp God's got an army, qqqqTagppppGod's Got an Army Chorus 8qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp8qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4816qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe's All I NeedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He's all I need He answer's prayer qqqqTagppppHe's All I Need Chorus 9qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp9qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1165qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHeavenly SunlightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Walking in sunlight, all of my journey; Over the mountains thru the deep vale; Jesus has said I'll never forsake thee, Promise divine that never can fail. Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight; Flooding my sould with glory divine: Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, Singing His praises, Jesus is mine. Shadows around me, shadows above me, Never conceal my Savior and Guide; He is the light in Him is no darkness, Ever I'm walking close to His side. Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight; Flooding my sould with glory divine: Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, Singing His praises, Jesus is mine. In the bright sunlight, ever rejoicing, Pressing my way to mansions above; Singing His praises gladly I'm walking, Walking in sunlight, sunlight of love. Heavenly sunlight, heavenly sunlight; Flooding my sould with glory divine: Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, Singing His praises, Jesus is mine. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHeavenly Sunlight White book - Songs We Sing 9qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp9qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3660qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBecause He LivesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp God sent His Son.
Because He lives,
How sweet to hold
Because He lives,
And then one day
Because He lives, qqqqTagppppBecause He Lives Generic Song Book 9qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp9qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2137qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThis little light of mineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In my neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine. In my neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine. In my neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. In the devils face, I'm gonna let it shine. In the devils face, I'm gonna let it shine. In the devils face, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. All over he world, I'm gonna let it shine. All over he world, I'm gonna let it shine, All over he world, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThis little light of mine Booster Book 9qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp9qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1519qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSaved, Saved!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've found a friend who is all to me...His love is ever true....I love to tell how He lifted me...And what His grace can do for you.... His pow'r divine, new life sub-lime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm Saved, saved,saved! He saves me from every sin and harm...Secures my soul each day; .....I'm leaning strong on His mighty arm...I know He'll guide me all the way..... His pow'r divine, new life sub-lime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm Saved, saved,saved! When poor and needy and all along...In love He said to me...."Come unto me and I'll lead you home, To love with me eternally..... His pow'r divine, new life sub-lime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm Saved, saved,saved! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSaved, Saved! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 9qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp9qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1520qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere is Power in the BloodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Would you be free from the burden of sin? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Would you o're evil a victory win? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood There's wonderful pow'r in the blood There is pow'r , pow'r, Wonder working pow'r In the blood of the Lamb; There is pow'r, pow'r Wonder working pow'r in the precious blood of the Lamb Would you be free from your passion and pride? There;s pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide; There's wonderful pow'r in the blood There is pow'r , pow'r, Wonder working pow'r In the blood of the Lamb; There is pow'r, pow'r Wonder working pow'r in the precious blood of the Lamb Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; sin-stains are lost in it's life giving flow; There's wonderful pow'r in the blood There is pow'r , pow'r, Wonder working pow'r In the blood of the Lamb; There is pow'r, pow'r Wonder working pow'r in the precious blood of the Lamb Would you do service for Jesus your King? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Would you live daily His praises to sing? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood There is pow'r , pow'r, Wonder working pow'r In the blood of the Lamb; There is pow'r, pow'r Wonder working pow'r in the precious blood of the Lamb qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere is Power in the Blood Blue book - Melodies of Praise 10qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp10qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3512qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitlepppp1 - 2 - 3 Jesus Loves MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1 - 2 - 3 1 - 2 - 3 qqqqTagpppp1 - 2 - 3 Jesus Loves Me Booster Book 10qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp10qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4817qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSend Down the RainqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Send down the rain Lord There's power in the rain Lord There is fire in the rain Lord qqqqTagppppSend Down the Rain Chorus 10qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp10qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1028qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHow Beautiful Heaven Must BeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We read of a beautiful heaven, Prepared for the pure and the free; These truths in Gods word He has given. How beautiful heaven must be. How beautiful heaven must be, Sweet home of the happy and free;Fair haven of rest for the weary, how beautiful heaven must be. In heaven, no drooping nor pining, nor pining, No wishing for else where to be; God;s light is forever there shining, How beautiful heaven must be. How beautiful heaven must be, Sweet home of the happy and free;Fair haven of rest for the weary, how beautiful heaven must be. I'm longing to go to fair heaven, To be with the happy and free; To spend the long ages in singing, How beautiful heaven must be. How beautiful heaven must be, Sweet home of the happy and free;Fair haven of rest for the weary, how beautiful heaven must be. The angels so sweetly are singing,Up there by the beautiful sea; Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing, How beautiful heaven must be. How beautiful heaven must be, Sweet home of the happy and free;Fair haven of rest for the weary, how beautiful heaven must be. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHow Beautiful Heaven Must Be White book - Songs We Sing 10qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp10qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3661qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Touched MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Shackled by a heavy burden
He touched me.
Since I met this Blessed Savior:
He touched me. qqqqTagppppHe Touched Me Generic Song Book 10qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp10qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1530qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHasten Thy Glorious Coming, LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Christ's coming now is nearing, Blest day of His appearing, This tho't my heart great joy affords; Millions around are sighing, For this release are crying, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord." Jesus is coming soon, coming I know, Coming His glorious bride to claim; With raptrous hearts we're waiting, To Join that grand translating, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord. Sorrow and sin prevaileth, In pain the earth travaileth, Darkness abounds in ev'ry land; But in earth's darkest hour He'll come in mighty power, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord." Jesus is coming soon, coming I know, Coming His glorious bride to claim; With raptrous hearts we're waiting, To Join that grand translating, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord. He warns us to be watching, Praying and always ready, We do not know the day nor hour; Are you your heart preparing, Ascension robes now wearing, Washed in the blook of Calv'ry's Lamb? Jesus is coming soon, coming I know, Coming His glorious bride to claim; With raptrous hearts we're waiting, To Join that grand translating, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord. So when the trumbet soundeth, And He from heav'n desendeth, To claim the church, His spotless bride: With boundless joy we'll greet Him, As we arise to meet Him, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord." Jesus is coming soon, coming I know, Coming His glorious bride to claim; With raptrous hearts we're waiting, To Join that grand translating, "Hasten Thy glorious coming Lord. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHasten Thy Glorious Coming, Lord Blue book - Melodies of Praise 11qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp11qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4818qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThy Loving KindnessqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Thy loving kindness is better than life, I lift my hands Lord unto thy name qqqqTagppppThy Loving Kindness Chorus 11qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp11qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1029qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Blood that Stained the Old Rugged CrossqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp On the cross of Calvary our blessed Savior died, Gave His life to save the world from loss; In His pain and agony for every sin to hide, Shed the blood that stained the old rugged cross. Twas His blood, His precious blood that stained the old rugged cross, Twas His love that paid the awful cost; O soul so far astray, come and plunge today In the blood that stained the old rugged cross. To the cross, the rugged cross they nailed His precious hands And in death He fully paid the cost, There is pardon in His love for every one that stands For the blood that stained the old rugged cross. Twas His blood, His precious blood that stained the old rugged cross, Twas His love that paid the awful cost; O soul so far astray, come and plunge today In the blood that stained the old rugged cross. What an awful death He died to pardon you and me, All alone in agony He tossed, And a world once lost in sin can now be wholly free By the blood that stained the old rugged cross. Twas His blood, His precious blood that stained the old rugged cross, Twas His love that paid the awful cost; O soul so far astray, come and plunge today In the blood that stained the old rugged cross. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Blood that Stained the Old Rugged Cross White book - Songs We Sing 11qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp11qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3666qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWherever He Leads, I'll GoqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp "Take up Thy cross and follow Me"
Wherever He leads, I'll go (I'll go).
He drew me closer to His side.
Wherever He leads, I'll go (I'll go).
It may be through the shadows dim,
Wherever He leads, I'll go (I'll go).
My heart, my life, my all I bring
Wherever He leads, I'll go (I'll go). qqqqTagppppWherever He Leads, I'll Go Generic Song Book 11qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp11qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2138qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus is the rock of my salvation.qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm His child and He's my father, His banner over me is love.I'm His child and He's my father, His banner over me is love.I'm His child and He's my father, His banner over me is love. His banner over me, is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. His banner, over me is love. I bless Him and He blesses me. His banner over me is love.I bless Him and He blesses me. His banner over me is love.I bless Him and He blesses me. His banner over me is love, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. Jesus is the rock of my salvation, His banner over me is love. His banner, over me is love. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus is the rock of my salvation. Booster Book 11qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp11qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1531qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Glad I'm One of ThemqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There are people almost everywhere, Whose hearts are all a flame With the fire that fell at Pentecost, Which cleansed and made them clean; It is burning now within my heart, All glory to His name! And I'm glad that I can say I'm one of them. One of them, one of them, I am glad that I can say I'm one of them; say I'm one of them. Tho These people may not learned be, Nor boast of Worldly fame, They have all received their Pentecost Thro' faith in Jesus' name; And are telling now, both far and wide, His power is yet the same, And I'm glad that I can say I'm one of them. One of them, one of them, I am glad that I can say I'm one of them; say I'm one of them. They were gathered in the upper room, All praying in His name, They were baptized with the Holy Ghost, And power for service came; Now what He did for them that day He'll do for you the same, And I'm glad that I can say I'm one of them. One of them, one of them, I am glad that I can say I'm one of them; say I'm one of them. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Glad I'm One of Them Blue book - Melodies of Praise 12qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp12qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1030qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTell it to JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Are you weary, are you heavy hearted? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known: You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden? Tell it to Jesus,tell it to Jesus, Have you sins that to man's eyes are hidden? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known: You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. Do you fear the gathering clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, are you anxious what shall be tomorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known: You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. Are you troubled at the thought of dying?Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, For Christ's coming, daily are you sighing? Tell it to Jesus alone Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known: You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTell it to Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 12qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp12qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3667qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCalling YouqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When you're straight from the poor and there's trouble in your soul,
Calling you.....
As you journey day by day and temptation comes your way,
Calling you.....
When your soul is burdened down and your friends can not be found,
Calling you..... qqqqTagppppCalling You Generic Song Book 12qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp12qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2139qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus loves meqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Jesus loves me, this I know. For the bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong. YES, JESUS LOVES ME, YES JESUS LOVES ME, YES, JESUS LOVES ME, THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO. 2. Jesus loves me when I'm good, when I do the things I should. Jesus loves me when I'm bad, though it makes Him very sad. YES, JESUS LOVES ME, YES JESUS LOVES ME, YES, JESUS LOVES ME, THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus loves me Booster Book 12qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp12qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3693qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Paid A DebtqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He paid a debt He did not owe.
He paid that debt at Calvary.
One day He's coming back for me qqqqTagppppHe Paid A Debt Generic Song Book 13qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp13qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1040qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWatching YouqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp All a-long on the road to the soul's true abode, There's an Eye watching you; There's an Eye watching you, watching you, watching you, Every day mind the course you pursue; Watching you, watching you, There's an all seeing Eye watching you. As you make life's great light,keep the path-way of right, There's and Eye watching you; There's an Eye watching you, watching you, watching you, Every day mind the course you pursue; Watching you, watching you, There's an all seeing Eye watching you. Fix your mind on the goal, that sweet home of the soul, There's and Eye watching you; There's an Eye watching you, watching you, watching you, Every day mind the course you pursue; Watching you, watching you, There's an all seeing Eye watching you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWatching You White book - Songs We Sing 13qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp13qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4820qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWorship HimqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We have come into this house Let's forget about ourselves Let us lift up holy hands qqqqTagppppWorship Him Chorus 13qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp13qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1533qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Crown of ThornsqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There was no crown for Him of silver or or gold. There was no diadem for Him to hold. But blood a dorned His brow and proud its stain He bore, And sinners gave to Him the crown He wore. A rugged cross, became His throne. His kingdom was in hearts alone. He wrote His love in crimson red, And wore the thorns upon His head. He did not reign up on a throne of ivory, But died upon the cross of calvary. For sinners there He counted all He owned but loss, And He surveyed His kingdom from a cross. A rugged cross, became His throne. His kingdom was in hearts alone. He wrote His love in crimson red, And wore the thorns upon His head. No purple robe He wore His bleeding wounds to hide, But stripes upon His back He wore with pride. And from the wounds there flowed a crimson, cleansing stream, That was a cover for the soul unclean. A rugged cross, became His throne. His kingdom was in hearts alone. He wrote His love in crimson red, And wore the thorns upon His head. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA Crown of Thorns Blue book - Melodies of Praise 13qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp13qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2039qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBuilding up the TempleqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We're building up the temple, we're building up the temple, we're building up the temple of the Lord. We're building up the temple, we're building up the temple, we're building up the temple of the Lord. qqqqTagppppBuilding up the Temple Booster Book 13qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp13qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3728qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHeaven's JubileeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Some glad morning we shall see Jesus in the air.
Oh what singing.
Seems like now i almost see all the sainted dead.
Oh what singing.
When with all the heavenly host, we begin to sing.
Oh what singing. qqqqTagppppHeaven's Jubilee Generic Song Book 14qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp14qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7403qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe Are BoostersqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Boosters, Boosters We Are Boosters qqqqTagppppWe Are Boosters Booster Book 14qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp14qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5233qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLiving Where the Healing Waters FlowqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've cast my heavy burdens down on Canaan's happy shore, Living on the shore, I'm living on the shore, I'm living where the healing waters flow; With Israel's trursting children I'm rejoicing on my way, Living on the shore, I'm living on the shore, I'm living where the healing waters flow; My hungring soul is satisfied with manna from above, Living on the shore, I'm living on the shore, I'm living where the healing waters flow; I'm singing Hallelujah safely anchored is my soul, Living on the shore, I'm living on the shore, I'm living where the healing waters flow; qqqqTagppppLiving Where the Healing Waters Flow Blue book - Melodies of Praise 14qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp14qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1041qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere is Power In The BloodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Would you be free from your bur-den of sin? There's power in the blood, There's wonderful power in the blood, There is power, power wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power , wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be free from your pas-sion and pride? There's power in the blood, There's wonderful power in the blood, There is power, power wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power , wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be whit-er, much whit-er than snow? There's power in the blood, There's wonderful power in the blood, There is power, power wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power , wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you do ser-vice for Jesus your King? There's power in the blood, There's wonderful power in the blood, There is power, power wonder working power In the blood of the Lamb; There is power, power , wonder working power In the precious blood of the Lamb. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere is Power In The Blood White book - Songs We Sing 14qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp14qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4821qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Paid a DebtqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He paid a debt He did not owe qqqqTagppppHe Paid a Debt Chorus 14qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp14qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3729qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGoneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Mary came unto the tomb of Jesus.
Gone, the stone is rolled back.
My friend if you don't know the risen Savior,
Gone, the stone is rolled back. qqqqTagppppGone Generic Song Book 15qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp15qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7404qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFather AbrahamqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm Father Abraham had many sons Right Arm qqqqTagppppFather Abraham Booster Book 15qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp15qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5324qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHidden PeaceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I can-not tell thee whence it came, This peace with-in my breast; But this I know, there fills my soul A strnge and tranquil rest. There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul, There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul); Tho' the billow of sin near me roll, He abides, Christ abides Beneath the toil and care of life, This hidden stream flows on; My weary soul no longer thirsts, Nor am I sad and lone. There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul, There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul); Tho' the billow of sin near me roll, He abides, Christ abides I cannot tell the half of love, Un feigned, supreme, divine, That caused my darkest in most self With beams of hope to shine. There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul, There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul); Tho' the billow of sin near me roll, He abides, Christ abides I cannot tell thee why He chose To suffer and to die, But if I suffer here with Him I'll reign with Hime on high. There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul, There's a deep, settled peace in my soul (in my soul); Tho' the billow of sin near me roll, He abides, Christ abides qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHidden Peace Blue book - Melodies of Praise 15qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp15qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1166qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Live OnqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 'Tis a sweet and glorious tho't that comes to me, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on; Jesus saved my soul from death and now I'm free, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on. I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on. When my body slumb'ring in the cold, cold clay, I'll live on, yes I'll live on, There to sleep in Jesus till the judgement day, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on. I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on. When the world's on fire and darkness veils the sun, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on; Men will cry and to the rocks and mountains run, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on. I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on. In the gloryland, with God upon the throne, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on; Thru eternal ages singing, home, sweet home, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on. I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on, I'll live on, yes, I'll live on, Thru eternity I'll live on. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'll Live On White book - Songs We Sing 15qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp15qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8376qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPeter, James, and John in a SailboatqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Peter, James and John in a sailboat Out on the deep blue sea
Fished all night and they caught no fishes Out on the deep blue sea
Christ came walking down by the water Out on the deep blue sea Out on the deep blue sea Out on the deep blue sea
Now their nets are full and breaking Out on the deep blue sea Out on the deep blue sea
Out on the deep blue sea Called their friends to come and help them Out on the deep blue sea qqqqTagppppPeter, James, and John in a Sailboat Booster Book 16qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp16qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3730qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHad It Not BeenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Just suppose God searched all through Heaven
Had it not been for a place called Mt. Calvary.
I'm so glad He was willing to drink His bitter cup
Had it not been for a place called Mt. Calvary. qqqqTagppppHad It Not Been Generic Song Book 16qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp16qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5338qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCamping In Canaan's LandqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have left the land of bondage with its early Treasures, I journeyed to a place where there is Love on every hand; I've exchanged a land of heartaches for a land of pleasure, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy land. Everyday I'm camping, in the land of Canaan, and with Rapture I survey its wonders beauties Grand, Glory Hallelujah, found the land of promise, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy Land. Out of Egypt I have traveled, through the darkness, dreary, Far Over Hills and Valleys and across the desert sands; But I've landed safe at home where I shall not grow weary, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy land. Everyday I'm camping, in the land of Canaan, and with Rapture I survey its wonders beauties Grand, Glory Hallelujah, found the land of promise, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy Land. Yes, I've reached the land of promise with its scenes of Glory, my journey ended in a place so lovely and so Grand; I've been led by Jesus to this blessed land of story, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy land. Everyday I'm camping, in the land of Canaan, and with Rapture I survey its wonders beauties Grand, Glory Hallelujah, found the land of promise, I'm camping, I'm camping in canaan's Happy Land. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCamping In Canaan's Land Blue book - Melodies of Praise 16qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp16qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1167qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppNever AloneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've seen the lightning flashing, And heard the thunders roll; I've felt sin's breakers dashing, Trying to conquer my soul; I've heard the voice of my Savior, Telling me still to fight on; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone! The world's fierce winds are blowing, Temptations sharp and keen; I feel a peace in knowing, My savior stands between; He stands to shield me from danger, When earthly friends are gone; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone! When in affection's valley, I'm treading the road of care, My Savior helps me to carry, My cross when heavy to bear; My feet entangled with briars, Ready to cast me down, My Savior whispers His promise: I never will leave thee alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone! He died for me on the mountain, For me they pierced His side; For me He opened the fountain, The crimson, cleansing tide; For me He's waiting in glory, Seated upon His throne; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppNever Alone White book - Songs We Sing 16qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp16qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4974qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGIVE THANKSqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Give thanks, with a grateful heart, Give thanks, with a grateful heart, And now, let the weak say I am strong, And now, let the weak say I am strong, Give thanks Give thanks Give thanks qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGIVE THANKS Chorus 16qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp16qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8466qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFrom The Inside OutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp From the inside out, from the inside out. God's looking at me. God's looking at me. From the inside out, From the inside out, I hope you like what you see, I hope you like what you see. From the outside I may not look so good, but you might change your mind if you only could. See me from the inside out. From the inside out. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppFrom The Inside Out Booster Book 17qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp17qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1532qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Would Not Be DeniedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When pangs of death seized on my soul, Unto the Lord I cried, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. As Jacob in the days of old, I wrestled with the Lord; And instant, with a courage bold, I stood upon His word. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. Old Satan said my Lord was gone, And would not hear my prayer; But, praise the Lord! the work is done, And Christ the Lord is here. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Would Not Be Denied Blue book - Melodies of Praise 17qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp17qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3731qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSing, Sing, SingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In this world of sorrow, I see trouble and woe.
When I get to Glory, I'm gonna sing, sing, sing.
Sometimes I get so weary inside
When I get to Glory, I'm gonna sing, sing, sing.
Up there, no tears will blind my eyes
When I get to Glory, I'm gonna sing, sing, sing. qqqqTagppppSing, Sing, Sing Generic Song Book 17qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp17qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1032qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Savior Reached Down for MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once my soul was astray from the heavenly way, I was wretched and vile as could be; But my Savior in love gave me peace from above. When He reached down His hand for me; I was lost and undone, without God's Holy Son, When my Savior reached down for me. I was near to despair when He came to me there, And He showed me that I could be free; Then He lifted my feet, gave me gladness complete, When He reached down His hand for me; I was lost and undone, without God's Holy Son, When my Savior reached down for me. How my heart does rejoice when I hear His sweet voice, Thru the tempests, to Him I now flee; Now I lean on His arm, for He saved me from harm, When He reached down His hand for me; I was lost and undone, without God's Holy Son, When my Savior reached down for me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen the Savior Reached Down for Me White book - Songs We Sing 17qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp17qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4975qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Life is in You LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My life is in You, Lord My life is in You, Lord I will praise You with all of my life My life is in You, Lord
My life is in You, Lord I will praise You with all of my life It's in You qqqqTagppppMy Life is in You Lord Chorus 17qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp17qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8467qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe BibleqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The B-i-b-l-e yes that's the book for me, I stand up for the word of God. The B-i-b-l-e. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppThe Bible Booster Book 18qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp18qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3732qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSomeone To CareqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the world seems cold and your friends seem few,
Someone to care.
When you feel you're all alone and your friends are all gone,
Someone to care.
When disappointments come and you feel all hope is gone,
Someone to care. qqqqTagppppSomeone To Care Generic Song Book 18qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp18qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5339qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Solid RockqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name Oh Christ, the solid Rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. 2. When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging Grace ; in every high and stormy Gale, my anchor holds within the Veil. Oh Christ, the solid Rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. 3. His oath, His Covenant, His blood, support me in the Wilmington flood ; when all around my soul gives way, he then is All My Hope and stay. Oh Christ, the solid Rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. 4. When he shall come with trumpet sound, oh, my I then in him be found ; just in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand Before the Throne. Oh Christ, the solid Rock, I stand ; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Solid Rock Blue book - Melodies of Praise 18qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp18qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1033qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen The Saints Go Marching InqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm just a weary pilgrim ,Plodding thru this world of sin;Getting ready for that city, When the Saints go marching in. When the saints go marching in, When the saints go marching in; Lord I want to be in that number, When the saints go marching in. My father loved the Savior, What a soldier he had been; But his steps will be more steady, When the Saints go marching in. When the saints go marching in, When the saints go marching in; Lord I want to be in that number, When the saints go marching in. And mother may God bless her, I can see her now as then; With a robe of white around her, When the Saints go marching in. When the saints go marching in, When the saints go marching in; Lord I want to be in that number, When the saints go marching in. Up there I'll see the Savior Who redeemed my soul fromsin, With extended hands He'll greet me, When the Saints go marching in. When the saints go marching in, When the saints go marching in; Lord I want to be in that number, When the saints go marching in. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen The Saints Go Marching In White book - Songs We Sing 18qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp18qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5006qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLord You Are qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord you are more precious than Silver qqqqTagppppLord You Are Chorus 18qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp18qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2354qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDeeper,DeeperqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Deeper, deeper in the love of Je-sus Daily let me go; Higher, higher in the school of wisdom, more of grace to know. O deep---er yet, I pray----And high----er everyday, And wis---er blessed Lord, In thy precious holy word. Deeper, deeper, blessed Holy Spirit, Take me deeper still, Till my life is wholly lost in Je-sus, And His perfect will. O deep---er yet, I pray----And high----er everyday, And wis---er blessed Lord, In thy precious holy word. Deeper, deeper tho' it cost hard trials, Deeper let me go! Rooted in the holy love of Je-sus , let me fruitful grow. O deep---er yet, I pray----And high----er everyday, And wis---er blessed Lord, In thy precious holy word. Deeper, higher, every day in Jesus Till all conflict past, Finds me conquror, and in His own image Perfected at last. O deep---er yet, I pray----And high----er everyday, And wis---er blessed Lord, In thy precious holy word. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppDeeper,Deeper Blue book - Melodies of Praise 19qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp19qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8468qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBe Careful Little Eyes What You SeeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little eyes what you see. O be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little tongue what you say
O be careful little hands what you do
O be careful little feet where you go
O be careful little heart whom you trust
O be careful little mind what you think qqqqTagppppBe Careful Little Eyes What You See Booster Book 19qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp19qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3756qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWait A Little Longer, Please JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Here, the labor is so hard
(But) Wait a little longer, please Jesus.
We may look into the skies
(But) Wait a little longer, please Jesus.
The family's scattered here and there.
(But) Wait a little longer, please Jesus. qqqqTagppppWait A Little Longer, Please Jesus Generic Song Book 19qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp19qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp6172qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppShut With GodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Shut in with God in a secret place, There in the spirit beholding His face. Finding new power to run in this race I'm so glad Ive been shut in with God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppShut With God Chorus 19qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp19qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1168qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen I See the BloodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Christ, our Redeemer, died on the cross, Died for the sinner paid all His due; All who receive Him need never fear, Yes, He will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood , When I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. Chiefest of sinners, Jesus can save, As He has promised so will He do; O sinner, hear Him, trust in His word, Then He will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood , When I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. Judgment is coming, all will be there, Who have rejected, who have refused? O sinner, hasten, let Jesus in, Then God will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood , When I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. O what compassion, O boundless love! Jesus hath power, Jesus is true; All who believe are safe from the storm, O He will pass, will pass over you. When I see the blood , When I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen I See the Blood White book - Songs We Sing 19qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp19qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp2355qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCome and DineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus has a table spread, Where the saints of God are fed, He invites His chosen people "Come and dine" With His manna He doth feed, and supplies our ev'ry need O 'tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time. "Come and Dine" the Master calleth "Come and dine" you may feast at Jesus' table all the time. He who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine, to the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine" The disciples came to land, Thus obeying Christ's command, for the Master called to them "O Come and dine" There they found their hearts' desire, bread and fish upon the fire. Thus he satisfies the hungry ev'ry time. "Come and Dine" the Master calleth "Come and dine" you may feast at Jesus' table all the time. He who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine, to the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine" Soon the Lamb will take His bride to be ever at His side, All the host of heaven will assembled be; O 'Twill be a glorious sight, all the saints in spotless white; And with Jesus they will feast eternally. "Come and Dine" the Master calleth "Come and dine" you may feast at Jesus' table all the time. He who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine, to the hungry calleth now, "Come and dine" qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCome and Dine Blue book - Melodies of Praise 20qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp20qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8469qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDeep and WideqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Deep and wide
Wide and deep qqqqTagppppDeep and Wide Booster Book 20qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp20qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3757qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGathering Flowers For The Master's BouquetqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Death is an angel sent down from above.
Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet,
Loved ones are passing each day and each hour.
Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet,
Let us be faithful 'til life's work is done.
Gathering flowers for the Master's bouquet, qqqqTagppppGathering Flowers For The Master's Bouquet Generic Song Book 20qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp20qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp6207qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppShine Jesus shineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Shine Jesus Shine, fill the Earth with the Father's glory. Blaze Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire. Flow river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth your word, Lord and let there be light. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppShine Jesus shine Chorus 20qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp20qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1034qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTis So Sweet to Trust in JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His word, Just to rest upon His promise;Just to know "Thus saith the Lord." Je-sus, Je-sus, how I trust Him, How I've proved Him o're and o're! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more. O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; Just in simple faith to plunge me Neath the healing, cleansing flood. Je-sus, Je-sus, how I trust Him, How I've proved Him o're and o're! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more. Yes, tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest and joy and peace. Je-sus, Je-sus, how I trust Him, How I've proved Him o're and o're! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more. I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end. Je-sus, Je-sus, how I trust Him, How I've proved Him o're and o're! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 20qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp20qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5340qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIt Is Truly WonderfulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. He pardoned my transgressions, He Sanctified my soul, He honors my confessions, since by His blood I'm whole, It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. 2. He keeps me every moment, by trusting in His grace; 'tis thro' His blessed atonement, that I may see His face. It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. 3. He brings me through Affliction, He leaves me not alone; He's with me in Temptation, He keeps me for His own. It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. 4. He prospers and protects me, His blessings ever flow; He fills me with His glory, He makes me white as snow. It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. 5. He keeps me firm and faithful, His love I do enjoy, for this I shall be grateful, and live in His employ. It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. 6. There's not a single blessing which we receive on Earth that does not come from Heaven, the source of our new birth. It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful! It is truly wonderful What the Lord Has Done! Glory to His name. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIt Is Truly Wonderful Blue book - Melodies of Praise 21qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp21qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8470qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Am A ChristianqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am a C I am a C I am a C I am a C qqqqTagppppI Am A Christian Booster Book 21qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp21qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3814qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe LivesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I serve a Risen Savior.
He lives, He lives.
In all the world around me,
He lives, He lives.
Rejoice Rejoice O Christian.
He lives, He lives. qqqqTagppppHe Lives Generic Song Book 21qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp21qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp6266qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Paid a DebtqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He paid a debt He did not owe qqqqTagppppHe Paid a Debt Chorus 21qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp21qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1038qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Royal TelephoneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Cen-tral's nev-er "busy," Always on the line; You may hear from heav-en Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine! There will be no charg-es, Tel-e-phone is free; It was built for serv-ice, Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine! Fail to get your ans-wer? Sa-tan's crossed your wire Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine! If your line is "ground-ed," And con-nec-tion true Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine! Car-nal com-bi-na-tions Can-not get con-trol Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine! qqqqTagppppThe Royal Telephone White book - Songs We Sing 21qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp21qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
REACH OUT AND TOUCH THE LORD AS HE GOES BY, YOU'LL FIND HE'S NOT TO BUSY TO HEAR YOUR HEART CRY, HE'S PASSING BY THIS MOMENT, ALL YOUR NEED TO SUPPLY, SO REACH OUT & TOUCH HIM AS HE GOES BY qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppREACH OUT AND TOUCH THE LORD Chorus 22qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp22qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1039qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSend The LightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a call comes ring-ing o-er the rest-less wave, Send the light! The bless-ed gos-pel light, We have heard the Ma-ce-don-ian call to-day, Send the light! The bless-ed gos-pel light, We will pray that grace may ev-'ry-where a-bound Send the light! The bless-ed gos-pel light, We will not grow wea-ry in the work of love, Send the light! The bless-ed gos-pel light, qqqqTagppppSend The Light White book - Songs We Sing 22qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp22qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8471qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppZaccheusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Zaccheus was a wee, little man, And as the Savior came that way, And he said,"Zaccheus, you come down from there," For I'm going to your house today. qqqqTagppppZaccheus Booster Book 22qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp22qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5362qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust a Closer Walk With TheeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. I am weak but Thou Art strong (Thou Art strong), Jesus keep me from all wrong (from all wrong); I'll be Satisfied as long (just as long), as I walk let me walk close to Thee (close to Thee). Just a closer walk with Thee (closer walk with Thee), Granted, Jesus, is my plea (humble plea); daily walking close to Thee (close to Thee), let it be, dear Lord, let it be (let it be). 2. Through this world of toil and snares (toil and snares), if I falter, Lord, who cares (Lord, who cares)? Who with me my burden shares (burden shares)? None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee (none but Thee). Just a closer walk with Thee (closer walk with Thee), Granted, Jesus, is my plea (humble plea); daily walking close to Thee (close to Thee), let it be, dear Lord, let it be (let it be). 3. When my feeble life is o'er (life is o'er), time for me will be no more (be no more); Guide Me Gently, safely o'er (safely o'er), to Thy kingdom Shore, to Thy shore (to Thy shore). Just a closer walk with Thee (closer walk with Thee), Granted, Jesus, is my plea (humble plea); daily walking close to Thee (close to Thee), let it be, dear Lord, let it be (let it be). qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJust a Closer Walk With Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 22qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp22qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3819qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLove Lifted MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore. Love lifted me. All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I'll cling. Love lifted me. Souls in danger, look above. Jesus completely saves. Love lifted me. qqqqTagppppLove Lifted Me Generic Song Book 22qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp22qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5092qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGod's New WineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm drinking, drinking, drinking from God's new wine qqqqTagppppGod's New Wine Chorus 23qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp23qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5764qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBeulah LandqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine; Here shies undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land. As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My heav', my home for evermore! My Savior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by the hand, For this is heaven's border land. O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land. As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My heav', my home for evermore! A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from eververnal trees, And flow'rs, that never fading grow, Where streams of life forever flow. O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land. As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My heav', my home for evermore! The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels with the white robed throng Join in the sweet Redemption song. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBeulah Land Blue book - Melodies of Praise 23qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp23qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1169qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Must Tell JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I must tell Jesus all of my trials; I cannot bear these burdens alone; In my distress He kindly will help me; He ever loves and cares for His own. I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. I must tell Jesus all of my troubles; He is a kind, compassionate friend; If I but ask Him, He will deliver, Make of my troubles quickly an end. I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. Tempted and tried I need a great Savior, One who can help my burdens to bear; I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus, He all my cares and sorrows will share. I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. O how the world to evil allures me! O how my heart is tempted to sin! I must tell Jesus, and He will help me, Over the world the vict'ry to win. I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Must Tell Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 23qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp23qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8472qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppO How I Love JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells me of a Savior's love, Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, the sinner's perfect plea. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells me what my Father hath In store for ev'ry day, And tho I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells of One whose loving heart, Can feel my deepest woe, Who in each sorrow bears a part, That none can bear below. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppO How I Love Jesus Booster Book 23qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp23qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3820qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLittle Is Much (When God Is In It)qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In the Harvest, fields now ripened. In the mad rush of the broad way, Little is much when God is in it. Does the place you're called to labor Little is much when God is in it. Are you laid aside from service, Little is much when God is in it. When the conflict here is ended Little is much when God is in it. qqqqTagppppLittle Is Much (When God Is In It) Generic Song Book 23qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp23qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3821qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Old Gospel ShipqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have good news to bring and that is why i sing. O I'm gonna take a trip in the Good Old Gospel Ship. O I can scarcely wait. I know I'll not be late, O I'm gonna take a trip in the Good Old Gospel Ship. If you're ashamed of me, you have no cause to be. O I'm gonna take a trip in the Good Old Gospel Ship. qqqqTagppppThe Old Gospel Ship Generic Song Book 24qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp24qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5765qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Shelter in the Time of StormqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The Lord's our Rock, in him we hide, A shelter in the time of storm; Secure whenever ill be tied, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, A weary land; Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land. A shelter in the time of storm. A shade by day, defense By Night, A shelter in the time of storm; No fears alarm, no foes af-freight, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, A weary land; Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land. A shelter in the time of storm. The raging storms may round us beat, A shelter in the time of storm; We'll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, A weary land; Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land. A shelter in the time of storm. O Rock divine, O Refuge dear, A shelter in the time of storm; Be Thou our helper ever near, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, A weary land; Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land. A shelter in the time of storm. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA Shelter in the Time of Storm Blue book - Melodies of Praise 24qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp24qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1037qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Be A Friend To JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp They tried my Lord................and Master. . With no one to ........defend; I'll be a Je-sus, My life for Him.......I'll spend; I'll be a Je-sus, Until my years.........shall end. The world may turn......................a-gainst Him, I'll love Him to.............the end, I'll be a Je-sus, My life for Him.......I'll spend; I'll be a Je-sus, Until my years.........shall end. I'll do what He.......may bid me; I'll go where He............may send; I'll be a Je-sus, My life for Him.......I'll spend; I'll be a Je-sus, Until my years.........shall end. To all who need......a Sav-ior, My Friend I rec.....ommend, I'll be a Je-sus, My life for Him.......I'll spend; I'll be a Je-sus, Until my years.........shall end. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'll Be A Friend To Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 24qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp24qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp6366qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGreat Is The Lord..Ps 48:1&2qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGreat Is The Lord..Ps 48:1&2 Chorus 24qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp24qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8473qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRise And Shine Give God The GloryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1 The Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody. Lord told Noah, there's gonna be a floody, floody. Get those animals out of the muddy, muddy, children of the Lord. So rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory. Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory. Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory, children of the Lord. 2 The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky. Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky. Build it out of gopher barky, barky, children of the Lord. 3 The animals, the animals, they came in by twosies, twosies. Animals, the animals, they came in by twosies, twosies, elephants and kangaroosies, roosies, children of the Lord. 4 It rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies. Rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies.Almost drove those animals crazies, crazies, children of the Lord. 5 The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy. (Look, there's the sun!) It dried up the landy, landy. Everything was fine and dandy, dandy, children of the Lord. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRise And Shine Give God The Glory Booster Book 24qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp24qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8474qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHappy All The TimeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm inright, outright, upright, downright, Happy all the time, I'm inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time, Since Jesus came with in And cleansed my soul from sin, I'm inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHappy All The Time Booster Book 25qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp25qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5093qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLift Jesus HigherqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lift Jesus Higher, Lift Jesus Higher qqqqTagppppLift Jesus Higher Chorus 25qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp25qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3822qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWill The Circle Be UnbrokenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I was standing by my window on one cold and cloudy day
Will the circle be unbroken
Undertaker, Undertaker, Undertaker, please drive slow
Will the circle be unbroken
I will follow right behind her, try to stand strong and be brave.
Will the circle be unbroken qqqqTagppppWill The Circle Be Unbroken Generic Song Book 25qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp25qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5766qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppStanding Somewhere in the ShadowsqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Are there crosses too heavy to carry, And burdens too heavy to bear, Are there heart aches and tears and anguish And no one who seems to care? Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus, He's the Friend who always cares and understands. Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands. Are there shadows of deep disappointment And trust that have proven untrue; Has the darkness of night settled round you, Has your hope and your faith wavered too? Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus, He's the Friend who always cares and understands. Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands. Has the storm overshadowed your sunshine, And life lost attraction for you, Have the dreams that you cherished been broken, Is your soul filled with bitterness too? Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus, He's the Friend who always cares and understands. Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppStanding Somewhere in the Shadows Blue book - Melodies of Praise 25qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp25qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1043qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Be List'ningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the Sav-ior calls I will an-swer, When He calls for me I will hear, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name; I'll be some where listening, I'll be somewhere listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name. If my heart is right when He calls me, If my heart is right I will hear, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name; I'll be some where listening, I'll be somewhere listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name. If my robe is white when He calls me, If my robe is white I will hear, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name; I'll be some where listening, I'll be somewhere listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name. If you look for me and can't find me, if you look for me and can't find me, if you look for me and can't find me, I'll be caught up in the rapture with my Lord. I'll be caught up in the rapture, I'll be caught up in the rapture I'll be caught up in the rapture with my Lo-rd; I'll be caught up in the rapture, I'll be caught up in the rapture, I'll be caught up in the rapture with my Lord. I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name; I'll be some where listening, I'll be somewhere listening, I'll be some-where listening for my name. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'll Be List'ning White book - Songs We Sing 25qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp25qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8475qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIf Your Happy And You Know ItqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet! If you're happy and you know it, say Amen! If you're happy and you know it, do all three! qqqqTagppppIf Your Happy And You Know It Booster Book 26qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp26qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1042qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Glory-land WayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm in the way, the bright and shin-ing way, I'm in the glo-ry-land way; I'm in the glo-ry-land way. I'm in the glory land way, I'm in the glory land way; Heaven is nearer and the way groweth clearer, For I'm in the glo-ry-land way. List to the call, the gos-pel call to-day, Get in the glo-ry-land way; I'm in the glo-ry-land way. I'm in the glory land way, I'm in the glory land way; Heaven is nearer and the way groweth clearer, For I'm in the glo-ry-land way. On-ward I go, re-joic-ing in His love, I'm in the glo-ry-land way; I'm in the glo-ry-land way. I'm in the glory land way, I'm in the glory land way; Heaven is nearer and the way groweth clearer, For I'm in the glo-ry-land way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Glory-land Way White book - Songs We Sing 26qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp26qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5767qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe AwakeningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The morning breaks, ’tis bright and clear, The Shadows of the Night are flying Swift away; A staring cry salutes the ear: Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. The chorus speeds along one word of hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! By form and creed are millions bound, but God has sent the word to loose the iron band - Deliverance dance with the Glad sound: Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. Decorous speeds along one word of Hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! Salvation nears - the Saints arise, and from the sleep of death the slumbering Nations wake; We too shall mount the starry skies. Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. Decorous speeds along one word of Hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! Our glorious King is coming soon - it may be dark as night, it may be morning or noon; and Glory then his Saints shall reign. Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. Decorous speeds along one word of Hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! Awake, ye nations, from the dead, we're Everlasting Joy let praise your tongues employ; by this sweet hope be comforted: Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. Decorous speeds along one word of Hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! All praise and glory to his name! the King of Kings is he, first Sovereign yet to be; let all the saints allow Proclaim, Jesus is coming soon. The song of Jubilee, it sweeps o’er land and sea; With thousand voices strong. Decorous speeds along one word of Hope and cheer: the kingdom now is near, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is coming soon! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Awakening Blue book - Melodies of Praise 26qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp26qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4756qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWonderful Merciful SaviorqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Wonderful Merciful Savior, Precious Redeemer and Friend. Who Would've Thought That a Lamb could Rescue the souls of man; Oh! You rescued the souls of man. You are the one we praise, you are the one we adore. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh! our hearts always hunger for. Counselor, Comforter, Keeper; Spirit we long to embrace; You offer hope when our hearts have hopelessly lost our way; Oh! we've hopelessly lost our way. You are the one we praise, you are the one we adore. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh! our hearts always hunger for. Almighty, Infinite Father faithfully loving your own. Here in our weakness you find us, falling before your throne; Oh! We're falling before your throne. You are the one we praise, you are the one we adore. You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for. Oh! our hearts always hunger for. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWonderful Merciful Savior Chorus 26qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp26qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7869qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWonderful PeaceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls O'er my soul like an infinite calm
Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray In fathomless billows of love
Ah, soul are you here without comfort and rest Marching down the rough pathway of time? Make Jesus your friend ere the shadows grow dark O accept of this sweet peace so sublime
Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray In fathomless billows of love
Peace, peace, wonderful peace Coming down from the Father above Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray In fathomless billows of love
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray In fathomless billows of love Hmm qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWonderful Peace Generic Song Book 26qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp26qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8476qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Is The Rock Of My SalvationqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus is the rock of my salvation, He is the vine and we are the branches, I praise him and he blesses me. qqqqTagppppJesus Is The Rock Of My Salvation Booster Book 27qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp27qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7405qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWords and the MusicqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You are the words and the music. You are the song that I sing. You are the melody, you are the harmony praises to you I will bring. You are the MIGHTY GOD, you are the LORD OF LORDS, you are the KING OF ALL KINGS! Now I return to you the love that you gave to me, you are the song that I sing. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWords and the Music Chorus 27qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp27qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8669qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGo Tell It On The MountianqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Go, tell it on the mountain, While shepherds kept their watching Go, tell it on the mountain, The shepherds feared and trembled Go, tell it on the mountain, Down in a lowly manger Go, tell it on the mountain, When I am a seeker, Go, tell it on the mountain, He made me a watchman Go, tell it on the mountain, qqqqTagppppGo Tell It On The Mountian Generic Song Book 27qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp27qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5768qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Holy Ghost AbidesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh, what wanders peace and gladness fills and thrills the human heart, when the Holy Ghost abides; when the stream of salvation purity to us Imports, when the Holy Ghost abides. When the Holy Ghost abides, when the Holy Ghost abides; Streams of full salvation flow, and the heart is all a glow when the Holy Ghost abides. No desires for worldly pleasure, no pursuit of earthly fame, Whe the Holy Ghost abides; All the dross of sin's pollution purged a way with holy flame, When the Holy Ghost abides. When the Holy Ghost abides, when the Holy Ghost abides; Streams of full salvation flow, and the heart is all a glow when the Holy Ghost abides. No more stumbling, no more falling, but established we will be When the Holy Ghost abides; No more anger nor self seeking, from all sin we are made free, When the Holy Ghost abides. When the Holy Ghost abides, when the Holy Ghost abides; Streams of full salvation flow, and the heart is all a glow when the Holy Ghost abides. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen the Holy Ghost Abides Blue book - Melodies of Praise 27qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp27qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1170qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhere the Soul Never DiesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp To Canaan's land I'm on my way, Where the soul (of man) never dies; My darkest night will turn to day, Where the soul (of man) never dies. No sad farewells, No tear-dimmed eyes, Where all is love, And the soul never dies. A rose is blooming there for me, Where the soul (of man) never dies; And I will spend eternity, Where the soul ( of man) never dies. No sad farewells, No tear-dimmed eyes, Where all is love, And the soul never dies. A love-light beams across the foam, Where the soul (of man) never dies; It shines to light the shores of home, Where the soul (of man) never dies. No sad farewells, No tear-dimmed eyes, Where all is love, And the soul never dies. My life will end in deathless sleep, Where the soul (of man) never dies; And everlasting joys I'll reap, Where the soul (of man) never dies. No sad farewells, No tear-dimmed eyes, Where all is love, And the soul never dies. I'm on my way to that fair land, Where the soul (of man) never dies; Where there will be no parting hand, Where the soul (of man) never dies. No sad farewells, No tear-dimmed eyes, Where all is love, And the soul never dies. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhere the Soul Never Dies White book - Songs We Sing 27qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp27qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1171qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Will Sing the Wondrous StoryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will sing the wondrous story, Of the Christ who died for me, How He left His home in glory, For the cross on Calvary. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. I was lost, but Jesus found me, Found the sheep that went astray; Threw His loving arms around me, Drew me back into His way. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. I was bruised, but Jesus healed me, Faint was I from many a fall, Sight was gone, and fears possessed me, But He freed me from them all. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. Days of darkness still come o'er me, Sorrow's paths I often tread, But the Savior still is with me, By His hand I'm safely led. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. He will keep me till the river, Rolls its water at my feet; Then He'll bear me safely over, Where the loved ones I shall meet. Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Will Sing the Wondrous Story White book - Songs We Sing 28qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp28qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8477qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDo LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, I've got a home in glory land, that outshines the sun Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, I took Jesus as my Savior, you take Him too, Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, I read about it in the book of Revelation, you read it, too Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, qqqqTagppppDo Lord Booster Book 28qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp28qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5769qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Haven of RestqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My soul and sad Exile was out on life's sea, so burdened with sin and distressed, Till I heard a sweet voice saying, "Make me your choice;" And I entered the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The Tempest May sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. I yielded myself to his tinder embrace, and faith taking hold of the word, my Fetters fell off, and I encounter my soul; The Haven of Rest is my Lord. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The Tempest May sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. The song of My Soul, since the Lord made me whole, has been the old story so blest, of Jesus who will save whosoever will have a home in the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The Tempest May sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. How precious the tho't that we all my recline, Like John the beloved and blest, On Jesus' strong arm, where no tempest can harm, Secure in the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The Tempest May sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. O come to the Savior, He patiently waits To save by His power divine; Come, anchor your soul in the Haven of Rest, And say, "My Beloved is mine." I've anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The Tempest May sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Haven of Rest Blue book - Melodies of Praise 28qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp28qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8289qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust Step In The River of the Sweet Holy GhostqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Just step in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost Come sense the bubble come sense the flow Go ahead and let it take you where He wants you to go Jump in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost.
2. Just step in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost Come sense the bubble come sense the flow. Go ahead and let it take you where He wants you to go Jump in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost.
Personal... 3. I'm in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost I feel the bubble I feel the flow Go ahead and let it take you where He wants you to go Jump in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost. Go back to 1st verse... qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppJust Step In The River of the Sweet Holy Ghost Chorus 28qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp28qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3237qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Can Tell You the TimeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. I remember the time when in darkness I wandered farther from home I can tell you now the time. (second part) I can tell you the time, 2. Just a sinner was I far away from my Savior, going alone, I can tell you now the time. (second part) I can tell you the time, 3. I can never forget when He spoke to me gently "Follow thou Me," I can tell you now the time. (second part) I can tell you the time, qqqqTagppppI Can Tell You the Time Generic Song Book 28qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp28qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8478qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThis Train Is Bound For GloryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp This train is bound for glory. This train This train is bound for glory. This train qqqqTagppppThis Train Is Bound For Glory Booster Book 29qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp29qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4726qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWonderful Merciful SaviorqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Wonderful, Merciful, Savior You are the one that we praise Counselor, Comforter, Keeper You are the one that we praise Almighty, Infinite, Father qqqqTagppppWonderful Merciful Savior Generic Song Book 29qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp29qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5770qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Is A Fountain Filled with BloodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains,Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away, Wash all my sins away, Wash all my sins away, And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Thou dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its pow'r, Till all the ransomed church of God Are saved, to sin no more, Are saved, to sin no more, Are saved, to sin no more, Till all the ransomed church of God Are saved, to sin no more. For since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die; Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing The pow'rto save, When this poor lisping, stammring tongue Lies silent in the grave. Lies silent in the grave,Lies silent in the grave; When this poor lisping, stamm'ringtongue Lies silent in the grave. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere Is A Fountain Filled with Blood Blue book - Melodies of Praise 29qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp29qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1047qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn the City Where the Lamb is LightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a country far beyond the starry sky, There's a city where there never comes a night; If we're faithful we shall go there by and by, Tis the city where the lamb is the light. In that city where the Lamb is the light (beautiful light) The city where there cometh no night (no more night) I've a mansion over there And when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. Here we have our days of sunshine but we know, That the sun which shines upon us not so bright, Will be changed to clouds and rain until we go, To the city where the Lamb is the light. In that city where the Lamb is the light (beautiful light) The city where there cometh no night (no more night) I've a mansion over there And when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. There the flowers bloom forever and the day, Shall be one eternal day without a night; And our tears shall be forever wiped away, In that city where the Lamb is the light. In that city where the Lamb is the light (beautiful light) The city where there cometh no night (no more night) I've a mansion over there And when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. Here we have our disappointments all the while, And our fondest hopes but meet with bitter blight; Tho by night we weep the morning brings a smile, In that city where the Lamb is the light. In that city where the Lamb is the light (beautiful light) The city where there cometh no night (no more night) I've a mansion over there And when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. Then let sunlight fade let twilight bring it's gloom, Not a shadow can my blissful soul affright; For I know that up in heaven there is room, In that city where the Lamb is the light. In that city where the Lamb is the light (beautiful light) The city where there cometh no night (no more night) I've a mansion over there And when free from toil and care, I am going where the Lamb is the light. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIn the City Where the Lamb is Light White book - Songs We Sing 29qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp29qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8290qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGoodness of GodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I love you Lord, Oh your mercy never fails me All my days, I've been held in your hands. From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head I will sing, of the goodness of God
Cho. All my life you have been faithful All my life you have been so, so good. Every breath that I am able I will sing of the goodness of God.
I love your voice, You have led me through the fire In the darkest night, You are close like no other. I've known you as a father, I've known you as a friend. I have lived in the goodness of God. Cho. again... qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGoodness of God Chorus 29qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp29qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8343qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFill My Cup, Lord qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Like the woman at the well, I was seeking For things that could not satisfy. And then I heard my Savior speaking— “Draw from My well that never shall run dry.”
Fill my cup, Lord; I lift it up Lord; Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
There are millions in this world who are seeking For pleasures earthly goods afford. But none can match the wondrous treasure That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.
Fill my cup, Lord; I lift it up Lord; Come and quench this thirsting of my soul. Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
So my brother if the things that this world gives you Leave hungers that won’t pass away, My blessed Lord will come and save you If you kneel to Him and humbly pray— qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppFill My Cup, Lord Chorus 30qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp30qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1172qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Haven of RestqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea, So burdened with sin and distressed, Till I heard a sweet voice saying, Make me your choice; And I entered the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. I yielded myself to His tender embrace, And faith taking hold of the Word, My fetters fell off, and I anchored my soul; The Haven of Rest is my Lord. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, Has been the old story so blessed, Of Jesus, who'll save whosoever will have, A home in the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. How precious the tho't that we all may recline, Like John the beloved and blessed, On Jesus' strong arm, where no tempest can harm, Secure in the Haven of Rest. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. O come to the Savior, He patiently waits, To save by His power divine; Come, anchor your soul in the Haven of Rest, And say, My beloved is mine. I've anchored my soul in the Haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I'm safe evermore. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Haven of Rest White book - Songs We Sing 30qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp30qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7620qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppStanding on the PromisesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Go to page 37 in the White Book. qqqqTagppppStanding on the Promises Blue book - Melodies of Praise 30qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp30qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4757qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAt The Cross I Bow My KneeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh! Lord you've searched me. You know my way. Even when I fail you; I know you love me. At the cross I bow my knee, where your blood I for me; there's no greater love than this. you have overcome the grave, your glory fills the highest place; what can separate me now? Your Holy Presence, Surrounded me. In every season; I know you love me At the cross I bow my knee, where your blood I for me; there's no greater love than this. you have overcome the grave, your glory fills the highest place; what can separate me now? You go before me. You shield my way; Your hand upholds me, and I know you love me. At the cross I bow my knee, where your blood I for me; there's no greater love than this. you have overcome the grave, your glory fills the highest place; what can separate me now? You tore the veil, you made a way when you said that it is done. You tore the veilI made a way when you said that it is done. And when the earth fails; falls from my eyes. And you stand before me, I know you love me; yes, I know you love me At the cross I bow my knee, where your blood I for me; there's no greater love than this. you have overcome the grave, your glory fills the highest place; what can separate me now? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAt The Cross I Bow My Knee Generic Song Book 30qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp30qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8522qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppStanding in the Need of PrayerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1 Not my brother, not my sister, but it's me, O Lord, It's me, it's me, O Lord, 2 Not the preacher, not the deacon, but it's me, O Lord, It's me, it's me, O Lord, 3 Not my father, not my mother, but it's me, O Lord, It's me, it's me, O Lord, 4 Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it's me, O Lord, It's me, it's me, O Lord, qqqqTagppppStanding in the Need of Prayer Booster Book 30qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp30qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8379qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWelcome Holy SpiritqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Welcome Holy Spirit! We are in your presence. Fill us with your power, live inside of me. You're the living water, never drying fountain. Comforter and counselor, live inside of me. qqqqTagppppWelcome Holy Spirit Chorus 31qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp31qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7621qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Included MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. I am so happy in Christ today, That I go singing along my way; Yes, I'm so happy to know and say, "Jesus included me too." C. Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me; Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me. Amen 2. Gladly I read, "Whosoever may Come to the fountain of life today;" But when I read it I always say, "Jesus included me too." C. Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me; Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me. Amen 3. Ever God's Spirit is saying, "Come!" Hear the Bride saying, "No longer roam;" But I am sure while they're calling home, Jesus included me too. C. Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me; Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me. Amen 4. "Freely come drink," words the soul to thrill! O with what joy they my heart do fill! For when He said, "Whosoever will," Jesus included me too. C. Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me; Jesus included me, Yes, He included me, When the Lord said "Whosoever," He included me. Amen qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Included Me Blue book - Melodies of Praise 31qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp31qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4758qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLet There Be JoyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh God, you are our refuge. And you, you are our fortress; we seek to honor and lift up your name. Oh Lord, our spirits are thirsty, but you send the living water. You are so good, you are so good Let there be joy oh Lord; let there be joy oh Lord. Send down your river, that flows from your throne. Let there be joy oh Lord; let there be joy oh Lord. Send down your river, that flows from your throne. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLet There Be Joy Generic Song Book 31qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp31qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1048qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWon't It Be Wonderful ThereqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When with the Savior we enter the glory land, Won't it be wonderful there? Won't it be wonderful there, Having no burdens to bear? Joyously singing with heart bell all ringing, O won't it be wonderful there? Walking and talking with Christ, the supernal One, Won't it be wonderful there? Won't it be wonderful there, Having no burdens to bear? Joyously singing with heart bell all ringing, O won't it be wonderful there? There where the tempest will never be sweeping us, Won't it be wonderful there? Won't it be wonderful there, Having no burdens to bear? Joyously singing with heart bell all ringing, O won't it be wonderful there? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWon't It Be Wonderful There White book - Songs We Sing 31qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp31qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8549qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe's Still Working On MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient he must be 'cause he's still working on me.
There really ought to be a sign upon my heart, don't judge me yet there's an unfinished part. But I'll be perfect just according to his plan, fashioned by the master's loving hand.
He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient he must be 'cause he's still working on me.
In the mirror of his word, the reflection that I see makes me wonder why he never gave up on me. But he loves me as I am, he hears me when I pray. Remember he's the potter I'm the clay.
He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the Earth, and Jupiter and Mars. How loving and patient he must be 'cause he's still working on me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe's Still Working On Me Booster Book 31qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp31qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8577qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Gonna Sing, Sing, SingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing I’m Gonna Shout, Shout, Shout I’m Gonna Sing, I’m Gonna Shout Praise The Lord! For When Those Gates Are Opened Wide I’m Gonna Sit By Jesus’ Side, I’m Gonna Sing, I’m Gonna Shout. Praise The Lord! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing Booster Book 32qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp32qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8388qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWords and the Music GroupqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You are the words and the music. You are the song that I sing. You are the melody, you are the harmony praises to you I will bring. You are the MIGHTY GOD, you are the LORD OF LORDS, you are the KING OF ALL KINGS! Now I return to you the love that you gave to me, you are the song that I sing. He is the KING OF KINGS he is the LORD OF LORD! His name is JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, HE IS THE KING. What a mighty God we serve, what a mighty God we serve.. Angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! There is joy, joy, joy in the presence of the Lord singing hallalujah Amen. There is joy, joy, joy, joy, in the presence of the Lord singing hallalujah, Amen. So, dance and celebrate, dance and celebrate. Dance with joy before the Lord. Dance and celebrate, dance and celebrate dance with joy before the Lord. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWords and the Music Group Chorus 32qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp32qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7636qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe's Coming SoonqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. In these, the closing days of time, What joy the glorious hope affords, That soon oh, wondrous truth sublime! He shall reign, King of kings and Lord of lords. He's coming soon, He's coming soon; With joy we welcome His returning; It may be morn, it may be night or noon--We know He's coming soon. 2. The signs around in earth and air, Or painted on the starlit sky, God's faithful witnesses declare That the coming of the Saviour draweth nigh. He's coming soon, He's coming soon; With joy we welcome His returning; It may be morn, it may be night or noon--We know He's coming soon. 3. The dead in Christ who 'neath us lie, In countless numbers, all shall rise When thro' the portals of the sky He shall come to prepare our Paradise. He's coming soon, He's coming soon; With joy we welcome His returning; It may be morn, it may be night or noon--We know He's coming soon. 4. And we who, living, yet remain, Caught, shall meet our faithful Lord; This hope we cherish not in vain, But we comfort on another by this word. He's coming soon, He's coming soon; With joy we welcome His returning; It may be morn, it may be night or noon--We know He's coming soon. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe's Coming Soon Blue book - Melodies of Praise 32qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp32qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4825qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTAKE A MONENT AND LIVEqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1 There's a city of gold across the river, My soul will fly over chilly Jordon, Over Jordon on wings of love, I'll fly away. Not a moment to lose, make up your mind. Take a moment and choose God's love divine; From the moment you're saved how happy you'll be, Take a moment to live eternally.
2 I'm so glad I know sweet peace and pardon, My soul will fly over chilly Jordon, Over Jordon on wings of love, I'll fly away. Not a moment to lose, make up your mind. Take a moment and choose God's love divine; From the moment you're saved how happy you'll be, Take a moment to live eternally.
3 It's a privilege here to help another, My soul will fly over chilly Jordon, Over Jordon on wings of love, I'll fly away. Not a moment to lose, make up your mind. Take a moment and choose God's love divine; From the moment you're saved how happy you'll be, Take a moment to live eternally.
4 O the river is wide and rough the water, My soul will fly over chilly Jordon, Over Jordon on wings of love, I'll fly away. Not a moment to lose, make up your mind. Take a moment and choose God's love divine; From the moment you're saved how happy you'll be, Take a moment to live eternally. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTAKE A MONENT AND LIVE Generic Song Book 32qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp32qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1049qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen I Reach That CityqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp On the top of Mt.Zion is a city And the earth with glory it doth fill: When I reach that city on the hill, Oh, that city on Mt Zion, Tho a pilgrim, yet I love thee still; I'll not leave thee through the ages I'm invited to come home to that city, For the Word says "Whosoever will" When I reach that city on the hill, Oh, that city on Mt Zion, Tho a pilgrim, yet I love thee still; I'll not leave thee through the ages Death will never molest me in that city, Never leave me lying cold and chill; When I reach that city on the hill, Oh, that city on Mt Zion, Tho a pilgrim, yet I love thee still; I'll not leave thee through the ages So I'll stay here until my Savior calls me, Trying daily to perform His will; When I reach that city on the hill, Oh, that city on Mt Zion, Tho a pilgrim, yet I love thee still; I'll not leave thee through the ages qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen I Reach That City White book - Songs We Sing 32qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp32qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8592qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Loves The Little ChildrenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus loves the little children, qqqqTagppppJesus Loves The Little Children Booster Book 33qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp33qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1175qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhosoever Meaneth MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am happy today and the sun shines bright, The clouds have been rolled away; For the Savior said Whosoever will, May come with Him to stay.(to stay) "Whosoever", surely meaneth me, Surely meaneth me, O surely meaneth me; "Whosoever" surely meaneth me, "Whosoever" meaneth me. All my hopes have been raised, O His name be praised, His glory has filled my soul; I've been lifted up and from sin set free, His blood hath made me whole.(me whole) "Whosoever", surely meaneth me, Surely meaneth me, O surely meaneth me; "Whosoever" surely meaneth me, "Whosoever" meaneth me. O what wonderful love, O what grace divine, That Jesus should die for me; I was lost in sin, for the world I pined, But now I am set free.(set free) "Whosoever", surely meaneth me, Surely meaneth me, O surely meaneth me; "Whosoever" surely meaneth me, "Whosoever" meaneth me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhosoever Meaneth Me White book - Songs We Sing 33qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp33qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8412qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThis is the day that the Lord has madeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp This is the day, this is the day that the LORD hath made, that the LORD hath made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad it is and be glad it is. This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad it is. This is the day, this is the day that the LORD hath made. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThis is the day that the Lord has made Chorus 33qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp33qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7762qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDo You Hear What I HearqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Do You Hear What I Hear A star, a star, dancing in the night Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, A song, a song, high above the trees Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, A Child, a Child shivers in the cold Said the king to the people everywhere, The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night qqqqTagppppDo You Hear What I Hear Generic Song Book 33qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp33qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7637qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Old Rugged CrossqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suffering and shame; And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. 2. Oh, that old rugged cross so despised by the world, Has a wondrous attraction for me; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, To bear it to dark Calvary. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. 3. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, A wondrous beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died To pardon and sanctify me. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. 4. To the old rugged cross, I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bear; Then He'll call me some day to my home far away, Where His glory forever I'll share. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Old Rugged Cross Blue book - Melodies of Praise 33qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp33qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8823qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitlepppp1-2-3 Jesus Is AliveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1-2-3 Jesus is alive, 1-2-3 Jesus is alive He died for you and me but on day 3 Jesus rose again, Jesus is alive. 1-2-3 Jesus is alive, 1-2-3 Jesus is alive He died for you and me but on day 3 Jesus rose again, Jesus is alive. God loved the world, so He gave his son. Jesus is our friend. He Loves everyone. God loved the world, so He gave his son. Jesus is our friend. He Loves everyone. 1-2-3 Jesus is alive, 1-2-3 Jesus is alive He died for you and me but on day 3 Jesus rose again, Jesus is alive. 1-2-3 Jesus is alive, 1-2-3 Jesus is alive He died for you and me but on day 3 Jesus rose again, Jesus is alive. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagpppp1-2-3 Jesus Is Alive Booster Book 34qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp34qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1176qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Lily of the ValleyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I HAVE FOUND A FRIEND IN JESUS. HE’S EV’RYTHING TO ME. HE’S THE FAIREST OF TEN THOUSAND TO MY SOUL. HE, ALL MY GRIEF, HAS TAKEN AND ALL MY SORROWS, BORNE. IN TEMPTATION, HE’S MY STRONG AND MIGHTY TOW’R HE WILL NEVER, NEVER LEAVE ME, NOR YET FORSAKE ME HERE WHILE I LIVE BY FAITH AND DO HIS BLESSED WILL qqqqTagppppThe Lily of the Valley White book - Songs We Sing 34qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp34qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp4819qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Is A RiverqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Now there was the thirsty woman
But then she met the Master
There is a river that flows from deep within
There came a sound from heaven Like the rushing mighty wind It fills our hearts with singing And gives us peace within
The profit gave this promise The Spirit will descend And from your inner being A river with no end
There is a river that flows from God above There is a fountain that's filled with His great love qqqqTagppppThere Is A River Generic Song Book 34qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp34qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8414qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Has Made Me gladqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart. I will enter His courts with PRAISE. I will say this is the day that the LORD has made, I will REJOICE for He has made me glad. HE HAS MADE ME GLAD, HE HAS MADE ME GLAD. I will REJOICE for he has made me glaaaaaad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will REJOICE for He has made me glad. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Has Made Me glad Chorus 34qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp34qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7638qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLet Me Be WorthyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. When I think about the cross that my Savior had to bear and how He died for me upon the tree, Then my heart with fervent plea cries "O Lord it was for me, Let me be worthy of the price you paid for me." Let me be worthy of the price that set me free. Let me be worthy of the blood You shed for me. Let me be worthy of the pain that You suffered for my gain. Let me be worthy of the price You paid for me. 2. Oh, the beauty and the grace, love and pity on His face, All thru His suffering and His awful pain, Made the there upon the tree cry, "O Lord remember me, Let me be worthy, let me some day with you reign." Let me be worthy of the price that set me free. Let me be worthy of the blood You shed for me. Let me be worthy of the pain that You suffered for my gain. Let me be worthy of the price You paid for me. 3. Oh, what mercy and what love, as He prayed to God above, "Forgive them for they know not what they do!" In my heart there rings a prayer, let me of His mercy share! Let me be worth of the price He paid for me. Let me be worthy of the price that set me free. Let me be worthy of the blood You shed for me. Let me be worthy of the pain that You suffered for my gain. Let me be worthy of the price You paid for me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLet Me Be Worthy Blue book - Melodies of Praise 34qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp34qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1177qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhere He Leads I Will FollowqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sweet are the promises , Kind is the word; Dearer far than any message man ever heard; Pure was the mind of Christ, Sinless I see; He the great example is, and pattern for me. Where.......He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where........He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus evr'y day. Sweet is the tender love Jesus has shown; Sweeter far than any love that mortals have known, Kind to the erring one, Faithful is He; He the great example is, and pattern for me. Where.......He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where........He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus evr'y day. List to His loving words, "Come unto Me," Weary, heavy-laden, there is sweet rest for thee, Trust in His promises, Faithful and sure; Lean upon the Savior, and thy soul is secure. Where.......He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where........He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus evr'y day. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhere He Leads I Will Follow White book - Songs We Sing 35qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp35qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8969qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIsn't He WonderfulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful, Eyes not seen, ears not heard, What's recorded in God's Word, Isn't Jesus My Lord wonderful qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIsn't He Wonderful Booster Book 35qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp35qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8423qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLet The RedeemedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Let The redeemed of the Lord Say So, Let The redeemed of the Lord Say So, I am redeemed I am redeemed, Praise the Lord qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLet The Redeemed Chorus 35qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp35qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8994qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBring All Your Needs To The AltarqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Writer: Dottie Rambo Verse 1 Chorus Verse 2 Chorus qqqqTagppppBring All Your Needs To The Altar Generic Song Book 35qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp35qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7651qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHow Firm a FoundationqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say, than to you He hath said, To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled? To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled? 2. "Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Up-held by my gracious, omnipotent hand. Up-held by my gracious, omnipotent hand. 3. "When thro' fiery trials thy path-way shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine, Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 4. "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes; That soul, tho' all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake! no never, no never forsake!" qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHow Firm a Foundation Blue book - Melodies of Praise 35qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp35qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1178qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSweet Hour of PrayerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known; In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! Thy wings shall my petition bear, To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless; And since He bids me seek His face, Believe His word and trust His grace, I'll cast on Him my ev'ry care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! May I thy consolation share, Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home and take my flight; This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise to seize the everlasting prize; And shoutm while passing thru the air, Farewell,farewell,sweet hour of prayer. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSweet Hour of Prayer White book - Songs We Sing 36qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp36qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8424qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSacrifices Of PraiseqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We bring sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord and we offer up to you the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and we offer up to you the sacrifices of praise. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSacrifices Of Praise Chorus 36qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp36qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8995qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus, Just The Mention Of Your NameqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus, just the mention of your name Like a lighthouse in the mist of a midnight storm Jesus, just the mention of your name qqqqTagppppJesus, Just The Mention Of Your Name Generic Song Book 36qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp36qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppGeneric Song BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9061qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI've Got ConfidenceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Chorus: When trouble is in my way I've got confidence Job was sick so long I've got confidence Some folks wonder how I smile qqqqTagppppI've Got Confidence Booster Book 36qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp36qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBooster BookqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7652qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFarther AlongqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long, While thee are others living about us, Never molested tho in the wrong. Farther along we'll know all about it, Farther along we'll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We'll understand it all by and by. 2. When death has come and taken our loved ones, it leaves our home so lonely and drear; Then do we wonder why others prosper, Living so wicked year after year. Farther along we'll know all about it, Farther along we'll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We'll understand it all by and by. 3. Faithful till death said ou loving Master, A few more days to labor and wait; Toils of the road will then seem as nothing, As we sweep thru the beautiful gate. Farther along we'll know all about it, Farther along we'll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We'll understand it all by and by. 4. When we see Jesus coming in glory, When He comes from His home in the sky; Then we shall meet Him in that mansion, We'll understand it all by and by. Farther along we'll know all about it, Farther along we'll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We'll understand it all by and by. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppFarther Along Blue book - Melodies of Praise 36qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp36qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7653qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAlone with GodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. When storms of life are round me beating. When rough the path that I have trod. Within my closet door retreating. I love to be alone with God. Alone with God, the world forbidden, Alone with God, O blest retreat! Alone with God, and in Him hidden, To hold with Him communion sweet. 2. What tho' the clouds have gathered o'er me? What tho' I've passed beneath the rod? God's perfect will there lies before me. When I am thus alone with God. Alone with God, the world forbidden, Alone with God, O blest retreat! Alone with God, and in Him hidden, To hold with Him communion sweet. 3. 'Tis there I find new strength for duty, As o'er the sands of time I plod; I see the King in all His beauty. While resting there alone with God. Alone with God, the world forbidden, Alone with God, O blest retreat! Alone with God, and in Him hidden, To hold with Him communion sweet. 4. And when I see the moment nearing When I shall sleep beneath the sod. When time with me is disappearing, I want to be alone with God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAlone with God Blue book - Melodies of Praise 37qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp37qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1179qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppStanding on the PromisesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Thru eternal ages let His praises ring, Glory in the highest I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storm of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises I now can see, Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me; Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises , I cannot fall, List'ning every moment to the Spirit's call, Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppStanding on the Promises White book - Songs We Sing 37qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp37qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8435qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThank You Lord For Saving My SoulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Thank You Lord For Saving My Soul, qqqqTagppppThank You Lord For Saving My Soul Chorus 37qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp37qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7654qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLooking for a CityqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Here among the shadows living in a lonely land, With strangers we're a band of pilgrims on the move; Thru dangers burden'd down with sorrows, And we're shunned on every hand, But we are looking for a city built above Looking for a city where we'll never die, There the sainted millions, Never say good-by. There we'll meet our Savior, And our loved ones too, Come O holy Spirit, All our hopes renew. 2. Here in disappointment often we so sadly roam, And earthly friends no longer speak one word of love; But truly we have found contentment, Jesus promised us a home, So we are looking for a city built above Looking for a city built above. Looking for a city where we'll never die, There the sainted millions, Never say good-by. There we'll meet our Savior, And our loved ones too, Come O holy Spirit, All our hopes renew. 3. In this land of dangers we are going here and there, We're simply trusting in the blessed Savior's love; And mercy tho' we may be strangers, Living in this world of care, We' re always looking for a city built above Looking for a city built above. Looking for a city where we'll never die, There the sainted millions, Never say good-by. There we'll meet our Savior, And our loved ones too, Come O holy Spirit, All our hopes renew. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLooking for a City Blue book - Melodies of Praise 38qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp38qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1180qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Redeemed Are Gathering InqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am thinking of the rapture in our blessed home on high, When the redeemed are gathering in; How we'll raise the heavn'ly anthem in that city in the sky, When the redeemed are gathering in. When the redeemed are gathering in, Washed like snow and free from all sin; How we'll shout, and how we'll sing, When the redeemed are gathering in. There will be a great procession over on the streets of gold, When the redeemed are gathering in; O what music, O what singing o'er the city will be rolled, When the redeemed are gathering in. When the redeemed are gathering in, Washed like snow and free from all sin; How we'll shout, and how we'll sing, When the redeemed are gathering in. Saints will sing redemption's story with their voices clear and strong, when the redeemed are gathering in; Then the angels all will listen for they cannot join that song, When the redeemed are gathering in When the redeemed are gathering in, Washed like snow and free from all sin; How we'll shout, and how we'll sing, When the redeemed are gathering in. Then the Savoir will five orders to prepare the banquet board, When the redeemed are gathering in; And we'll hear His invitation, "Come, ye blessed of the Lord," When the redeemed are gathering in. When the redeemed are gathering in, Washed like snow and free from all sin; How we'll shout, and how we'll sing, When the redeemed are gathering in. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen the Redeemed Are Gathering In White book - Songs We Sing 38qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp38qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8438qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Is Something About That NameqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; there’s just something about that name. qqqqTagppppThere Is Something About That Name Chorus 38qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp38qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7655qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMarching OnqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Marching on in the light of God, Marching on, I am marching on; Up the path that the Master trod, Marching, marching on. A robe of white, a crown of gold, 'a harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor's palm, a joy untold, Are mine when I get there. 2. Marching on thro' the hosts of sin, Marching on, I am marching on; Vict'ry's mine, while I've Christ within, Marching, marching on. A robe of white, a crown of gold, 'a harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor's palm, a joy untold, Are mine when I get there. 3. Marching on while the skeptics sneer, Marching on, I am marching on; Perfect love casteth out all fear, Marching, marching on. A robe of white, a crown of gold, 'a harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor's palm, a joy untold, Are mine when I get there. 4. Marching on with the flag unfurled, Marching on, I am marching on; Preaching Christ to the dying world, Marching, marching on. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMarching On Blue book - Melodies of Praise 39qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp39qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1181qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Shall be Showers of BlessingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There shall be showers of blessing- This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Savior above. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing- Precious reviving again, O-ver the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing- Send them upon us, O Lord! Grant to us now a refreshing, Come and now honor Thy Word! Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing- O that today they might fall, Now as to God we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere Shall be Showers of Blessing White book - Songs We Sing 39qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp39qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8454qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhat a mighty God we serveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a mighty God we serve qqqqTagppppWhat a mighty God we serve Chorus 39qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp39qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8455qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Will Enter His GatesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart; He has made me glad, He has made me glad, qqqqTagppppI Will Enter His Gates Chorus 40qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp40qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7656qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPraise the LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. To God be the glory, great things He hath done, So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, And opened the Life Gate that all may go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice; Oh, come to the Father, thro' Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done. 2. Oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice; Oh, come to the Father, thro' Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done. 3. Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing thro' Jesus the Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice; Oh, come to the Father, thro' Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPraise the Lord Blue book - Melodies of Praise 40qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp40qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1182qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus SavesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Onward! 'tis our Lord's command; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Waft it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell the sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, ye islands of the sea; Echo back, ye ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing above the battle strife, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By His death and endless life, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing it softly through the gloom, When the heart for mercy craves; Sing in triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free; Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus Saves White book - Songs We Sing 40qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp40qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8460qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGod Is So GoodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me. I love him so, I love him so, I love him so, He's so good to me. He answers prayers, He answers prayers, He answers prayers, He's so good to me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGod Is So Good Chorus 41qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp41qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7657qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLooking for that Blessed HopeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. O shout aloud the tidings, Repeat the joyful strain; Let all the waiting nations This message hear again; The spotless Lamb of glory, Who once for man was slain, Soon o'er all the earth shall reign. Looking for that blessed hope, Looking for that blessed hope; We know the hour is nearing, The hour of His appearing: for that blessed hope. 2. Signs in the heav'n above us, In sun and moon and sky, Proclaim to all the faithful Redemption draweth nigh; The hearts of men are quaking And failing them for fear: Jesus' coming draweth near. Looking for that blessed hope, Looking for that blessed hope; We know the hour is nearing, The hour of His appearing: for that blessed hope. 3. We'll watch for His returning With lamps well trimmed and bright; He cometh to the careless As thieves break thro' at night; "Well done, thou good and faithful" O may we hear the word, "Share the joy of Christ thy Lord." Looking for that blessed hope, Looking for that blessed hope; We know the hour is nearing, The hour of His appearing: for that blessed hope. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLooking for that Blessed Hope Blue book - Melodies of Praise 41qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp41qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1183qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus is CallingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus us tenderly calling thee home- Calling today, calling today; Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam, Farther and farther away? Calling today! Calling today! Jesus is calling, Is tenderly calling today. Jesus is calling the weary to rest- Calling today, calling today; Bring Him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest; He will not turn you away. Calling today! Calling today! Jesus is calling, Is tenderly calling today. Jesus is waiting, O come to Him now- Waiting today, waiting today; Come with thy sins, at His feet lowly bow; Come, and no longer delay. Calling today! Calling today! Jesus is calling, Is tenderly calling today. Jesus is pleading, O list to His voice- Hear Him today, hear Him today; They who believe on His name shall rejoice; Quickly arise and away. Calling today! Calling today! Jesus is calling, Is tenderly calling today. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus is Calling White book - Songs We Sing 41qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp41qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1184qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy RedeemerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will sing of my Redeemer, And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Sing, oh, sing.......of my Redeemer, With His blood.....He purchased me; On the cross.....He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt..........and made me free. I will tell the wondrous story, How my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave. Sing, oh, sing.......of my Redeemer, With His blood.....He purchased me; On the cross.....He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt..........and made me free. I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell, How the victory He giveth over sin, and death, and hell. Sing, oh, sing.......of my Redeemer, With His blood.....He purchased me; On the cross.....He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt..........and made me free. I will sing of my Redeemer, And His heav'nly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God with Him to be. Sing, oh, sing.......of my Redeemer, With His blood.....He purchased me; On the cross.....He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt..........and made me free. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Redeemer White book - Songs We Sing 42qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp42qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8465qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThey That Wait Upon The LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Found in Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThey That Wait Upon The Lord Chorus 42qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp42qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp7658qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOh! To Be Like TheeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. O! to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer, This is my constant longing and prayer; Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures, Jesus, Thy perfect likeness to wear. O! to be like Thee, O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. 2. O! to be like Thee, full of compassion, Loving, forgiving, tender and kind, Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting, Seeking the wand'ring sinner to find. O! to be like Thee, O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. 3. O! to be like Thee, lowly in spirit, Holy and harmless, patient and brave; Meekly enduring cruel reproaches, Willing to suffer, others to save. O! to be like Thee, O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. 4. O! to be like Thee, Lord, I am coming, Now to receive th' anointing divine, All that I am and have I am bringing. Lord, from this moment all shall be Thine. O! to be like Thee, O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. 5. O! to be like Thee, while I am pleading, Pour out Thy Spirit, fill with Thy love, Make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling, Fit me for life and heaven above. O! to be like Thee, O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. O! to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art; Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOh! To Be Like Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 42qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp42qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1185qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAre You Washed In the BloodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed, In the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you walking daily by the Savior's side? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed, In the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? When the bridegroom cometh will your robes be white? Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb? Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright? And be washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed, In the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb; There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, O be washed in the blood of the Lamb! Are you washed, In the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAre You Washed In the Blood White book - Songs We Sing 43qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp43qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8484qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCreate In Me A Clean HeartqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp From Psalms 51:10-12 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and renew a right spirit within me Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and renew a right spirit within me qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCreate In Me A Clean Heart Chorus 43qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp43qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1186qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCome to the Feast qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp "All things are ready," come to the feast! Come, for the table now is spread; Ye famishing, ye weary, come, And thou shalt be richly fed. Hear....... the invitation, Come, "who--so-ever will"..........Praise God..........for full salvation, For "whosoever will." "All things are ready," come to the feast! Come, for the door is open wide; A place of honor is reserved For you at the Master's side. Hear....... the invitation, Come, "who--so-ever will"..........Praise God..........for full salvation, For "whosoever will." "All things are ready," come to the feast! Come, while He waits to welcome thee; Delay not while this day is thine, Tomorrow may never be. Hear....... the invitation, Come, "who--so-ever will"..........Praise God..........for full salvation, For "whosoever will." "All things are ready," come to the feast! Leave ev'ry care and worldly strife; Come, feast upon the love of God, And drink everlasting life. Hear....... the invitation, Come, "who--so-ever will"..........Praise God..........for full salvation, For "whosoever will." qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCome to the Feast White book - Songs We Sing 44qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp44qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8488qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Have Decided To Follow JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have decided to follow Jesus;
2. Tho' none go with me, I still will follow,
3. My cross I'll carry, till I see Jesus;
4. The world behind me, the cross before me, qqqqTagppppI Have Decided To Follow Jesus Chorus 44qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp44qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1187qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPrepare to Meet Thy GodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Careless soul, why will you linger, Wand'ring from the fold of God? Hear you not the invitation? O prepare to meet thy God. Careless soul,......O heed the warning,........For your life..........will soon be gone;........... O how sad to face the judgment, meet thy God. Why so tho'tless are you standing While the fleeting years go by, And your life is spent in folly? O prepare to meet thy God. Careless soul,......O heed the warning,........For your life..........will soon be gone;........... O how sad to face the judgment, meet thy God. Hear you not the earnest pleadings Of your friends that wish thou well? And perhaps before tomorrow You'll be called to meet your God. Careless soul,......O heed the warning,........For your life..........will soon be gone;........... O how sad to face the judgment, meet thy God. If you spurn the invitation Till the Spirit shall depart, Then you'll see your sad condition, Unprepared to meet thy God. Careless soul,......O heed the warning,........For your life..........will soon be gone;........... O how sad to face the judgment, meet thy God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPrepare to Meet Thy God White book - Songs We Sing 45qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp45qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3129qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMansion Over the HilltopqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm satisfied with just a cot-tage be-low a lit-tle silver, and a lit-tle gold, But in that cit-y, where the ransomed will shine I want a gold one that's sil-ver lined, I've got a mansion just over the hill-top. In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yon-der We will never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold. Though of-ten tempt-ed, tor-ment-ed and test-ed and like the pro-phet, my pil-low a stone, And tho I find here, no per-ma-nent dwell-ing I know He'll give me a man-sion my own. I've got a mansion just over the hill-top. In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yon-der We will never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold. Don't think me poor-er, de-sert-ed or lone-ly, I'm not dis-cour-aged. I'm heaven bound. I'm just a pil-grim in search of that cit-y I want a man-sion, a harp and a crown. I've got a mansion just over the hill-top. In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yon-der We will never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold. Don't think me poor-er, de-sert-ed or lone-ly I'm not dis-cour-aged, I'm heav-en bound, I'm just a pil-grim in search of that cit-y. I want a man-sion a harp and a crown. I've got a mansion just over the hill-top. In that bright land where we'll never grow old And someday yon-der We will never more wander, But walk on streets that are purest gold. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMansion Over the Hilltop Blue book - Melodies of Praise 45qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp45qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8527qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGreat Is The Lord (song group)qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Let The Redeemed Sacrifices of Praise Jesus On The Inside Great Is the Lord Lift Jesus Higher qqqqTagppppGreat Is The Lord (song group) Chorus 45qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp45qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8625qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppUnto Thee, O LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. Remember not the sins of my youth, Remember not the sins of my youth, O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppUnto Thee, O Lord Chorus 46qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp46qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1188qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSoftly and TenderlyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling for you and for me, See on the portals He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home. Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, Mercies for you and for me? Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home. Time now is fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me; Shadows are gathering, death beds are coming, Coming for you and for me. Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home. O for the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me; Tho we have sinned He has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSoftly and Tenderly White book - Songs We Sing 46qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp46qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8637qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppYes, Lord yesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I sing yes, Lord yes to your will and to your way. I say yes Lord yes, I will trust you and obey. When your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart, I'll agree, and my answer will be yes, Lord yes. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppYes, Lord yes Chorus 47qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp47qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1189qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLord, I'm Coming HomeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've wandered far away from God, Now I'm coming home; The paths of sin too long I've trod, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. I've wasted many precious years, Now I'm coming home; I now repent with bitter tears, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. I'm tired of sin and straying, Lord, Now I'm coming home; I'll trust Thy love, believe Thy Word, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. My soul is sick, my heart is sore, Now I'm coming home; My strength renew, my hope restore, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. My only hope, my only plea, Now I'm coming home; That Jesus died, and died for me, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. I need His cleansing blood, I know, Now I'm coming home; O wash me whiter than the snow, Lord, I'm coming home. Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam; Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLord, I'm Coming Home White book - Songs We Sing 47qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp47qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1190qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAlmost PersuadedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp "Almost persuaded" now to believe; "Almost persuaded" Christ to receive; Seems now some soul to say: "Go, Spirit, go Thy way, Some more convenient day On Thee I'll call." "Almost persuaded" come, come today! "Almost persuaded" turn not away! Jesus invites you here, Angels are ling'ring near, Pray'rs rise from hearts so dear; O wand'rer, come! "Almost persuaded" harvest is past! "Almost persuaded" doom comes at last! "Almost" cannot avail, "Almost is but to fail; Sad, sad, that bitter wail; "Almost-but lost!" qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAlmost Persuaded White book - Songs We Sing 48qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp48qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8682qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCome And Praise The LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Come on and praise the Lord, come on and praise the Lord. Let all God's people praise the Lord. Shake off those heavy bands, lift up those holy hands. Let all God's people praise the Lord. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCome And Praise The Lord Chorus 48qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp48qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1191qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere Is a FountainqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins; (D.S.) And sinners,plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains; (D.S.) The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; (D.S.) And there may I, tho vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Wash all my sins away, wash all my sins away; (D.S.) Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its pow'r, (D.S.) Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more, Be saved to sin no more, Be saved to sin no more; (D.S.) E'er since by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, (D.S.) Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die; (D.S.) Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy pow'r to save, (D.S.) When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave. Lies silent in the grave, Lies silent in the grave; (D.S.) qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere Is a Fountain White book - Songs We Sing 49qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp49qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8697qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppVictory Is MineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Victory is mine victory is mine victory today is mine. I told Satan get thee behind victory today is mine. Salvation is mine salvation is mine salvation today is mine I told Satan Getty behind salvation today is mine. Redemption is mine redemption is mine redemption today is mine I told Satan Get thee behind redemption today is mine. Healing is mine healing is mine healing today is mine I told Satan get thee behind healing today is mine. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppVictory Is Mine Chorus 49qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp49qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3131qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn the GardenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I come to the gar-den a-lone, While the dew is till on the ros-es, And the voice I hear, Fall-ing on my ear, The Son of God dis-clos-es. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tar-ry there, None oth-er has ev-er known. He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their sing-ing, And the mel-o-dy That He gave to me, With-in my heart is ring-ing, And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tar-ry there, None oth-er has ev-er known. I'd stay in the gar-den with Him Tho' the night a-round me be fal-ling, But He bids me go; Thro' the voice of woe His voice to me is cal-ling. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own; And the joy we share as we tar-ry there, None oth-er has ev-er known. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIn the Garden Blue book - Melodies of Praise 49qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp49qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1192qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhere He Leads MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, "Take thy cross and follow, follow Me." Where He leads me, I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. I'll go with Him thru the garden, I'll go with Him thru the garden, I'll go with Him thru the garden, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. Where He leads me, I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. I'll go with Him thru the judgment, I'll go with Him thru the judgment, I'll go with Him thru the judgment, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. Where He leads me, I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, And go with me, with me all the way. Where He leads me, I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I'll go with Him, with Him all the way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhere He Leads Me White book - Songs We Sing 50qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp50qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8703qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThank you LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Thank you Lord for saving my soul. Thank you Lord for making me whole. Thank you Lord for giving to me, so great a salvation so rich and so free. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThank you Lord Chorus 50qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp50qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8746qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHave Thine own way, LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! qqqqTagppppHave Thine own way, Lord Chorus 51qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp51qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1193qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPass Me NotqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou are calling, Do not pass me by. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heav'n but Thee? Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPass Me Not White book - Songs We Sing 51qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp51qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8704qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe name of the Lord is a strong towerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh, the name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run in to it and they are safe. (Repeat) Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord, most high. (Echo) Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord most high. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe name of the Lord is a strong tower Chorus 51qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp51qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8747qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe is Lord, He is LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He is Lord, He is Lord qqqqTagppppHe is Lord, He is Lord Chorus 52qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp52qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1194qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLife's Sun ShinesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Past sorrow's cloud, Life's sun shines; Gloom may enshroud, Life's sun shines. When comes the end, Trust Christ your friend, Life's sun shines. Shadows fall fast, Life's sun brightly shines; Darkness can't last, Life's sun brightly shines. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLife's Sun Shines White book - Songs We Sing 52qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp52qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1195qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWill Jesus Find Us Watching?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When Jesus comes to reward His servants, Whether it be noon or night, Faithful to Him will He find us watching, With our lamps all trimmed and bright? O can we say,we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say will He find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? If at the dawn of the early morning, He shall call us one by one, When to the Lord we restore our talents, Will He answer thee, "Well done?" O can we say,we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say will He find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? Have we been true to the trust He left us? Do we seek to do our best! If in our hearts there is naught condemns us, We shall have a glorious rest. O can we say,we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say will He find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In His Glory they shall share; If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, Will He find us watching there? O can we say,we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say will He find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWill Jesus Find Us Watching? White book - Songs We Sing 53qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp53qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8951qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSomething Beautiful qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Something beautiful, something good. All my confusion you understood. All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife. But you make something beautiful out of my life. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSomething Beautiful Chorus 53qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp53qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1196qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere's A Great Day ComingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a great day coming, a great day coming, There's a great day coming by and by, When the saints and the sinners shall be parted , right and left, Are you ready for that day to come? Are you ready, are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready, are you ready, For the judgment day? There's a bright day coming, a bright day coming, There's a bright day coming by and by, But its brightness shall only come to them that love the Lord, Are you ready for that day to come? Are you ready, are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready, are you ready, For the judgment day? There's a sad day coming, a sad day coming, There's a sad day coming by and by, When the sinner shall hear his doom, "Depart, I know ye not," Are you ready for that day to come? Are you ready, are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready, are you ready, For the judgment day? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere's A Great Day Coming White book - Songs We Sing 54qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp54qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp8993qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAmazing loveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken. I'm accepted, you were condemned. I'm alive and well your spirit is within me because you died and rose again. Amazing Love how can it be that you my king should die for me. Amazing love, I know it's true and it's my joy to honor you and all I do to honor you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAmazing love Chorus 54qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp54qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1197qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Fly AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Some glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away, O glory. When the shadows of this life have grown, I'll fly away, O glory. Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away, O glory. Some day i know my Jesus I will meet. I'll fly away, O glory. qqqqTagppppI'll Fly Away White book - Songs We Sing 55qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp55qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9070qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLord I'm hungryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord I'm hungry qqqqTagppppLord I'm hungry Chorus 55qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp55qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1199qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust Over In the Glory-LandqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've a home prepared where the saints abide, Just over in the glory-land; And I long to be by my Savior's side, Just over in the glory-land. Just over in the glory-land, I'll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory-land; Just over in the glory-land, There with the mighty host I'll stand, Just over in the glory-land. I am on my way to those mansions fair, Just over in the glory-land; There to sing God's praise and His glory share, Just over in the glory-land. Just over in the glory-land, I'll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory-land; Just over in the glory-land, There with the mighty host I'll stand, Just over in the glory-land. What a joyful tho't, that my Lord I'll see, Just over in the glory-land; And with kindred saved there forever be, Just over in the glory-land. Just over in the glory-land, I'll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory-land; Just over in the glory-land, There with the mighty host I'll stand, Just over in the glory-land. With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing, Just over in the glory-land; Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King, Just over in the glory-land. Just over in the glory-land, I'll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory-land; Just over in the glory-land, There with the mighty host I'll stand, Just over in the glory-land. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJust Over In the Glory-Land White book - Songs We Sing 56qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp56qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9165qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI will singqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will sing, I will sing, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever I will see of the mercies of the Lord. With my mouth will I make no thy faithfulness thy faithfulness with my mouth will I make no die faithfulness to all generations. Repeat qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI will sing Chorus 56qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp56qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9176qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm so blessedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm so blessed, I'm so blessed. I've got this heartbeat in my chest. It doesn't matter about the rest, if I've got you Lord I'm so blessed! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm so blessed Chorus 57qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp57qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1200qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMore About JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to others show; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love that died for me. More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God my teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me. More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. More about Jesus in His word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in every line, Making each faithful saying mine. More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. More about Jesus on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdom's sure increase; More of His coming, Prince of Peace. More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMore About Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 57qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp57qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9277qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust Step In The River of the Sweet Holy GhostqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. Just step in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost 2. Just step in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost 3. I'm in the river of the sweet Holy Ghost qqqqTagppppJust Step In The River of the Sweet Holy Ghost Chorus 58qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp58qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1201qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Son Hath Made Me FreeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I was once in Egypt's bondage, Egypt's bondage, But deliv'rance came to me, came to me, And I'm living now in Canaan, now in Canaan, For the Son hath made me free. I am dwelling now in Canaan, now in Canaan, Jesus' blood avails for me, yes, for me; I am free from condemnation, condemnation, For the Son hath made me free. I was once a slave to Satan, slave to Satan, And He worked His will in me, yes,in me, But I'm bound by sin no longer, bound no longer, For the Son hath made me free. I am dwelling now in Canaan, now in Canaan, Jesus' blood avails for me, yes, for me; I am free from condemnation, condemnation, For the Son hath made me free. Worldly pleasures cannot charm me, cannot charm me, No delight in them I see, none for me, Fashion, folly,pride have left me, they have left me, For the Son hath made me free. I am dwelling now in Canaan, now in Canaan, Jesus' blood avails for me, yes, for me; I am free from condemnation, condemnation, For the Son hath made me free. All my fear, all condemnation, condemnation, All that stood 'twixt God and me, God and me, Praise His name! Are left behind me, left behind me, For the Son hath made me free. I am dwelling now in Canaan, now in Canaan, Jesus' blood avails for me, yes, for me; I am free from condemnation, condemnation, For the Son hath made me free. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Son Hath Made Me Free White book - Songs We Sing 58qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp58qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp9278qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppStep Into the WaterqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Starting with the Chorus 1. It's time we the people, stand up for what is right Step into the water, wade out a little bit deeper 2. There is victory for the Christian who walks the narrow way Step into the water, wade out a little bit deeper qqqqTagppppStep Into the Water Chorus 59qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp59qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppChorusqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1202qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTake The Name of Jesus With YouqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe; It will joy and comfort give you; Take it then where'er you go. Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from every snare; If temptations round you gather, Breathe that holy name in pray'r. Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. O the precious name of Jesus! How it thrills our souls with joy, When His loving arms receive us, And His songs our tongues employ. Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTake The Name of Jesus With You White book - Songs We Sing 59qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp59qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1203qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhat a Gathering That Will BeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home, We will greet each other by the crystal sea,With the friends and all the loved ones there awaiting us to come, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, At the sound of the glorious jubilee! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! When the angel of the Lord proclaims that time shall be no more, We shall gather, and the saved and ransomed see, Then to meet again together, on the bright celestial shore, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, At the sound of the glorious jubilee! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! At the great and final judgment, when the hidden comes to light, When the Lord in all His glory we shall see; At the bidding of our Savior, "Come my blessed, to My right," What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, At the sound of the glorious jubilee! What a gath'ring, gath'ring, What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhat a Gathering That Will Be White book - Songs We Sing 60qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp60qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1204qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhat A FriendqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry, Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, Everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhat A Friend White book - Songs We Sing 61qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp61qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1205qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Roll is Called Up YonderqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright, and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen the Roll is Called Up Yonder White book - Songs We Sing 62qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp62qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1206qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBringing In the SheavesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze; By and by the harvest and the labor ended, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master, Tho the loss sustained our spirit often grieves; When our weeping's over, He will bid us welcome, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBringing In the Sheaves White book - Songs We Sing 63qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp63qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1207qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Beautiful LifeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need; My life on earth is but a span, And so I'll do the best I can. Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go; To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun. To be a child of God each day, My light must shine along the way; I'll sing His praise while ages roll, And strive to help some troubled soul. Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go; To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun. The only life, that will endure, Is one that's kind and good and pure; And so for God I'll take my stand, Each day I'll lend a helping hand. Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go; To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun. I'll help someone in time of need, And journey on with rapid speed; I'll help the sick and poor and weak, And words of kindness to them speak. Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go; To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun. While going down life's weary road, I'll try to life some traveler's load; I'll try to turn the night to day, Make flowers bloom along the way. Life's evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go; To meet the deeds that I have done, Where there will be no setting sun. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA Beautiful Life White book - Songs We Sing 64qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp64qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1208qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDraw Me NearerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the power of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. O the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend; When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach, Till I rest in peace with Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppDraw Me Nearer White book - Songs We Sing 65qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp65qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1209qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppEverybody Will Be Happy Over ThereqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a happy land of promise over in the great beyond, Where the saved of earth shall soon the glory share; Where the souls of men shall enter and live on forever more, Everybody will be happy over there. Everybody will be happy, Will be happy, Over there; We will shout and sing His praise, Everybody will be happy over there. Mothers,fathers,sisters, brothers will be singing round the throne, In that land where no one ever knows a care; And the Christians of all ages will join in the triumph song, Everybody will be happy over there. Everybody will be happy, Will be happy, Over there; We will shout and sing His praise, Everybody will be happy over there. We will hear nobody praying and no mourning in that land, For no burdens there will be for us to bear; All the people will be singing "Glory, glory to the Lamb," Everybody will be happy over there. Everybody will be happy, Will be happy, Over there; We will shout and sing His praise, Everybody will be happy over there. There we'll meet the One who saved us and who kept us by His grace, And who brought us to that land so bright and fair; We will praise His name forever as we look upon His face, Everybody will be happy over there. Everybody will be happy, Will be happy, Over there; We will shout and sing His praise, Everybody will be happy over there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppEverybody Will Be Happy Over There White book - Songs We Sing 66qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp66qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1210qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Know My Name Is ThereqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My name is in the Book of Life, O bless the name of Jesus! I rise above all doubt and strife, And read my title clear. I know......I there; is there; I know..........I name is written there. My name once stood with sinners, lost, And bore a painful record; But by His blood the Savior crossed, And placed it on His roll. I know......I there; is there; I know..........I name is written there. Yet inward trouble often cast A shadow o'er my title; But now with full salvation blest, Praise God it's ever clear. I know......I there; is there; I know..........I name is written there. While others climb thro' worldly strife, To carve a name of honor, High up in Heaven's Book of Life, My name is written there. I know......I there; is there; I know..........I name is written there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Know My Name Is There White book - Songs We Sing 67qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp67qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1211qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppVictory In JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I heard an old, old story, How a Savior came from glory, How He gave His life on Calvary, To save a wretch like me; I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood's atoning, Then I repented of my sins and won the victory. O victory, in Jesus, my Savior forever, He sought me, and He bought me, With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him; He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood. I heard about His healing, Of His cleansing power revealing, How He made the lame to walk again, And caused the blind to see; And then I cried "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit," And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory. O victory, in Jesus, my Savior forever, He sought me, and He bought me, With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him; He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood. I heard about a mansion, He has built for me in glory, And I heard about the streets of gold, Beyond the crystal sea; About the angels singing, And the old redemption story, And some sweet day I'll sing up there, The song of victory. O victory, in Jesus, my Savior forever, He sought me, and He bought me, With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him; He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppVictory In Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 68qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp68qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1212qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTake My Hand, Precious LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When my way groweth drear, precious Lord linger near, When my life is almost gone; Hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall; Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; Thru the storm, thru the night, lead me on to the light; Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. When the shadows appear, and the night draweth near, And the day is past and gone; At the river I stand, guide my feet, hold my hand; Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; Thru the storm, thru the night, lead me on to the light; Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTake My Hand, Precious Lord White book - Songs We Sing 69qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp69qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1213qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Going That WayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've heard of a land of joy and peace and wonderful light, I'm going that way, I'm going that way, The glorious news I tell and sing, as onward I go, I'm going that way, I'm going that way, I know I shall meet Him at the gate, when trials are past, I'm going that way, I'm going that way, qqqqTagppppI'm Going That Way White book - Songs We Sing 70qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp70qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1214qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLeaning On the Everlasting ArmsqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarm; Leaning, leaning; Leaning on the everlasting arms. O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms; O how bright the path, grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarm; Leaning, leaning; Leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms; I have blessed peace, with my Lord so dear, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarm; Leaning, leaning; Leaning on the everlasting arms. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLeaning On the Everlasting Arms White book - Songs We Sing 71qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp71qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1215qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppNear the CrossqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain Free to all- a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me; There the Bright and Morning Star, Sheds its beams around me. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Near the cross O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadows o'er me. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Near the cross I'll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting, ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Just beyond the river. In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppNear the Cross White book - Songs We Sing 72qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp72qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1216qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppO How I Love JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells me of a Savior's love, Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, the sinner's perfect plea. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells me what my Father hath In store for ev'ry day, And tho I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. It tells of One whose loving heart, Can feel my deepest woe, Who in each sorrow bears a part, That none can bear below. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppO How I Love Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 73qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp73qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1217qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppNothing But the Blood qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow, No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my pardon this I see - Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing, this my plea- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow, No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can for sin atone- Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow, No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace- Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness- Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow, No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppNothing But the Blood White book - Songs We Sing 74qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp74qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1218qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Paid It All qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I hear the Savior say,"Thy strength indeed is small, Child of weakness warch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Lord, now indeed I find Thy pow'r, and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. For nothing good have I, Whereby Thy grace to claim-I'll wash my garments white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb. Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. And when, before the throne, I stand in Him complete, "Jesus died my soul to save," My lips shall still repeat. Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus Paid It All White book - Songs We Sing 75qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp75qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp3130qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHigher GroundqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm pressing on the up-ward way, New heights I'm gaining ev-ry day: Still praying as I'm onward bound, " Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground." Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land, A high-er plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. My heart has not de-sire to stay Where doubts a-rise and fears dis-may; Tho' some may dwell where these abound, My prayer, my aim, is high-er ground. Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land, A high-er plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. I want to live a-bove the world, Tho' Sa-tan's darts at me are hurled; For faith has caught the joy-ful sound, The song of saints on high-er ground. Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land, A high-er plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. I want to scale the utmost height, And catch a gleam of glo-ry bright; But still I'll pray till Heav'n I've found, " Lord, lead me on to high-er ground." Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heav-en's ta-ble-land, A high-er plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on high-er ground. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHigher Ground Blue book - Melodies of Praise 75qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp75qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5333qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe's Everything to MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In sin I once had wandered all weary, sad and lone, Till Jesus thro' His mercy adopted me His own; E'vr since I learned to trust Him, His grace doth make me free, An now I feel His pardon,He's everything to me. He's everything to me, From sin He sets me free, His peace and love my portion thro' all eternity! More than my dreams could be; O praise His name forever, He's everything to me. In sin no more I'll wander, He's Pilot, Friend and Guide, He brings me joy and singing, His Spirit doth abide; A blessed, loving Savior, the Lamb of Calvary; He purchased my redemption, He's everything to me. He's everything to me, From sin He sets me free, His peace and love my portion thro' all eternity! More than my dreams could be; O praise His name forever, He's everything to me.He's everything to me. No longer will I stray from His tender, loving care. Like Him to be my purpose, my aim, my constant prayer; And when He bids me welcom thro'out eternity, I'll praise His name forever, He's everything to me, He's everything to me, From sin He sets me free, His peace and love my portion thro' all eternity! More than my dreams could be; O praise His name forever, He's everything to me.He's everything to me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe's Everything to Me Blue book - Melodies of Praise 76qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp76qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1219qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRevive Us AgainqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love, For Jesus, Who died, and is now gone above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen; Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen; Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. Revive us again, fill each heart with Thy love. May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen; Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRevive Us Again White book - Songs We Sing 76qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp76qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5334qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus, Jesus, JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Never have I heard a name that thrilled my soul like Thine; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, O what wonderous grace that links that lovely name with mine. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus, Jesus, Jesus Blue book - Melodies of Praise 77qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp77qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1220qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGlory to His NameqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Down at the cross where my Savior died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name. Glory to His name, Glory to His name, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name. I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within, There at the cross where He took me in, Glory to His name. Glory to His name, Glory to His name, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name. O precious fountain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in, There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean, Glory to His name. Glory to His name, Glory to His name, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name. Come to this fountain so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet, plunge in today and be made complete, Glory to His name. Glory to His name, Glory to His name, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His name. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGlory to His Name White book - Songs We Sing 77qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp77qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5335qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn the Twinkling of an EyeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the trumpet of the great archangel! It's mighty tones shall sound, And the end of the world proclaiming, Shall pierce the depths profound; When the Son of man shall come in His glory, With all the saints on high, What a shouting in the skies from the multitudes that rise, Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye; The trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised, Changed in the twinkling of an eye. When He comes in the clouds descending, And they who loved Him here, From their graves shall awake and praise Him! With joy and not with fear; When the body and the soul are united, And clothed no more to die, What a shouting there will be when each other's face we see. Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye; The trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised, Changed in the twinkling of an eye. O the seed that was sown in weakness, Shall then be raised in pow'r, And the songs of the bloodbought millions , Shall hail that blissful hour; When we gather safely home in the morning, And night's dark shadows fly, What a shouting on the shore when we meet to part no mre Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye, Changed in the twinkling of an eye; The trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised, Changed in the twinkling of an eye.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppIn the Twinkling of an Eye Blue book - Melodies of Praise 78qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp78qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1230qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust As I AmqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Just as I am, and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Just as I am, tho tossed about, With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Just as I am- Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJust As I Am White book - Songs We Sing 78qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp78qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1231qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Be SatisfiedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When my soul is singing in that promised land above, I'll be satisfied; Praising Christ the Savior for redeeming grace and love, I'll be satisfied. I'll be satisfied, I'll be satisfied, When my soul is resting in the presence of the Lord, I'll be satisfied. Living in a city where the soul shall never die, I'll be satisfied; There to meet with loved ones, never more to say goodbye, I'll be satisfied. I'll be satisfied, I'll be satisfied, When my soul is resting in the presence of the Lord, I'll be satisfied. When I meet the ransomed over on the golden shore, I'll be satisfied; There I'll join the angels singing praises evermore, I'll be satisfied. I'll be satisfied, I'll be satisfied, When my soul is resting in the presence of the Lord, I'll be satisfied. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'll Be Satisfied White book - Songs We Sing 79qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp79qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1232qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Shall Not Be MovedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Glory Hallelujah, I shall not be moved; Anchored in Jehovah, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. I shall not be, I shall not be moved; I shall not be, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. In His love abiding, I shall not be moved; And in Him confiding, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. I shall not be, I shall not be moved; I shall not be, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. Tho all hell assail me, I shall not be moved; Jesus will not fail me, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. I shall not be, I shall not be moved; I shall not be, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. Tho the tempest rages, I shall not be moved; On the rock of ages, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. I shall not be, I shall not be moved; I shall not be, I shall not be moved; Just like a tree, that's planted by the waters, I shall not be moved. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Shall Not Be Moved White book - Songs We Sing 80qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp80qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5343qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMake Me a BlessingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad; Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, Making the sorrowing glad.
Make me a blessing, Out of my life, may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior I pray, Make me a blessing to some one today. Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love, Tell of His pow'r to forgive; Others will trust Him if only you prove True, ev'ry moment you live. Make me a blessing, Out of my life, may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior I pray, Make me a blessing to some one today. Give as 'twas given to you in your need, Love as the Master loved you, Be to the helpless a helper in deed, Unto your mission be true. Make me a blessing, Out of my life, may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior I pray, Make me a blessing to some one today. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMake Me a Blessing Blue book - Melodies of Praise 80qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp80qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1233qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Great PhysicianqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, O hear the voice of Jesus. Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. Your many sins are all forgiven, O hear the voice of Jesus; Go on your way in peace to heaven, And wear a crown with Jesus. Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. All glory to the dying Lamb! I now believe in Jesus; I love the blessed Savior's name, I love the name of Jesus. Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Great Physician White book - Songs We Sing 81qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp81qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5344qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRock of AgesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no langour know, These for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of ages , cleft for me, Let mehide myself in Thee. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppRock of Ages Blue book - Melodies of Praise 81qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp81qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1234qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPeace, Joy and LoveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Peace, perfect peace, From my guild I am free; Happy am I since my Lord pardoned me; Joy, blessed joy, Now is flooding my soul; Jesus, my Lord, I have given control. Love, wondrous love, Gave the Savior to me; Love that will live thru all eternity. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPeace, Joy and Love White book - Songs We Sing 82qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp82qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5345qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSigns Are EverywhereqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The King is coming in glory To catch His bride away, It may be in the morning It may be at midday, At the even or midnight; The trump will sound so clear, The dead in Christ and we that live, His coive shall hear.
The King is coming, hallelujah! He's coming in the air, The figtree is budding, The signs are everywhere,The saints are looking ever upward White journing on their way, He's coming, hallelujah! To catch His bride away. Behold! He cometh, and leaping And skipping o'r the hills; Like the young roe, like the young hart, My soul with rapture thrills; Thru the window He's looking, Thru the lattice work is seen, The winter's past, the rain is o're, The figs are green, The King is coming, Be ready To meet Him on that day; With your heart right, with your robs white, And in this holy way; Like lighting that flashes In the twinkling of an eye Our Lord shall come to claim His own, He's drawing nigh. He's coming, hallelujah! To catch His bride away.He's coming, hallelujah! To catch His bride away.The King is coming in glory To catch His bride away, It may be in the morning It may be at midday, At the even or midnight; The trump will sound so clear, The dead in Christ and we that live, His voice shall hear.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppSigns Are Everywhere Blue book - Melodies of Praise 82qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp82qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5798qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Remember CalvaryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Where He may lead me I will go, For I have learned to trust Him so, And I remember 'twas for me, That He was slain on Calvary.
Jesus shall lead me night and day, Jesus shall lead me all the way, He is the truest Friend to me, For I remember Calvary.
O I delight in His command, Love to be led by His dear hand; His divine will is sweet to me, Hallowed by blood staind Calvary.
Jesus shall lead me night and day, Jesus shall lead me all the way, He is the truest Friend to me, For I remember Calvary.
Onward I go, nor doubt nor fear, Happy with Christ my Savior near, Trusting that I some day shall see Jesus my Friend of Calvary.
Jesus shall lead me night and day, Jesus shall lead me all the way, He is the truest Friend to me, For I remember Calvary. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppI Remember Calvary Blue book - Melodies of Praise 83qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp83qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1235qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJoy UnspeakableqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have found His grace is all complete, He supplieth every need; While I sit and learn at Jesus' feet, I am free, yes, free indeed. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half that has never yet been told. I have found the pleasure I once craved, It is joy and peace within; What a wondrous blessing! I am saved, From the awful gulf of sin. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half that has never yet been told. I have found that hope so bright and clear, Living in the realm of grace; Oh, the Savior's presence is so near, I can see His smiling face. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half that has never yet been told. I have found the joy no tongue can tell, How its waves of glory roll; It is like a great o'erflowing well, Springing up within my soul. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half that has never yet been told. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJoy Unspeakable White book - Songs We Sing 83qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp83qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5801qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMore AbundantlyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Are you trusting Jesus, All along the way? Does He grow more precious to you heart each day? Are you His disciple? Test His Word and see, He will give the Spirit more abundantly,
More abundantly, More abundantly, That they might have life And more abundantly; More abundantly, More Abundantly, That they might have life and more abundantly.
For His matchelss favor Magnify the name Of our gracious Savior Who from glory came; Let the saints adore Him for this wonderous Word Sealing our redemption thro' the crimson flood.
More abundantly, More abundantly, That they might have life And more abundantly; More abundantly, More Abundantly, That they might have life and more abundantly.
Come to Him believing, Hearken to His call; All from Him receiving, Yield to Him your all; Jesus will accept you when to Him you flee; He will grant His blessing more abundantly.
More abundantly, More abundantly, That they might have life And more abundantly; More abundantly, More Abundantly, That they might have life and more abundantly. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMore Abundantly Blue book - Melodies of Praise 84qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp84qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1236qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOur Lord's Return to EarthqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am watching for the coming of the glad millenial day, When our blessed Lord shall come and catch His waiting Bride away; O my heart is filled with rapture as I labor, watch and pray, For our Lord is coming back to earth again. O our Lord is coming back to earth again, Yes, our Lord is coming back to earth again; Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then, After Jesus shall come back to earth again. Jesus' coming back will be the answer to earth's sorrowing cry, For the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth and sea and sky; God shall take away all sickness and the sufferer's tears will dry, When our Savior shall come back to earth again. O our Lord is coming back to earth again, Yes, our Lord is coming back to earth again; Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then, After Jesus shall come back to earth again. Yes, the ransomed of the Lord shall come to Zion then with joy; And in all His holy mountain nothing hurts or shall destroy; Perfect peace shall reign in ev'ry heart, and love without alloy, After Jesus shall come back to earth again. O our Lord is coming back to earth again, Yes, our Lord is coming back to earth again; Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then, After Jesus shall come back to earth again. Then the sin and sorrow, pain and death of this dark world shall cease; In a glorious reign with Jesus of a thousand years of peace; All the earth is groaning, crying for that day of sweet release, For our Jesus to come back to earth again. O our Lord is coming back to earth again, Yes, our Lord is coming back to earth again; Satan will be bound a thousand years, we'll have no tempter then, After Jesus shall come back to earth again. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOur Lord's Return to Earth White book - Songs We Sing 84qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp84qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1237qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppVictoryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Hallelujah, what a thought! Jesus full salvation brought, Victory, victory! Let the power of sin assail , Heaven's grace can never fail, Victory, victory! Victory, yes, victory! Hallelujah I am free, Jesus gives me victory! Glory, glory, hallelujah! He is all in all to me. I am trusting in the Lord, I am standing on His word, Victory, victory! I have peace and joy within, Since my life is free from sin, Victory, victory! Victory, yes, victory! Hallelujah I am free, Jesus gives me victory! Glory, glory, hallelujah! He is all in all to me. Shout your freedom everywhere, His eternal peace declare, Victory, victory! Let us sing it here below, in the face of every foe, Victory, victory! Victory, yes, victory! Hallelujah I am free, Jesus gives me victory! Glory, glory, hallelujah! He is all in all to me. We will sing it on that shore, When this fleeting life is o'er, Victory, victory! Sing it here ye ransomed throng, Start the everlasting song, Victory, victory! Victory, yes, victory! Hallelujah I am free, Jesus gives me victory! Glory, glory, hallelujah! He is all in all to me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppVictory White book - Songs We Sing 85qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp85qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1238qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSend the FireqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire, send the fire! Thy blood bought gift today we claim, Send the fire, send the fire! Look down and see this waiting host, Give us the promised Holy Ghost, We want another Pentecost, Send the fire, send the fire. God of Elijah, hear our cry, Send the fire, send the fire! He'll make us fit to live or die, Send the fire, send the fire! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire, send the fire. 'Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire, send the fire! The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire, send the fire! For strength to ever do the right, For grace to conquer in the fight, For power to walk the world in white, Send the fire, send the fire. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSend the Fire White book - Songs We Sing 86qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp86qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5802qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe LivesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today; I that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, And just the time I need Him He's always near.
He live, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
In all the world around me I see His loving care, And thou' my heart grows weary I never will despair; I know that He is leading, thro' all the stormy blast, The day of his appearing will come at last,
He live, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, life up our voice and sing Eternal halleluljahs to Jesus Christ the King! The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, None other is so loving, so good and kind.
He live, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way, He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppHe Lives Blue book - Melodies of Praise 86qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp86qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1239qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRoll off Your Burdens on JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Roll off your burdens on Jesus now, Roll off your burdens on Jesus now; He is willing to carry them for you; Roll off your burdens on Jesus. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRoll off Your Burdens on Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 87qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp87qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5803qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppClose to TheeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Thou, my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me, All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee.
Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee, Gladly will I toil and suffer, Onl let me walk with Thee.
Lead me thro' the vale of shadows, Bear me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gare of life eternal May I enter, Lord with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; Then the gate of life enternal May I enter, Lord with Thee. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppClose to Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 87qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp87qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1240qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAn Old Account SettledqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There was a time on earth when in the book of heaven, An old account was standing for sins yet unforgiven; My name was at the top, and many things below, I went unto the Keeper, and settled long ago. Long ago, long ago, Yes, the old account was settled long ago; And the record's clear today, for He washed my sins away, When the old account was settled long ago. The old account was large, and growing every day, For I was always sinning, and never tried to pay; But when I looked ahead, and saw such pain and woe, I said that I would settle, and settled long ago. Long ago, long ago, Yes, the old account was settled long ago; And the record's clear today, for He washed my sins away, When the old account was settled long ago. When at the judgment bar I stand before my King, And He the book will open, He cannot find a thing; Then will my heart be glad, while tears of joy will flow, Because I had it settled, and settled long ago. Long ago, long ago, Yes, the old account was settled long ago; And the record's clear today, for He washed my sins away, When the old account was settled long ago. O sinner, seek the Lord, repent of all your sin, For thus He has commanded, if you would enter in; And then if you should live a hundred years below, E'en here you'll not regret it, you settled long ago. Long ago, long ago, Yes, the old account was settled long ago; And the record's clear today, for He washed my sins away, When the old account was settled long ago. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAn Old Account Settled White book - Songs We Sing 88qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp88qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5804qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIsn't He WonderfulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a wonderful wonderful love, Brought our Savior to earth below, And our sins, which were scarlet are cleans'd For His blood washes whiter than snow.
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Eyes not seen, ears not heard, What's recorded in God's Word, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful.
There was wonderful pow'r in His Word, For He spoke and sea was still. All the halt and blind were made whole: Evil spirits obyed His great will.
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Eyes not seen, ears not heard, What's recorded in God's Word, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful.
When He left He the comforter gave, Ev'ry promise He made is true. And the pow'r that was His may be ours. Greater works than all these shall ye do.
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Eyes not seen, ears not heard, What's recorded in God's Word, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful.
That they all may be one, 'twas His pray'r, O, what wisdom and love sublime. That we all may be one, let us pray. One in spirit redeeming the time.
Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Eyes not seen, ears not heard, What's recorded in God's Word, Isn't He wonderful, wonderful. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIsn't He Wonderful Blue book - Melodies of Praise 88qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp88qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1241qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Satisfied With JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I tried to be but couldn't be a Christian in my heart, I struggled night and day my mortal debts to pay; But all the more my heart grew sore and in my agony, Cried mercy forevermore. O I'm satisfied with Jesus in my heart today, His grace is full and free, His blood now cleanseth me; The love we share is always there and never will depart, Tis glory for evermore. When at the end I met a friend, King Jesus was His name, He's everything to me, wherever I may be; And in our walk we often talk how in eternity, Are blessings for evermore. O I'm satisfied with Jesus in my heart today, His grace is full and free, His blood now cleanseth me; The love we share is always there and never will depart, Tis glory for evermore. I'm looking for my Lord to come from mansions in the sky, He said He'd come some day to take His bride away; His Word is sure, 'twill then endure and I shall ever be with Jesus for evermore. O I'm satisfied with Jesus in my heart today, His grace is full and free, His blood now cleanseth me; The love we share is always there and never will depart, Tis glory for evermore. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Satisfied With Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 89qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp89qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5805qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCaught UpqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Tho' we may not know the moment when our blessed Lord shall come To receive us to mansions overthere, Yet we know 'twill not be long before He takes His loved ones home, And we're caught up to meet Him in the air.
We'll be caught up to meet Him in the air, We'll be caught up His blessedness to share; Very soon He will come To take his people home Caught up to meet Him in the air.
There are times when we are called to wade thro' waters deep and wide, And the sorrows of Christ Himself to share; We remember He has promised to be ever at our side, Till we're caught up to meet Himin the air.
We'll be caught up to meet Him in the air, We'll be caught up His blessedness to share; Very soon He will come To take his people home Caught up to meet Him in the air.
Then eternal years in glory with our Savior we will spend; O we long for that morning bright and fair! When the days of our sojourning and our pilbrimage shall end, We'll be caught up to meet Him in the air.
We'll be caught up to meet Him in the air, We'll be caught up His blessedness to share; Very soon He will come To take his people home Caught up to meet Him in the air. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCaught Up Blue book - Melodies of Praise 89qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp89qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1242qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGettin Ready To Leave This WorldqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Laying up my treasures in that home above, Trusting, fully trusting in the Savior's love; Doing what I can for heaven's Holy Dove, I'm getting ready to leave this world. Getting ready, ready to leave this world, Getting ready for the gates of pearl; Keeping my record bright, watching both day and night, I'm getting ready to leave this world. Trusting in the riches of His saving grace, In each earthly trial I His love can trace, Sure that up in heaven I shall find a place, I'm getting ready to leave this world. Getting ready, ready to leave this world, Getting ready for the gates of pearl; Keeping my record bright, watching both day and night, I'm getting ready to leave this world. To prepare a mansion, Jesus said, "I'll go, If it were not true I would have told you so," Just a little while to linger here below, I'm getting ready to leave this world. Getting ready, ready to leave this world, Getting ready for the gates of pearl; Keeping my record bright, watching both day and night, I'm getting ready to leave this world. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGettin Ready To Leave This World White book - Songs We Sing 90qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp90qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5822qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA New Name In GloryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I was once a sinner, but I came Pardon to receive from my Lord: This was freely given and I found That He always kept His word.
There's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! And the white-robed angels sing the story, A sinner has come home. For there's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! With my sins forgiven I am bound for heaven, Never more to roam.
I was humbly kneeling at the cross, Fearing naught but God's angry frown; When the heavens opened and I saw That my name was written down.
There's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! And the white-robed angels sing the story, A sinner has come home. For there's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! With my sins forgiven I am bound for heaven, Never more to roam.
In the Book 'tis written, Saved by Grace, O the joy that came to my soul! Now I am forgiven and I know By the blood I am made whole.
There's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! And the white-robed angels sing the story, A sinner has come home. For there's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! With my sins forgiven I am bound for heaven, Never more to roam. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA New Name In Glory Blue book - Melodies of Praise 90qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp90qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1243qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Would Not Be DeniedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When pangs of death seized on my soul, Unto the Lord I cried, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. As Jacob in the days of old, I wrestled with the Lord; And instant, with a courage bold, I stood upon His word. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. Old Satan said my Lord was gone, And would not hear my prayer; But, praise the Lord! the work is done, And Christ the Lord is here. I would not be denied, I would not be denied, Till Jesus came and made me whole, I would not be denied. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Would Not Be Denied White book - Songs We Sing 91qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp91qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5823qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCleanse MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray: See if there be some wicked way in me: Cleanse me from ev'ry sin and set me free.
I praise Thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin: Fulfill Thy Word and make me pure within; Fill me with fire, where once I burned wih shame: Grant my desire to magnify Thy name.
Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine: Fill my poor heart with Thy great love devine; Take all my will, my passion, self and pride; I now surrender: Lord, in me abide.
O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee: Send a revival all start the work in me: Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need: For blessing now, O Lord, I humbly plead. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCleanse Me Blue book - Melodies of Praise 91qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp91qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1244qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWill You Meet Me Over Yonder?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am bound for that bright city, Where the streets are paved with gold; Where in peace I'll dwell forever, O the joy, can ne'er be told. Will you meet me over yonder, And with happy millions dwell, Will you meet me over yonder, Where we'll never say farewell. That will be a happy meeting, With the dear ones passed away; O the joy, of that reunion, in that land of endless day. Will you meet me over yonder, And with happy millions dwell, Will you meet me over yonder, Where we'll never say farewell. Brother, say how are you living? Should He call for you to go; Are you ready for the summons? Is your robe made white as snow? Will you meet me over yonder, And with happy millions dwell, Will you meet me over yonder, Where we'll never say farewell. There a mansion is awaiting, For the ones who overcome; Soon life's storms will pass forever, And we'll safely reach our home. Will you meet me over yonder, And with happy millions dwell, Will you meet me over yonder, Where we'll never say farewell. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWill You Meet Me Over Yonder? White book - Songs We Sing 92qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp92qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5824qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Rolled the Sea AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When Israel out of bondage came, A sea before them lay; The Lord reach'd down His mighty hand, And rolled the sea away. Then forward still, 'tis Jehovah's will, Tho' the billows dash and spray, With a conq'ring tread we will push ahead He'll roll the sea away. Before me was a sea of sin, So great I feared to pray; My heart's dsire the Savior read, And rolled the sea away. Then forward still, 'tis Jehovah's will, Tho' the billows dash and spray, With a conq'ring tread we will push ahead He'll roll the sea away. When sorrows dark, like stormy waves, Were dashing o'er my way; Again the Lord in mercy came, And rolled the sea away. Then forward still, 'tis Jehovah's will, Tho' the billows dash and spray, With a conq'ring tread we will push ahead He'll roll the sea away. And when I reach the sea of death, For needed grace I'll pray; I know the Lord will quickly come, And roll the sea away. Then forward still, 'tis Jehovah's will, Tho' the billows dash and spray, With a conq'ring tread we will push ahead He'll roll the sea away. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Rolled the Sea Away Blue book - Melodies of Praise 92qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp92qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1245qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Great Reaping DayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is coming a day when to judgment we'll go, There to reap as in life we've sown; Death eternal we'll reap if we sow to the flesh, Heaven's joys then will never be known. May we sow righteous seed for the reaping, Which is coming to ev'ry one; O the joy on that day when we hear Jesus say, Come, ye blessed, a crown you have won. Ev'ry day passing by you are sowing the seed, Fruits of life or of death will bear; When you reap what you sow to that land you may go, To that bright, happy home over there. May we sow righteous seed for the reaping, Which is coming to ev'ry one; O the joy on that day when we hear Jesus say, Come, ye blessed, a crown you have won. If you'd win life eternal there's no time to lose, Look around you the fields are white; Fo ye forth to the field, sow and reap golden grain, Soon will fall the dark shadows of night. May we sow righteous seed for the reaping, Which is coming to ev'ry one; O the joy on that day when we hear Jesus say, Come, ye blessed, a crown you have won. Ev'ry act you perform is as seed to some one, For the influence will ne'er die; Then be careful each day what you do, what you say, For you'll meet it again by and by. May we sow righteous seed for the reaping, Which is coming to ev'ry one; O the joy on that day when we hear Jesus say, Come, ye blessed, a crown you have won. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Great Reaping Day White book - Songs We Sing 93qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp93qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1246qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppO I Want to See HimqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp As I journey thru the land singing as I go, Pointing souls to Calvary- to the crimson flow, Many arrows pierced my soul from without, within; But my Lord leads me on, thru Him I must win. O I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace; On the streets of glory let me lift my voice; Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. When in service for my Lord dark may be the night, But I'll cling more close to Him, He will give me light; Satan's snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside; But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate'er betide. O I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace; On the streets of glory let me lift my voice; Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height, And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight, With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low, Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go. O I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace; On the streets of glory let me lift my voice; Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. When before me billows rise from the mighty deep, Then my Lord directs my bark, He doth safely keep; And He leads me gently on thru this world below; He's a real friend to me, O I love Him so. O I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace; On the streets of glory let me lift my voice; Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppO I Want to See Him White book - Songs We Sing 94qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp94qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1247qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLonging For JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm longing for that glorious day when Jesus Christ shall come, I long to see His blessed face; When all the saints thoughout the ages shall be gathered home, The ones who've trusted in His grace. I'm longing for Jesus to come back, I long for Jesus Christ, my King, to come and take me to my home beyond the sky, up there where angels shout and sing. Sometimes the road seems rough and hard, the pathway seems so long, But He is always by my side; He whispers loving words to me and tells me to be strong, That He will always lead and guide. I'm longing for Jesus to come back, I long for Jesus Christ, my King, to come and take me to my home beyond the sky, up there where angels shout and sing. Oh, what a glorious time 'twill be when thru the air I go, To meet the one who died for me; My sorrows, cares, my trials, tears, will all be left below, For then my way will be complete. I'm longing for Jesus to come back, I long for Jesus Christ, my King, to come and take me to my home beyond the sky, up there where angels shout and sing. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLonging For Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 95qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp95qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5839qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSince Jesus Came Into My HeartqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, Since Jesus came into my heart; I have light in my soul for which long I had sought, Since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billow roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. I have ceased from my wand 'ring and going a stray, Since Jesus came into my heart; And my sins which were many are all washed away, Since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billow roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. I'm possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart; And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billow roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. There's a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart; And the gates of the city beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billow roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. I shall go there to dwell in that city I know, Since Jesus came into my heart; And I'm happy, so happy, as onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart. Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart; Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billow roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSince Jesus Came Into My Heart Blue book - Melodies of Praise 95qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp95qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1248qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Know Salvation Is RealqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once I was reveling out in sin and doubted Jesus' great love, He spoke peace to me, and now so happy I feel; God's love is leading me on the way To that fair mansions above, The world can't make me doubt the Lord, I know salvation is real. Oh, praise the Lord, what joy and gladness I feel down in my heart; I know salvation is real; I'm leaning on my Savior's arm, and He will keep my from all harm, I know salvation is real. My fears and doubtings are now all gone since Jesus taught me to pray, He spoke peace to me, and now so happy I feel; My Savior tells me that I'm His own, And oh, I'm glad I can say, The world can't make me doubt the Lord, I know salvation is real. Oh, praise the Lord, what joy and gladness I feel down in my heart; I know salvation is real; I'm leaning on my Savior's arm, and He will keep my from all harm, I know salvation is real. Sweet peace and gladness is in my soul since Jesus whispered to me, He spoke peace to me, and now so happy I feel; The joys of heaven now o'er me roll, And I'm so happy and free, the world can't make me doubt the Lord, I know salvation Oh, praise the Lord, what joy and gladness I feel down in my heart; I know salvation is real; I'm leaning on my Savior's arm, and He will keep my from all harm, I know salvation is real. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Know Salvation Is Real White book - Songs We Sing 96qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp96qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1249qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTo Whom Shall We Go?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp To whom shall we go, dear Lord, To gain eternal life? We yearn for the soul's reward, From sin and endless strife. Yes, Lord, in Thee alone Our hope by faith we stay; Oh gather us 'round Thy throne For one eternal day. To whom shall we go, dear Lord, When sorrow comes our way? No other in pity, Lord, Will hear us when we pray. Yes, Lord, in Thee alone Our hope by faith we stay; Oh gather us 'round Thy throne For one eternal day. To whom shall we go, dear Lord, When death is drawing near? Just trusting in Thee, dear Lord, To conquer every fear. Yes, Lord, in Thee alone Our hope by faith we stay; Oh gather us 'round Thy throne For one eternal day. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTo Whom Shall We Go? White book - Songs We Sing 97qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp97qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1250qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn the Golden By and ByqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There will be a bright tomorrow, When the storms of life are o'er, There will be no care or sorrow, On that blest eternal shore. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. Oh, to be at home with Jesus, Where no tears will dim the eye, But to spend the countless ages, In the golden by and by. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. Tho' this life is often lonely, Yet with Jesus for a guide, I will bear my cross with patience, Till I reach the river side. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. And I know that He will meet me, When death's shadows 'round me lie, And will give me life eternal, In the golden by and by. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. Oh, no matter when He calls me, May I be prepared to go, To that land of life eternal, Where no tears will ever flow. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. And I know that over yonder, In the mansions in the sky, Angel songs will bid me welcome, To the golden by and by. In that land there'll be no sorrow, And no tears will dim the eye, But there'll be a bright tomorrow, In the golden by and by. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIn the Golden By and By White book - Songs We Sing 98qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp98qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1251qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppTake Higher GroundqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Seek the blessings of a heart made pure, In whose depth no evil shall be found; With a faith and hope that doth endure, In the Christian life take higher ground. Take higher ground, take higher ground, Richly doth the grace of God abound. With His mercy free enfolding thee, In the Christian life take higher ground. Seek to lay aside each sinful weight, And in blessed libery arise; All to Jesus fully consecrate, And then claim the gift that near thee lies. Take higher ground, take higher ground, Richly doth the grace of God abound. With His mercy free enfolding thee, In the Christian life take higher ground. Take the higher ground where joys abide, Which the world can never take away; In the Saviour's pow'r and love confide, And surrender all to Him for aye. Take higher ground, take higher ground, Richly doth the grace of God abound. With His mercy free enfolding thee, In the Christian life take higher ground. Tarry for the pow'r that comes from God, Labor without unction is but vain; Do not faint, but bear the chastening rod, Thirsty soul, receive ye "latter rain." Take higher ground, take higher ground, Richly doth the grace of God abound. With His mercy free enfolding thee, In the Christian life take higher ground. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppTake Higher Ground White book - Songs We Sing 99qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp99qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1252qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGod Calling YetqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp God calling yet! Shall I not hear? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear? Shall life's swift passing years all fly, And still my soul in slumber lie? God is calling, calling yet; God is calling, Sinner, heed His pleading voice. God calling yet! Shall I not rise? Can I His loving voice despise, And basely His kind care repay? He calls me still; can I delay? God is calling, calling yet; God is calling, Sinner, heed His pleading voice. God calling yet! And shall I give no heed, but still in bondage live? I wait, but He does not forsake; He calls me still; my heart awake! God is calling, calling yet; God is calling, Sinner, heed His pleading voice. God calling yet! I cannot stay; My heart I yield without delay; Vain world, farewell! from thee I part; The voice of God has reach'd my heart. God is calling, calling yet; God is calling, Sinner, heed His pleading voice. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppGod Calling Yet White book - Songs We Sing 100qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp100qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1253qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppFill My Way With LoveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Let me walk, blessed Lord, in the way Thou hast gone, Leading straight to the land above; Giving cheer everywhere, to the sad and the lone, Fill my way every day with love Fill my way every day with love, As I walk with the heavenly Dove; Let me go all the while with a song and a smile, Fill my way every day with love. Keep me close to the side of my Saviour and guide, Let me never in darkness rove; Keep my path free from wrath, and my soul satisfied, Fill my way every day with love. Fill my way every day with love, As I walk with the heavenly Dove; Let me go all the while with a song and a smile, Fill my way every day with love. Soon the race will be o'er, and I'll travel no more, But abide in my home above; Let me sing, blessed King, all the way to the shore, Fill my way every day with love. Fill my way every day with love, As I walk with the heavenly Dove; Let me go all the while with a song and a smile, Fill my way every day with love. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppFill My Way With Love White book - Songs We Sing 101qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp101qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1254qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAnywhere Is HomeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Earthly wealth and fame, May never come to me, And a palace fair, Here mine may never be; But let come what may, If Christ for me doth care, Anywhere is home, If He is only there. Anywhere is home, Let come and go what may, Anywhere I roam, He keeps me all the way; So for His dear sake, My cross I'll meekly bear, Anywhere is home, If Christ, my Lord, is there. Oft I'm tossed about, And driven by the foe, Sad within, without, Wherever I may go; But I press alond, Still looking up in pray'r, For it's home, sweet home, If Christ in only there. Anywhere is home, Let come and go what may, Anywhere I roam, He keeps me all the way; So for His dear sake, My cross I'll meekly bear, Anywhere is home, If Christ, my Lord, is there. I will labor on, Till I am called away, Till the morn shall dawn, Of that eternal day; Looking unto Him, Who keeps me in His care, Anywhere is home, If Christ, my Lord is there. Anywhere is home, Let come and go what may, Anywhere I roam, He keeps me all the way; So for His dear sake, My cross I'll meekly bear, Anywhere is home, If Christ, my Lord, is there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAnywhere Is Home White book - Songs We Sing 102qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp102qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1255qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIf We Never Meet AgainqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey, And perhaps we'll never meet anymore, Till we gather in heaven's bright city, Far away on that beautiful shore. Never meet this side of heaven, Struggle thru this world and its strife, Meeting place somewhere in heaven, By the shining river of life; Roses bloom ever and ever, Separations come never more, Never meet this side of heaven, Meet you on that beautiful shore. O so often we're parted with sorrow, Benedictions often quicken our pain, But we never shall sorrow in heaven, God be with you till we meet again. Never meet this side of heaven, Struggle thru this world and its strife, Meeting place somewhere in heaven, By the shining river of life; Roses bloom ever and ever, Separations come never more, Never meet this side of heaven, Meet you on that beautiful shore. O they say we shall meet by the river, Where no storm clouds ever darken the sky, And they say we'll be happy in heaven, In the wonderful sweet by and by. Never meet this side of heaven, Struggle thru this world and its strife, Meeting place somewhere in heaven, By the shining river of life; Roses bloom ever and ever, Separations come never more, Never meet this side of heaven, Meet you on that beautiful shore. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIf We Never Meet Again White book - Songs We Sing 103qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp103qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1044qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Meet You In The MorningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will meet you in the morn-ing, by the bright, riv-er side, When all sor-row has drift-ed a-way; I'll be standing at the por-tals, when the gates o-pen wide, At the close of life's long, dreary day. Meet you in the morn-ing, meet you in the morning, with a "How do you do," and we'll sit down by the river, and with rapture auld acquaintance renew; Know me in the morning by the smiles that I wear, When I meet you in the morning, In the city that is built four square. I will meet you in the morn-ing, in the sweet by and by, And exchange the old cross for a crown; There will be no disappointments and no-body shall die, In that land where the sun goeth down. Meet you in the morn-ing, meet you in the morning, with a "How do you do," and we'll sit down by the river, and with rapture auld acquaintance renew; Know me in the morning by the smiles that I wear, When I meet you in the morning, In the city that is built four square. I will meet you in the morn-ing , at the end of the way, On the streets of that ci-ty of gold; Where we all can be to-geth-er and be hap-py for aye, While the years and the a-ges shall roll. Meet you in the morn-ing, meet you in the morning, with a "How do you do," and we'll sit down by the river, and with rapture auld acquaintance renew; Know me in the morning by the smiles that I wear, When I meet you in the morning, In the city that is built four square. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'll Meet You In The Morning White book - Songs We Sing 104qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp104qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1461qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJust A Little WhileqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1..Soon this life will all be over, And our pilgrimage will end, Soon we'll take our heav'nly journey, Be at home again with friends, Heaven's gates are standing open, Waiting for our entrance there, Some sweet day we're going over, All the beauties there to share.
(Cho.) Just a little while to stay here, Just a lit-tle while to wait, Just a lit-tle while to labor In the path that's always stright. Just a lit-tle more of trou-ble ..In this low and sin-ful state: Then we'll en-ter heaven's por-tals, ..Sweeping thru the pearly gates.
2..Soon we'll see the light of morn-ing, Then the new day will be-gin, Soon we'll hear the Fa-ther calling,"Come, my child-ren en-ter in ." Then we'll hear a choir of an-gels, Sing-ing out the vic-'try song, All our trou-bles will be ended, And we'll live with heaven's throng.
(Cho) Just a little while to stay here, Just a lit-tle while to wait, Just a lit-tle while to labor In the path that's always stright. Just a lit-tle more of trou-ble ..In this low and sin-ful state: Then we'll en-ter heaven's por-tals, ..Sweeping thru the pearly gates.
3...Soon we'll meet a-gain our loved ones and we'll take them by the hand, Soon we'll press them to our bo-som, Over in the promised land; Then we'll be at home for-ev-er, Thru out all e-ter-nity, What a bless-ed, bless-ed morning, That eter-al morn shall be!
(Cho.) Just a little while to stay here, Just a lit-tle while to wait, Just a lit-tle while to labor In the path that's always stright. Just a lit-tle more of trou-ble ..In this low and sin-ful state: Then we'll en-ter heaven's por-tals, ..Sweeping thru the pearly gates.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppJust A Little While White book - Songs We Sing 105qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp105qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1045qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Hold My HandqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. As I travel through this pilgrim land there is a Friend who walks with me. Jesus, hold my hand, I need Thee ev'ry hour, 2. Let me travel in the light divine that I may see the blessed way; Jesus, hold my hand, I need Thee ev'ry hour, 3. When I wander thru the valley dim toward the setting of the sun, Jesus, hold my hand, I need Thee ev'ry hour, qqqqTagppppJesus Hold My Hand White book - Songs We Sing 106qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp106qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1462qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIt Is LoveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There is something in my soul which keeps the shadows all away; It is love, My Savior's love! Something lightens ev'ry burden, gives me gladness day by day, It is love, my Savior's love. O the precious love of Jesus, How it thrills my ransomed soul! More and more I'll sing its praises, While the happy ages roll. When the tempter tries to win me something keeps me true and strong; It is love, my Savior's love! Something makes my life a blessing to the needy in the throng, It is love, my Savior's love. O the precious love of Jesus, How it thrills my ransomed soul! More and more I'll sing its praises, While the happy ages roll. When misfortune overtakes me something calms my troubled breast; It is love, my Savior's love! Something draws my soul to heaven, that sweet land of peace and rest, It is love, my Savior's love. O the precious love of Jesus, How it thrills my ransomed soul! More and more I'll sing its praises, While the happy ages roll. Soul astray and bowed in sorrow, something waits for you today; It is love, my Savior's love! It would give you peace and comfort, make your burden roll away, It is love, my Savior's love. O the precious love of Jesus, How it thrills my ransomed soul! More and more I'll sing its praises, While the happy ages roll. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIt Is Love White book - Songs We Sing 107qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp107qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1256qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Will Never Turn BackqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once I wandered in darkness unsaved, Till the Savior came knocking at my heart, And I opened the door, let Him in, Now rich blessings to me He imparts. I will never turn back, He's my light every day; No, I'll never turn back, For my Savior is leading the way. Of His love I will sing every day, Yes I'll sing of His wondrous power to save, For my Savior is leading the way, To those mansions of glory above. I will never turn back, He's my light every day; No, I'll never turn back, For my Savior is leading the way. In His service each day may I be, Leading sinners to Jesus to be healed, Thru the blood flowing from Calvary, Till the light of His love is revealed. I will never turn back, He's my light every day; No, I'll never turn back, For my Savior is leading the way. Healing body and soul by His blood, And He keeps me each moment by His power, I will walk in the light of His word, And be ready to go any hour. I will never turn back, He's my light every day; No, I'll never turn back, For my Savior is leading the way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Will Never Turn Back White book - Songs We Sing 108qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp108qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1257qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLonging to GoqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If Jesus should come, if Jesus should come, I'd welcome the call from on high; There's nothing could hold me, nor money nor home, I'd leave withour saying goodbye. I'm longing to go, I'm longing to go; When the trumpet shall sound from mansions on high, I'd leave without saying goodbye. I'm tired of things earthly- of everything here, There's nothing could hold me, I know; This world is a wilderness, naught I hold dear, I'm longing, just longing to go. I'm longing to go, I'm longing to go; When the trumpet shall sound from mansions on high, I'd leave without saying goodbye. I've laid aside weights and I've washed my robes white, And the blood's flowing over my soul; The way seems so dark, and so long is the night, But faith keeps its eye on the goal. I'm longing to go, I'm longing to go; When the trumpet shall sound from mansions on high, I'd leave without saying goodbye. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLonging to Go White book - Songs We Sing 109qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp109qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1258qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSunlightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I wandered in the shades of night, Till Jesus came to me; And with the sunlight of His love, Bid all my darkness flee. Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. Tho' clouds may gather in the sky, And billows round me roll; However dark the world may be, I've sunlight in my soul. Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. While walking in the light of God, I sweet communion find; I press with holy vigor on, And leave the world behind. Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. I cross the wide extended fields, I journey o'er the plain; And in the sunlight of His love, I reap the golden grain. Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. Soon I shall see Him as He is, The light that came to me; Behold the brightness of His face, Throughout eternity. Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSunlight White book - Songs We Sing 110qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp110qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1259qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Hallelujah SideqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once a sinner far from Jesus, I was perishing with cold, But the blessed Saviour heard me when I cried; Then He threw His robe around me, and He led me to His fold, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; Help me sing the Savior's praises far and wide; For I've opened up toward heaven all the windows of my soul, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Tho' the world may sweep around me with her dazzle and her dreams, Yet I envy not her vanities and pride; For my soul looks up to heaven where the golden sunlight gleams, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; Help me sing the Savior's praises far and wide; For I've opened up toward heaven all the windows of my soul, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Not for all earth's golden millions would I leave this precious place, Tho' the tempter to persuade me oft has tried; For I'm safe in God's pavilion, happy in His love and grace, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; Help me sing the Savior's praises far and wide; For I've opened up toward heaven all the windows of my soul, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Here the sun is always shining, here the sky is always bright; Tis no place for gloomy Christians to abide; For my soul is filled with music and my heart with great delight, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; Help me sing the Savior's praises far and wide; For I've opened up toward heaven all the windows of my soul, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. And upon the streets of glory, when we reach the other shore, And have safely crossed the Jordan's rolling tide; You will find me shouting "Glory" just outside my mansion door, Where I'm living on the hallelujah side Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; Help me sing the Savior's praises far and wide; For I've opened up toward heaven all the windows of my soul, And I'm living on the hallelujah side. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Hallelujah Side White book - Songs We Sing 111qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp111qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1260qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe Shall See The KingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a blessed, blesesd time that's coming soon, It may be evening, morning, or at noon; The wedding of the bride, united with the groom, We shall see the King when He comes. We shall see the King, We shall see the King, We shall see the King when He comes; He is coming in pow'r, we'll hail the blessed hour, We shall see the King when He comes. Are you ready should the Saviour call today, Would Jesus say well done or go away? My home is for the pure, the vile can never stay, We shall see the King when He comes. We shall see the King, We shall see the King, We shall see the King when He comes; He is coming in pow'r, we'll hail the blessed hour, We shall see the King when He comes. Oh, my brother are you ready for the call? To crown your Saviour King and Lord of all? The kingdoms of this world, shall soon before Him fall, We shall see the King when He comes. We shall see the King, We shall see the King, We shall see the King when He comes; He is coming in pow'r, we'll hail the blessed hour, We shall see the King when He comes. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWe Shall See The King White book - Songs We Sing 112qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp112qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1261qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Opened Up the WayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way to glory, When He died to save us from our ruined state; And He asks that we shall go tell the world the story, How His blood will save them from their awful fate. Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way, Opened up the way, way to heaven's gate; When the Savior died, died upon the cross, To redeem the lost, to redeem the lost; He prepared the road to His blest abode, Jesus made the road to His blest abode; Tis a road that's marked by the Savior's blood, But it safely leads to the living God. And the way is marked by the footprints of the Savior, With His blood He made it, made it plain and straight; If you walk that way, it will lead you into heaven, Lead you safely into glory's golden gate. Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way, Opened up the way, way to heaven's gate; When the Savior died, died upon the cross, To redeem the lost, to redeem the lost; He prepared the road to His blest abode, Jesus made the road to His blest abode; Tis a road that's marked by the Savior's blood, But it safely leads to the living God. Sinner, will you come and join in this heavenly journey, Walk the bloody pathway that the Savior trod; Then when life is over and all the sheaves are garnered, You will meet the Savior and be not afraid. Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way, Opened up the way, way to heaven's gate; When the Savior died, died upon the cross, To redeem the lost, to redeem the lost; He prepared the road to His blest abode, Jesus made the road to His blest abode; Tis a road that's marked by the Savior's blood, But it safely leads to the living God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus Opened Up the Way White book - Songs We Sing 113qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp113qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1262qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Burdens Rolled AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I remember when my burdens rolled away, I had carried them for years, night and day; When I sought the blessed Lord, and I took Him at His word, Then at once all my burdens rolled away. Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away; Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away. I remember where my burdens rolled away, That I feared would never leave, night or day; Jesus showed to me the loss, so I left them at the cross, I was glad when my burdens rolled away. Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away; Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away. I remember why my burdens rolled away, That had hindered me for years, night and day; As I sought the throne of grace, just a glimpse of Jesus' face, And I knew that my burdens could not stay. Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away; Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away. I am singing sonce my burdens rolled away, There's a song within my heart, night and day; I am living for my King, and with joy I shout and sing, Hallelujah! my burdens rolled away. Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away; Rolled away, rolled away, I am happy since my burdens rolled away. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Burdens Rolled Away White book - Songs We Sing 114qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp114qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1263qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppVictory AheadqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the hosts of Israel, led by God, Round the walls of Jericho softly trod; Trusting in the Lord, they felt the conqueror's tread, By faith they saw the victory ahead. Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Thru the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. David, with a shephard's sling and five stones, Met the giant on the field all alone; Trusting in the Lord, he knew what God had said, By faith he saw the victory ahead. Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Thru the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. Daniel prayed unto the Lord thrice each day, Then unto the lion's den led the way; Trusting in the Lord, he did not fear or dread, By faith he saw the victory ahead. Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Thru the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. Often with the carnal mind I was tried, Asking for deliverance oft I cried; Trusting in the Lord, I reckoned I was dead, By faith I saw the victory ahead. Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Thru the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. When like those who've gone before to that land, By death's river cold and dark I shall stand; Trusting in the Lord, I will not fear or dread, By faith I saw the victory ahead. Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Thru the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppVictory Ahead White book - Songs We Sing 115qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp115qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1264qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBelonging To GodqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My Savior came down from glory on high, Redeeming my soul that never shall die; Belonging to Him, my Master and Lord, For serving Him here, He'll give me reward. The yoke that I wear is easy and light, His service I find is perfectly right, Belonging to God, is glory divine, A beautiful home at last shall be mine. He found me a slave in bondage to sin, In pity He saw the state I was in; To show His great love He died in my place, I'll paise while I live, His wonderful grace. The yoke that I wear is easy and light, His service I find is perfectly right, Belonging to God, is glory divine, A beautiful home at last shall be mine. From mire of the clay He lifted my soul, I stand on the Rock beneath His control; And now a new song with rapture I sing, To Jesus my Lord my Master and King. The yoke that I wear is easy and light, His service I find is perfectly right, Belonging to God, is glory divine, A beautiful home at last shall be mine. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBelonging To God White book - Songs We Sing 116qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp116qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1265qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAmazing GraceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Amazing grace, how sweet the sound 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear Thru many dangers, toils, and snares When we've been there ten thousand years, The Lord has promised good to me. qqqqTagppppAmazing Grace White book - Songs We Sing 117qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp117qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1266qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppYes I KnowqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Come, ye sinners, lost and hopeless, Jesus' blood can make you free; For He saved the worst among you, When He saved a wretch like me. And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean; And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean. To the faint He giveth power, Thro' the mountains makes a way; Findeth water in the desert, Turns the night to golden day. And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean; And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean. In temptation He is near thee, Holds the pow'rs of hell at bay; Guides you to the path of safety, Gives you grace for every day. And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean; And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean. He will keep thee while the ages, Roll throughout eternity; Tho' earth hinders and hell rages, All must work for good to thee. And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean; And I know, yes, I know, Jesus' blood can make the vilest sinner clean. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppYes I Know White book - Songs We Sing 118qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp118qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1267qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Happy With Jesus AloneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's nothing so precious as Jesus to me; Let earth with its treasures be gone; I'm rich as can be when my Savior I see, I'm happy in Jesus alone. I'm happy with Jesus alone, I'm happy with Jesus alone; Tho' poor and deserted, thank God, I can say, I'm happy in Jesus alone. When sinful and doomed to a life of despair, No light on my pathway to shine; 'Twas Jesus who found me and made me and heir, To mansions of glory divine. I'm happy with Jesus alone, I'm happy with Jesus alone; Tho' poor and deserted, thank God, I can say, I'm happy in Jesus alone. When nothing but death for my ransom could pay, And make me accepted with God, 'Twas Jesus who freely Himself made a prey, And ransomed my soul with His blood. I'm happy with Jesus alone, I'm happy with Jesus alone; Tho' poor and deserted, thank God, I can say, I'm happy in Jesus alone. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Happy With Jesus Alone White book - Songs We Sing 119qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp119qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1268qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Brought Me OutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown, And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay, Who tenderly brought me out to golden day. He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the Rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, hallelujah! He placed me upon the strong Rock by His side, My steps were established and here I'll abide; No danger or falling while here I remain, But stand by His grace until the crown I gain. He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the Rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, hallelujah! He gave me a song, 'twas a new song of praise, By day and by night its sweet notes I will raise; My heart's overflowing, I'm happy and free, I'll praise my Redeemer, who has rescued me. He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the Rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, hallelujah! I'll sing of His wonderful mercy to me, I'll praise him till all men His goodness shall see; I'll sing of salvation at home and abroad, Till many shall hear the truth and trust in God. He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the Rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, hallelujah! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Brought Me Out White book - Songs We Sing 120qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp120qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1269qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe Will Rise And ShineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We are climbing Jacob's ladder, ladder, We are climbing Jacob's ladder, ladder, We are climbing Jacob's ladder, ladder, Soldiers of the cross. We will rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Soldiers of the cross. Each day brings me one round higher, higher, Each day brings me one round higher, higher, Each day brings me one round higher, higher, Soldiers of the cross, We will rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Soldiers of the cross. Don't you wish you had this blessing, blessing, Don't you wish you had this blessing, blessing, Don't you wish you had this blessing, blessing, Soldiers of the cross. We will rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Soldiers of the cross. Jesus died that you might have it, have it, Jesus died that you might have it, have it, Jesus died that you might have it, have it, Soldiers of the cross. We will rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, Soldiers of the cross. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWe Will Rise And Shine White book - Songs We Sing 121qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp121qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1270qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen My Name Is Called In GloryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have heard the call of Jesus and am on my journey home, I have left the haunts of sorrow and despair; I am walking with the righteous and I care no more to roam, I am seeking now the country bright and fair. When my name is called in glory I'll be there, For the Lord has heard and answered every prayer; And with Him I've made it right, Justified within His sight, When my name is called in glory I'll be there. Earthly charms no longer tempt me, for in Him I stand complete, And I'm trying to lead others to His side; All my heavy trials daily He is helping me to meet, Oh, He is the soul's true helper, friend, and guide. When my name is called in glory I'll be there, For the Lord has heard and answered every prayer; And with Him I've made it right, Justified within His sight, When my name is called in glory I'll be there. Leaving earthly cares behind me I am sure to reach the goal, And from my Redeemer I will never stray; I am on the way to Beulah, that sweet homeland of the soul, Where the trials of this life have passed away. When my name is called in glory I'll be there, For the Lord has heard and answered every prayer; And with Him I've made it right, Justified within His sight, When my name is called in glory I'll be there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen My Name Is Called In Glory White book - Songs We Sing 122qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp122qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1271qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppCome Back to the Saviour TonightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You long have been living away from your God, And sinning against the light; You've traveled a rough and a dangerous road, Come back to the Saviour tonight. Come back to the Saviour tonight, Come back to the Saviour tonight; You've traveled a rough and a dangerous road, Come back to the Saviour tonight. You've wandered afar on the highway of sin, Away from the pathway of right; But Jesus is calling and bids you return, Come back to the Saviour tonight. Come back to the Saviour tonight, Come back to the Saviour tonight; You've traveled a rough and a dangerous road, Come back to the Saviour tonight. Even now you are nearing the dangerous ledge, That hides the dark pit from your sight; Turn back ere you find it forever too late, Seek Jesus, and safety tonight. Come back to the Saviour tonight, Come back to the Saviour tonight; You've traveled a rough and a dangerous road, Come back to the Saviour tonight. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppCome Back to the Saviour Tonight White book - Songs We Sing 123qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp123qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1272qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBeautifulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Beautiful robes so white, Beautiful land of light, Beautiful home so bright, Where there shall come no night; Beautiful crown I'll wear, Shining with stars o'er there, Yonder in mansions fair, Gather us there. Beautiful robes, Beautiful land, Beautiful crown, Shining so fair, Beautiful mansion bright, gather us there. Beautiful thought to me, We shall forever be, Thine in eternity, When from this world we're free; Free from its toil and care, Heavenly joys to share, Let me cross over there; This is my prayer. Beautiful robes, Beautiful land, Beautiful crown, Shining so fair, Beautiful mansion bright, gather us there. Beautiful things on high, Over in yonder sky, Thus shall I leave this shore, Counting my treasures o'er; Where we shall never die, Carry me by and by, Never to sorrow more, Heavenly store. Beautiful robes, Beautiful land, Beautiful crown, Shining so fair, Beautiful mansion bright, gather us there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBeautiful White book - Songs We Sing 124qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp124qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1273qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Feel Like Traveling OnqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on; Nor pain, nor death can enter there, I feel like traveling on. Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on. Its glittering towers the sun outshine, I feel like traveling on; That heavenly mansion shall be mine, I feel like traveling on. Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on. Let others seek a home below, I feel like traveling on; Which flames devour, or waves o'er-flow, I feel like traveling on. Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on. The Lord has been so good to me, I feel like traveling on; Until that blessed home I see, I feel like traveling on. Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heavenly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Feel Like Traveling On White book - Songs We Sing 125qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp125qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1274qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Am Determined To Hold OutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When I first found Jesus something o'er me stole, Like lightning it went thro' me, and glory filled my soul; Salvation made me happy and took my fears away, And when I meet old Satan to him I always say: I am determined to hold out to the end, Jesus is with me, on Him I can depend; And I know I have salvation, for I feel it in my soul, I am determined to hold out to the end. Satan was so angry, said he's soon be back, Just let the path get narrow, and he will lose the track; But I'm so full of glory, my Lord I always find, And I just say to Satan, "Old man, get thee behind." I am determined to hold out to the end, Jesus is with me, on Him I can depend; And I know I have salvation, for I feel it in my soul, I am determined to hold out to the end. This old-time religion makes me sometimes shout, I don't have time to gossip, nor any time to pout, They say that I'm too noisy, but when these blessings flow, I shout, O hallelujah, I want the world to know. I am determined to hold out to the end, Jesus is with me, on Him I can depend; And I know I have salvation, for I feel it in my soul, I am determined to hold out to the end. When I hear the trumpet sounding in the sky, And see the mountains trembling, to heaven I will fly; For Jesus will be calling, there'll be no time to mend, With joy I'll go up singing, "I've held out to the end." I am determined to hold out to the end, Jesus is with me, on Him I can depend; And I know I have salvation, for I feel it in my soul, I am determined to hold out to the end. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Am Determined To Hold Out White book - Songs We Sing 126qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp126qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1275qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSome DayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My trials here on earth will cease, Some day, some day; And I will have unending peace, Some day, some day. Some day, some happy day, From sin set free; I'll live with Christ for aye, Some day, some day. No more in darkness will I roam, Some day, some day; But rest eternally at home, Some day, some day. Some day, some happy day, From sin set free; I'll live with Christ for aye, Some day, some day. Those gone before me I shall meet, Some day, some day; My loved ones will my spirit greet, Some day, some day. Some day, some happy day, From sin set free; I'll live with Christ for aye, Some day, some day. My loving Savior I shall see, Some day, some day; With him in glory I shall be, Some day, some day. Some day, some happy day, From sin set free; I'll live with Christ for aye, Some day, some day. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSome Day White book - Songs We Sing 127qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp127qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1276qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAll AloneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp On Mount Olive's sacred brow Jesus spent the night in prayer, He's the pattern for us all, all alone, If we'll only steal away, in some portion of the day, We will find it always pays to be alone. There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone; There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone. There are days I'd like to be with the sanctified and blest, There are days I like to be all alone, These can never grace impart, to my weary, sin-tossed heart, There are days I'd like to be just all alone. There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone; There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone. There are days to fast and pray for the pilgrims in his way, There are days to be with Christ all alone, We can tell Him all our grief, He will give us quick relief, There are days I'd like to be just all alone. There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone; There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone. Where a heart is broken up with the bitter, woeful cup, There's the time to go to Christ all alone, In our blessed Lord divine, there is peace and joy sublime, When we take our sorrows all to Him alone. There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone; There are days I'd like to be all alone with Christ my Lord, I can tell Him of my troubles all alone. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAll Alone White book - Songs We Sing 128qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp128qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1277qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSweeping Thru the GateqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am now a child of God, I've been washed in Jesus' blood, I am watching and I'm longing while I wait; Soon on wings of love I'll fly, to a home beyond the sky, To my welcome, as I'm sweeping thru the gate. Sweeping thru the gate, Sweeping thru the gate; In the blood of Calvary's Lamb, washed from every stain I am, Hallelujah! I am sweeping thru the gate. O the blessed Lord of light now upholds me by His might, And His arms enfold and comfort while I wait; I am leaning on His breast; O the sweetness of His rest! Hallelujah! I am sweeping thru the gate. Sweeping thru the gate, Sweeping thru the gate; In the blood of Calvary's Lamb, washed from every stain I am, Hallelujah! I am sweeping thru the gate. Burst are all my prison bars, and I soar beyond the stars, To my Father's house, the bright and blest estate; Lo! the morn eternal breaks, and the song immortal wakes, Washed in Jesus' blood, I'm sweeping thru the gate. Sweeping thru the gate, Sweeping thru the gate; In the blood of Calvary's Lamb, washed from every stain I am, Hallelujah! I am sweeping thru the gate. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSweeping Thru the Gate White book - Songs We Sing 129qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp129qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1278qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Million Years From NowqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We read about a country Where sin cannot invade, A wonderland of beauty Whose splendors never fade; There we shall praise the Savior As we before Him bow, All care will be forgotten, A million years from now. A million years from now, A million years from now, We'll still be shouting vict'ry's As to our Lord we bow; No one will ever die, No heart will ever sigh, We'll just begin to live A million years from now. We all have friends and loved ones Upon the other shore, And if we run with patience The race that's set before, We'll join the throng immortal And tell the story how We overcame the tempter, A million years from now. A million years from now, A million years from now, We'll still be shouting vict'ry's As to our Lord we bow; No one will ever die, No heart will ever sigh, We'll just begin to live A million years from now. In that great resurrection, When Christ shall call His own, We'll shout and sing together Around the shining throne; O what a jubilation, When crowns adorn our brow, We'll know the joys of heaven, A million years from now. A million years from now, A million years from now, We'll still be shouting vict'ry's As to our Lord we bow; No one will ever die, No heart will ever sigh, We'll just begin to live A million years from now. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA Million Years From Now White book - Songs We Sing 130qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp130qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1279qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppReadyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Ready to suffer grief or pain, Ready to stand the test; Ready to stay at home and send Others, if He sees best. Ready to go, ready to stay, Ready my place to fill; Ready for service, lowly or great, Ready to do His will. Ready to go, ready to bear, Ready to watch and pray; Ready to stand aside and give, Till He shall clear the way. Ready to go, ready to stay, Ready my place to fill; Ready for service, lowly or great, Ready to do His will. Ready to speak, ready to think, Ready with heart and brain; Ready to stand where He sees fit, Ready to bear the strain. Ready to go, ready to stay, Ready my place to fill; Ready for service, lowly or great, Ready to do His will. Ready to speak, ready to warn, Ready o'er souls to yearn; Ready in life, ready in death, Ready for His return. Ready to go, ready to stay, Ready my place to fill; Ready for service, lowly or great, Ready to do His will. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppReady White book - Songs We Sing 131qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp131qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5322qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Understands!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Bow'd beneath your burden, is there none to share? Weary with the journey, is there none to care? Courage, wayworn trav'ler, heed your Lord's commands, There's a tho't to cheer you, Jesus understands.
Yes, he understands, all his ways are best. Hear, he calls to you. "Come to me and rest." Leave the unknown future in the Master's hand, Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.
Evry heavy burden he will gladly share, Are you sad and weary? Jesus has a care; Well he knows the pathway o'er life's burning sands Courage, fainting pilgrim, Jesus understands.
Yes, he understands, all his ways are best. Hear, he calls to you. "Come to me and rest." Leave the unknown future in the Master's hand, Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.
Tho' temptation meet you, Jesus can sustain, Life has vexing problems which he can explain; Serve him where he sends you though in distant lands, Do not doubt or question, Jesus understands.
Yes, he understands, all his ways are best. Hear, he calls to you. "Come to me and rest." Leave the unknown future in the Master's hand, Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.
Weary heart, he calls you, "Come to me and rest," Does the path grow rugged? yet his way is best; Leave the unknown future in the Master's hands, Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands.
Yes, he understands, all his ways are best. Hear, he calls to you. "Come to me and rest." Leave the unknown future in the Master's hand, Whether sad or joyful, Jesus understands. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus Understands! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 131qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp131qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1280qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRedeemedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sweet is the song I am singing today; I'm redeemed! I'm redeemed! Trouble and sorrow have vanished away; I have been redeemed! I'm redeemed by love divine, Glory, glory, Christ is mine, Christ is mine, All to Him I now resign, I have been redeemed. Great is my joy now as onward I go; I'm redeemed! I'm redeemed! All the way homeward my praises shall flow; I have been redeemed! I'm redeemed by love divine, Glory, glory, Christ is mine, Christ is mine, All to Him I now resign, I have been redeemed. Precious indeed is my Savior to me; I'm redeemed! I'm redeemed! Happy in glory some day I shall be; I have been redeemed! I'm redeemed by love divine, Glory, glory, Christ is mine, Christ is mine, All to Him I now resign, I have been redeemed. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRedeemed White book - Songs We Sing 132qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp132qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5327qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Healing WatersqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Oh, the joy of sins forgiv'n, Oh the bliss the bloodwashed know, Oh the peace akin to heav'n Where lkthe healing waters flow.
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow, Oh there's peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Now with Jesus crucified, At his feet I'm resting low; Let me evermore abide Where the healing waters flow.
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow, Oh there's peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Oh, this precious perfect love! How it keeps the heart aglow, Streaming from trhe fount above, Where the healing waters flow.
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow, Oh there's peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Oh, to lean on Jesus' breast, While the tempests come and go! Here is blessed peace and rest, Where the healing waters flow.
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow, Oh there's peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow!
Cleansed from ev'ry sin and stain, Whiter than the driven snow, Now I sing my sweet refrain, Where the healing waters flow.
Where the healing waters flow, Where the joys celestial glow, Oh there's peace and rest and love, Where the healing waters flow! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Healing Waters Blue book - Melodies of Praise 132qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp132qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1281qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHis Yoke Is EasyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've found my Lord and He is mine, He won me by His love; I'll serve Him all my years of time, And dwell with Him above. His yoke is easy, His burden is light, I've found it so, I've found it so; His service is my sweetest delight, His blessings ever flow. No other Lord but Christ I know, I walk with Him alone; His streams of love forever flow, Within my heart, His throne. His yoke is easy, His burden is light, I've found it so, I've found it so; His service is my sweetest delight, His blessings ever flow. He's dearer to my heart than life, He found me lost in sin; He calmed the sea of inward strife, And bade me come with Him. His yoke is easy, His burden is light, I've found it so, I've found it so; His service is my sweetest delight, His blessings ever flow. I've tried the road to sin, and found Its prospects all deceive; I've proved the Lord and joys abound, More than I could believe. His yoke is easy, His burden is light, I've found it so, I've found it so; His service is my sweetest delight, His blessings ever flow. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHis Yoke Is Easy White book - Songs We Sing 133qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp133qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5328qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Keys To The KingdomqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You hold the keys to the kingdom of God, Use them now, friend, and when you begin, Start with the key that will unlock your heart, Open up and let Jesus come in; The master key's next, my dear neighbor, It's one you should use ev'ry day, Prayer is the key to the great pearly gates, Yes, you're unlocking them when you pray.
Don't lose your keys to the kingdom of God, For you can't buy your way to the fold, Loveth thy neighbor, for love is the key To that heavenly mansion of gold; When trumpets ring out in the morning, And you step where angels have trod, That's the great day, you'll be so glad you used All the keys to the kingdom of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Keys To The Kingdom Blue book - Melodies of Praise 133qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp133qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1282qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI've Received An InvitationqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've received an invitation from the glorious King of Kings, I am going to be there; To be present at the banquet when the Lord His ransomed brings, I am going to be there. I've received an invitation, glory, glory to His name!- To the marriage supper of the Lamb; And the Lord command has given for the summons to prepare, And I'm going to be there. When the saved ones of all ages gather round the great white throne, I am going to be there; Where in all the bright forever we shall know as we are known, I am going to be there. I've received an invitation, glory, glory to His name!- To the marriage supper of the Lamb; And the Lord command has given for the summons to prepare, And I'm going to be there. Where the city walls are jasper, and the streets are purest gold, I am going to be there; Where the King in all His beauty eye to eye we shall behold, I am going to be there. I've received an invitation, glory, glory to His name!- To the marriage supper of the Lamb; And the Lord command has given for the summons to prepare, And I'm going to be there. Where the harps are never silent and the choral songs ascend, I am going to be there; And where our departed loved ones we shall meet and know again, I am going to be there. I've received an invitation, glory, glory to His name!- To the marriage supper of the Lamb; And the Lord command has given for the summons to prepare, And I'm going to be there. Where no sickness ever enters, neither sorrow, death nor pain, I am going to be there; Where a mansion is awaiting, and a robe of spotless white, I am going to be there. I've received an invitation, glory, glory to His name!- To the marriage supper of the Lamb; And the Lord command has given for the summons to prepare, And I'm going to be there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI've Received An Invitation White book - Songs We Sing 134qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp134qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5329qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Sheep Know My VoiceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My sheep know my voice, And the path that I take, They follow wherever I go; My sheep know my voice And come at my call, But a stranger's voice do they not know.
My sheep know my voice, And day by day, They abide in the fold And go not astray, They love me because I have made them my choice, And they follow my call, For my sheep know my voice.
My sheep know my voice, and the pastures of green, Where I lead them so often to feed; My sheep know my voice And the cool sparkling stream Where beside its still waters I lead.
My sheep know my voice, And day by day, They abide in the fold And go not astray, They love me because I have made them my choice, And they follow my call, For my sheep know my voice.
My sheep know my voice, And the valley of death Thro' which I shall lead them some day; But no danger nor harm Can touch one of them, For I will be with them alway.
My sheep know my voice, And day by day, They abide in the fold And go not astray, They love me because I have made them my choice, And they follow my call, For my sheep know my voice. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Sheep Know My Voice Blue book - Melodies of Praise 134qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp134qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1283qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Pentecostal FireqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There are souls in sin which we fail to win, Just because we lack desire; And the thing we need-sorely need indeed- Is the pentecostal fire. That's the thing, the very thing, That is what we must acquire; Let us pray once more as they prayed of yore For the pentecostal fire. He will send it down and our lives will crown With the blessing day by day; If we truly plead for the thing we need In the earnest, old-time way. That's the thing, the very thing, That is what we must acquire; Let us pray once more as they prayed of yore For the pentecostal fire. Let us seek the face of the King of grace, Let us do His holy will; Then the fire will come on each heart and home, For He loves the faithful still. That's the thing, the very thing, That is what we must acquire; Let us pray once more as they prayed of yore For the pentecostal fire. If your heart is cold and you've lost the pow'r, God will give you your desire; If we seek His face ev'ry day and hour, He will send the old-time fire. That's the thing, the very thing, That is what we must acquire; Let us pray once more as they prayed of yore For the pentecostal fire. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Pentecostal Fire White book - Songs We Sing 135qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp135qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5363qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitlepppp'Tis So Sweet to Trust in JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word; Just kto rest upon His kpromise, Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."
Jesus, Jesus, How I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! o for grace to trust Him more!
O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; Just in simple faith to plunge me 'Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
Jesus, Jesus, How I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! o for grace to trust Him more!
Yes 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace.
Jesus, Jesus, How I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! o for grace to trust Him more!
I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.
Jesus, Jesus, How I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! o for grace to trust Him more! qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagpppp'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Blue book - Melodies of Praise 135qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp135qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1284qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Message Of His ComingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We're looking for His coming, in the clouds of heaven, Coming back to earth to catch away His own, Then may we all be ready, when midnight cry is given, To go and reign with Christ on His throne. Gladly, may we herald the message of His blessed appearing, Soon He's coming in glory, tell to one and all; Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why We're longing for the glory, that awaits the faithful, Who shall overcome, and ev'ry conflict win, Press ever bravely onward, the prize is life eternal, To all who win the fight over sin. Gladly, may we herald the message of His blessed appearing, Soon He's coming in glory, tell to one and all; Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why We're praying for the advent, of our blessed Savior, Who has promised life to all who trust His grace, His coming now is pending, the message being given, And soon we'll see our Lord face to face. Gladly, may we herald the message of His blessed appearing, Soon He's coming in glory, tell to one and all; Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why We see the signs appearing, of His blessed coming, Lo, behold the fig leaves now becoming green, The gospel of His Kingdom, has gone to ev'ry nation, That we are near the end can be seen. Gladly, may we herald the message of His blessed appearing, Soon He's coming in glory, tell to one and all; Then awake, ye saints of the Lord, why qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Message Of His Coming White book - Songs We Sing 136qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp136qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5330qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppChrist's AmbassadorsqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We young people march on for Jesus, We are joined as Christ's Ambassadors He will lead us, help fight our battles By His pow'r and not guns and swords Faith our armor, based on the Bible, By the word of God we're battling on; Then the Holy Spirit beareth witness in us: That's why we sing as we march on.
We are Christ's Ambassadors; And our colors we must unfurl, We must wear a spotless robe, Clean and righteous before the world. We must show we're cleansed from sin; And that Jesus dwells within. Proving duly that we're Christ's Ambassadors.
We would help the sick, poor and needy; Tell about the Saviour as we go; Putting forth the talents He gave us, All our strength to battle the foe; Work in love and union together; Keeping the commandments of our Lord; then we claim the promises of God, our Father, Working for Him with one accord.
We are Christ's Ambassadors; And our colors we must unfurl, We must wear a spotless robe, Clean and righteous before the world. We must show we're cleansed from sin; And that Jesus dwells within. Proving duly that we're Christ's Ambassadors.
We'll have many hardsips in battle, As we fight against the pow'r of sin Satan will be trying to win us, But the Spirit won't let him in. If we plead the blood of our Saviour Over ev'rything we do and say. Then we will be overcomers, we'll be happy. Christ is the only living way.
We are Christ's Ambassadors; And our colors we must unfurl, We must wear a spotless robe, Clean and righteous before the world. We must show we're cleansed from sin; And that Jesus dwells within. Proving duly that we're Christ's Ambassadors.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppChrist's Ambassadors Blue book - Melodies of Praise 136qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp136qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1561qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAt CalvaryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Years I spent in vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crucified Knowing not it was for me He died On Calvary. Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me: There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary. By God's word at last my sin I learned; Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned, Till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary. Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me: There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary. Now I've giv'n to Jesus everything, Now I gladly own Him as my King, Now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary. Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me: There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary. Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan! Oh, the grace that bro't it down to man! Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary! Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me: There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAt Calvary White book - Songs We Sing 137qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp137qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5331qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn The Great Triumphant MorningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In the great triumphant morning, when we hear the Bridegroom cry, And the dead in Christ shall rise, We'll be changed to life immortal, In the twinkling of an eye, and meet Jesus in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, we shall all go to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise. We shall all rise to meet him, we shall all go to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies (up in the skies).
In the great triumphant morning, what a happy time 'twill be, When the dead in Christ shall rise, When the Lord descends in glory. Sets His waiting chilren free, And we meet Him in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, we shall all go to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise. We shall all rise to meet him, we shall all go to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies (up in the skies).
In the great triumphant morning, when the harvest is complete, And the dead in Christ shall rise, We'll be crowned with life immortal, Christ and all the loved ones meet, In the rapture in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, we shall all go to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise. We shall all rise to meet him, we shall all go to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies (up in the skies).
In the great triumphant morning, all the kingdoms we'll possess, Then the dead in Christ shall rise, Reign as kings and priests eternal, Under Christ forever blest, After meeeting in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, we shall all go to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise. We shall all rise to meet him, we shall all go to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies (up in the skies). qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIn The Great Triumphant Morning Blue book - Melodies of Praise 137qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp137qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5364qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Going ThroughqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord, I have started to walk in the light That shines on my pathway so clearly, so bright;I've bade the world and it's follies adieu, And now with my Savior I mean to go thro'.
I'm going thro'. I'm going thro'. I'll pay the price, whatever others do; I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few; I'm going thro', Jesus, I'm going thro'.
Many once started to run in this race, But with our Redeemer they could not keep pace; Others accepted because it was new, But not very many seem bound to go thro'.
I'm going thro'. I'm going thro'. I'll pay the price, whatever others do; I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few; I'm going thro', Jesus, I'm going thro'.
Let me but follow my Lord all alone And have for my pillow like Jacob, a stone, Rather than vain worldly pleasures pursue, Than turn from this pathway and fail to go thro'.
I'm going thro'. I'm going thro'. I'll pay the price, whatever others do; I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few; I'm going thro', Jesus, I'm going thro'.
Come then my comrades, and walk in this way That leads to the kingdom of unending day; Turn from your idols and join with the few, Start in with your Savior and keep going thro'.
I'm going thro'. I'm going thro'. I'll pay the price, whatever others do; I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few; I'm going thro', Jesus, I'm going thro'. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Going Through Blue book - Melodies of Praise 138qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp138qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1050qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLiving by FaithqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I care not today what the morrow may bring, Living by faith in Jesus above, Though tempests may blow and the storm clouds arise, Living by faith in Jesus above, I know that He safely will carry me through, Living by faith in Jesus above, Our Lord will return for His loved ones some day, Living by faith in Jesus above, qqqqTagppppLiving by Faith White book - Songs We Sing 138qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp138qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5332qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Cometh!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus is coming! go, herald the tidings Far over the land and the sea; Jesus is coming to gather the ransomed, Redeemed by His death on the tree. Angels attending, the heavens descending All language our joy will transcend. When we shall see Him, the King in His beauty, Our Bridegroom, Redeemer, and Friend.
Jesus is coming, our Savior and Lover divine; Soon in His glory the ransomed of ages will shine; Ages on ages we'll reign with our King on His throne; Wonderful story! We'll share in His glory. Redeemed by His mercy alone;.
Lift up your heads and rejoice, O ye righteous, Your perfect redemption is nigh; Swiftly the darkness of midnight approaches, "He cometh" shall sound from the sky. Long has the battle been waged against evil By suffering saints here below. Jesus is coming to banish our sorrow, And lead us where tears never flow.
Jesus is coming, our Savior and Lover divine; Soon in His glory the ransomed of ages will shine; Ages on ages we'll reign with our King on His throne; Wonderful story! We'll share in His glory. Redeemed by His mercy alone.
Come, dear Lord Jesus, Thy promise fulfilling; "come quickly!" Our souls cry to Thee: Long has the world been enthralled by the tempter. The curse is on land and on sea. Yet Thou shalt triumph, the nations subduing, the truth of the Word cannot fail; God's wondrous glory, like ocean's deep billows, To earth's farthest bounds shall prevail.
Jesus is coming, our Savior and Lover divine; Soon in His glory the ransomed of ages will shine; Ages on ages we'll reign with our King on His throne; Wonderful story! We'll share in His glory. Redeemed by His mercy alone.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppHe Cometh! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 139qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp139qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1285qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBlessed Be the NameqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O for a thousand tongues to sing, Blessed be the name of the Lord! The glories of my God and King! Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Jesus!the name that charms our fears, Blessed be the name of the Lord! 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! He breaks the pow'r of canceled sin, Blessed be the name of the Lord! His blood can make the foulest clean, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! I never shall forget that day, Blessed be the name of the Lord! When Jesus washed my sins away, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBlessed Be the Name White book - Songs We Sing 139qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp139qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1286qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppKeep On the Firing LineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If you're in the battle for the Lord and right, Keep on the firing line, If you win the vict'ry brother, you must fight, Keep on the firing line; There are many dangers which we all must face, If we die still fighting it is no disgrace, Cowards in the service should not have a place, Keep on the firing line. You must fight and be brave against all evil, Never run, tho foes combine; If you would fight for God and right, Keep on the firing line. God will only use a soldier He can trust, Keep on the firing line, If you wear the crown, then bear the cross you must, Keep on the firing line; Life is but to labor for the Master dear, Help to banish darkness and to spread good cheer, We shall be rewarded for our service here, Keep on the firing line. You must fight and be brave against all evil, Never run, tho foes combine; If you would fight for God and right, Keep on the firing line. When we get to heaven we shall be so glad, Keep on the firing line, We shall praise the Savior for the call we had, Keep on the firing line; my brother; 'Twill be joy to see the souls we helped to win, Those we led to Jesus, from the paths of sin, Hear their welcome plaudit and go marching in, Keep on the firing line. You must fight and be brave against all evil, Never run, tho foes combine; If you would fight for God and right, Keep on the firing line. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppKeep On the Firing Line White book - Songs We Sing 140qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp140qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5352qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBy My spiritqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Is there a mountain in your way? Do doubts and fears abound? Press on, oh, hear the spirit say, This mountain shall come down.
Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts Not by might, not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord; This mountain shall be removed; This mountain shall be removed. This mountain shall be removed, By my Spirit saith the Lord.
Is there a river in your path, A river deep and wide? Step in, the waters will roll back, You'll reach the other side.
Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts Not by might, not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord; This mountain shall be removed; This mountain shall be removed. This mountain shall be removed, By my Spirit saith the Lord.
Is there a fiery furnace trial Far more than you can bear? Behold the blessed Son of God Is walking with you there.
Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts Not by might, not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord; This mountain shall be removed; This mountain shall be removed. This mountain shall be removed, By my Spirit saith the Lord.
Then trust alone the mighty God, He speaks the winds obey. Take courage, then, oh fainting heart For you he'll make a way.
Not by might; not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts Not by might, not by pow'r; By my Spirit saith the Lord; This mountain shall be removed; This mountain shall be removed. This mountain shall be removed, By my Spirit saith the Lord.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppBy My spirit Blue book - Melodies of Praise 140qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp140qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5353qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Father's HouseqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O come and go with me To my Father's house, To my Father's house, To my Father's house, To my Father's house; O come and go with me To my Father's house Where's there's peace sweet peace.
King Jesus will be there, In my Father's house, In my Father's house, In my Father's house: King Jesus will be there In my Father's house Where there's peace, sweet peace.
There'll be no sorrow there, In my Father's house, In my Father's house, In my Father's house; There'll be no sorrow there In my Father's house Where there's peace, sweet peace.
There'll be no parting there, In my Father's house, In my Father's house, In my Father's house; There'll be no parting there In my Father's house Where there's peace, sweet peace.
I'm on my way up there, To my Father's house, To my Father's house, To my Father's house; I'm on my way up there To my Father's house Where there's peace, sweet peace.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppMy Father's House Blue book - Melodies of Praise 141qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp141qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1287qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhere Could I GoqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Living below in this old sinful world, Hardly a comfort can afford; Striving alone to face temptation sore, Where could I go but to the Lord? Where could I go, O where could I go, Seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to save me in the end, Where could I go but to the Lord? Neighbors are kind, I love them ev'ry one, We get along in sweet accord; But when my soul needs manna from above, Where could I go but to the Lord? Where could I go, O where could I go, Seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to save me in the end, Where could I go but to the Lord? Life here is grand with friends I love so dear, Comfort I get from God's own word; Yet when I face the chilling hand of death, Where could I go but to the Lord? Where could I go, O where could I go, Seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to save me in the end, Where could I go but to the Lord? qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhere Could I Go White book - Songs We Sing 141qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp141qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5354qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSaved to the UttermostqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord's; Jesus my Savior salvation affords; Gives me His Spirit a witness within, Whisp'ring of pardon, and saving from sin.
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost: Saved, saved by power divine; Saved, saved, I'm saved to the uttermost: Jesus the Savior is mine:
Saved to the uttermost: Jesus is near; Keeping me safely, He casteth out fear; Trusting His promises now I am blest; Leaning upon Him, how sweet is my rest.
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost: Saved, saved by power divine; Saved, saved, I'm saved to the uttermost: Jesus the Savior is mine!
Saved to the uttermost: this I can say, "Once all was darkness, but now it is day;" Beautiful visions of glory I see; Jesus in brightness revealed unto me.
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost: Saved, saved by power divine; Saved, saved, I'm saved to the uttermost: Jesus the Savior is mine!
Saved to the uttermost: cheerfully sing Loud hallelujahs to Jesus my King! Ransomed and pardoned, redeemed by His blood. Cleansed from unrighteousness, glory to God!
Saved, saved, saved to the uttermost: Saved, saved by power divine; Saved, saved, I'm saved to the uttermost: Jesus the Savior is mine! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSaved to the Uttermost Blue book - Melodies of Praise 142qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp142qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1288qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHome of the SoulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If for the prize we have striven, After our labors are o'er, Rest to our souls will be given, On the eternal shore. Home of the soul, beautiful home, there we shall rest, never to roam; Free from all care, happy and bright, Jesus is there, He is the light! Oft, in the storm, lonely are we, sighing for home, longing for Thee, Beautiful home of the ransomed, beside the crystal sea. Yes, a sweet rest is remaining, For the true children of God, Where there will be no complaining, Never a chastening rod. Home of the soul, beautiful home, there we shall rest, never to roam; Free from all care, happy and bright, Jesus is there, He is the light! Oft, in the storm, lonely are we, sighing for home, longing for Thee, Beautiful home of the ransomed, beside the crystal sea. Soon, the bright homeland adorning, We shall behold the glad dawn; Lean on the Lord till the morning, Trust till the night is gone. Home of the soul, beautiful home, there we shall rest, never to roam; Free from all care, happy and bright, Jesus is there, He is the light! Oft, in the storm, lonely are we, sighing for home, longing for Thee, Beautiful home of the ransomed, beside the crystal sea. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHome of the Soul White book - Songs We Sing 142qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp142qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5365qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBringing in the SheavesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping, we shall come rejoicing , bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in thee sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, Fearing neither clouds nor winter's chilling breeze; By and by the harvest, and the labor eended, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in thee sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Going forth wjith weeping, sowing for the Master, Tho' the loss sustained our spirit often grieves; When our weeping's over, He will bid us welcome, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in thee sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBringing in the Sheaves Blue book - Melodies of Praise 143qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp143qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1289qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSitting At The Feet of JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Watching, waiting ev'ry day; Trusting in His grace and power, Safe to keep me all the way. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where I love to kneel and pray, Till His goodness and His glory, Drive the shadows from my way. Listening at the feet of Jesus, His command to go or stay; Trusting always in His wisdom, Safe to guide when I obey. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where I love to kneel and pray, Till His goodness and His glory, Drive the shadows from my way. Seeking still the feet of Jesus, I would seek no other place; For 'tis there I claim the promise, Of the fullness of His grace. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where I love to kneel and pray, Till His goodness and His glory, Drive the shadows from my way. When the toils of life are over, When my race on earth is run; May the evening shadows gath'ring Find me there when day is done. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where I love to kneel and pray, Till His goodness and His glory, Drive the shadows from my way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSitting At The Feet of Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 143qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp143qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1290qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLove Took It AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once I bore a burden great, Was weary and sad; But no more I bear its weight, I'm pardoned and glad; Love divine at last I know, No longer I stray; On wothout a stain I go- Love took it away. Love took it away, One wonderful day, Made me free and lifted me, In the light to stay; Love took it away, One wonderful day, Gone at last my sinful past- Love took it away. Once a craving great had I For pleasures that stain; Now I pass those pleasures by, They tempt me in vain; I am under His control, Rejoicing each day; Gone the burden from my soul- Love took it away. Love took it away, One wonderful day, Made me free and lifted me, In the light to stay; Love took it away, One wonderful day, Gone at last my sinful past- Love took it away. Once my record was unclean, My spirit was worn; Now my name on high is seen As fair as the morn; O what happiness is mine, With Jesus I stay; Sin no more makes me repine- Love took it away. Love took it away, One wonderful day, Made me free and lifted me, In the light to stay; Love took it away, One wonderful day, Gone at last my sinful past- Love took it away. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLove Took It Away White book - Songs We Sing 144qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp144qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5355qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen The Mists Have Rolled AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the mists have rolled in splendor From the beauty of the hills, And the sunlight falls in gladness On the river and the rills, We recall our Father's promise In the rainbow of the spray: We shall know each other better When the mists have rolled away.
We shall know as we are known Nevermore to walk alone In the dawning of the morning Of that bright and happy day. We shall know each other better, When the mists have rolled away.
Oft we tread the path before us With a weary, burdened heart; Oft we toil amid the shadows, And our fields are far apart: But the Savior's "Come ye blessed," All our labor will repay, When we gather in the morning Where the mists have rolled away.
We shall know as we are known Nevermore to walk alone In the dawning of the morning Of that bright and happy day. We shall know each other better, When the mists have rolled away.
We shall come with joy and gladness, We shall gather round the throne; Face to face with those that love us, We shall know as we are known: And the song of our redemption Shall resound thro' endless day, When the shadows have departed, and the mists have rolled away.
We shall know as we are known Nevermore to walk alone In the dawning of the morning Of that bright and happy day. We shall know each other better, When the mists have rolled away.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppWhen The Mists Have Rolled Away Blue book - Melodies of Praise 144qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp144qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1291qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRock Of AgesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed; Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure. Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no langour know, These for sin could not atone, Thou must save and Thou alone; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold Thee on Thy throne; Rock of Ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRock Of Ages White book - Songs We Sing 145qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp145qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5356qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWalking With the King qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Hallelujah, I'm walking with the King Praise His holy name Walking with the King hallelujah I'm walking with the King Ev'ry day I'm walking with the King! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWalking With the King Blue book - Melodies of Praise 145qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp145qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5366qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHold the FortqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp
Ho, my comrades! see the signal, Waving in the sky! Reinforcements now appearing, victory is nigh.
"Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, By Thy grace we will."
See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on; Mighty men around us falling, Courage almost gone!
"Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, By Thy grace we will."
See the glorious banner waving! Hear the trumpet blow! In our Leader's name we'll triumph over ev'ry foe.
"Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, By Thy grace we will."
Fierce and long the battle rages, But our help is near; Onward comes our great Commander. Cheer, my comrades cheer.
"Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still; Wave the answer back to heaven, By Thy grace we will." qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHold the Fort Blue book - Melodies of Praise 146qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp146qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1292qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOvershadowed by LoveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp While on life's journey here below, We have a refuge as we go, For on this journey, home above, We're overshadowed by His love. I'm overshadowed by His love, I have protection, from above; He walks beside me, ev'ry day, And He will guide me all the way. We'll fear no danger on our way. He'll safely guide us day by day; Under the wings of Heaven's Dove, We're overshadowed by His love. I'm overshadowed by His love, I have protection, from above; He walks beside me, ev'ry day, And He will guide me all the way. Sometimes the way seems dark and lone, Then we remember we're His own; We have assurance from above, That we're overshadowed by His love. I'm overshadowed by His love, I have protection, from above; He walks beside me, ev'ry day, And He will guide me all the way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOvershadowed by Love White book - Songs We Sing 146qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp146qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1293qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppA Charge to Keep I HaveqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, Who gave His son my soul to save, And fit it for the sky. To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill, O may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will. Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live, And O Thy servant, Lord prepare A strict account to give. Help me to watch and pray, And on Thy grace rely, Assured Thou'lt not my trust betray, Nor shall I ever die. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppA Charge to Keep I Have White book - Songs We Sing 147qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp147qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5357qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHarvest Is PassingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Millions are living in night's dense darkness No light to cheer them, no hope nor gladness, Bowed down and burdened, with none to save, And death awaits them beyond the grave
Harvest is passing, Night draweth nigh, Millions are dying, Oh, hear their cry! Then haste, my brother, their souls to save Christ to redeem them His lifeblood gave.
Earnest entreaties to gods that hear not, To idols bowing' long years have they sought, But no one answers their anguished plea, Doomed they pass onward to eternity
Harvest is passing, Night draweth nigh, Millions are dying, Oh, hear their cry! Then haste, my brother, their souls to save Christ to redeem them His lifeblood gave.
To save, to rescue the lost, the dying, Your all to Christ give, nothing denying, His voice is calling, Quickly obey, And do His bidding while it is day.
Harvest is passing, Night draweth nigh, Millions are dying, Oh, hear their cry! Then haste, my brother, their souls to save Christ to redeem them His lifeblood gave. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHarvest Is Passing Blue book - Melodies of Praise 147qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp147qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1294qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'd Rather Have JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Men strive for the wealth of this wide, wicked world, They seek after honor and fame; So lavishly sporting their diamonds and pearls, They put the dear Savior to shame. I'd rather live in that bright city, Own earth's silver and gold, I'd rather have Jesus my Savior, Than a palace to hold; I'd rather be just a poor beggar, Live in a shack by the road, Than here to own all of earth's treasures, With no title to a future abode. They seem not to know that their treasures will rust And thieves often break thru and steal; Contented with pleasure, they follow their lust, With sorrow their destiny seal. I'd rather live in that bright city, Own earth's silver and gold, I'd rather have Jesus my Savior, Than a palace to hold; I'd rather be just a poor beggar, Live in a shack by the road, Than here to own all of earth's treasures, With no title to a future abode. What profit is found in earth's silver and gold? How sad at the close of life's day, If for the exchange one must lose his own soul, From heaven's door be turned away. I'd rather live in that bright city, Own earth's silver and gold, I'd rather have Jesus my Savior, Than a palace to hold; I'd rather be just a poor beggar, Live in a shack by the road, Than here to own all of earth's treasures, With no title to a future abode. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'd Rather Have Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 148qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp148qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5358qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Battle's OverqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Am I a soldier of the cross, A foll'wer of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name?
And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown In the new Jerusalem. Wear a crown, wear a crown, Wear a bright and shining crown: And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.
Must I be carried to the skies on flow'ry beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize And sailed thro' bloody seas?
And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown In the new Jerusalem. Wear a crown, wear a crown, Wear a bright and shining crown: And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.
Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace To help me on to God?
And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown In the new Jerusalem. Wear a crown, wear a crown, Wear a bright and shining crown: And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.
Sure I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage Lord: I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word.
And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! Yes, we shall wear a crown! And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown In the new Jerusalem. Wear a crown, wear a crown, Wear a bright and shining crown: And when the battle's over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppWhen the Battle's Over Blue book - Melodies of Praise 148qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp148qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1295qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAsleep In JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep! A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. Asleep in Jesus! O how sweet To be for such a slumber meet! With holy confidence to sing, That death has lost his venomed sting. Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest! No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour That manifests the Savior's pow'r. Asleep in Jesus! O for me May such a blissful refuge be! Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAsleep In Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 149qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp149qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5359qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Took My Sins AwayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I came to Jesus, weary, worn, and sad, He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And now His love has made my heart so glad, He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And keeps me singing ev'ry day! I'm so glad He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
The load of sin was more thn I could bear, He took them all away, He took them all away, And now on Him I roll my ev'ry care, He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And keeps me singing ev'ry day! I'm so glad He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
No condemntion have I in my heart, He took my sins away, He took my sins away, His perfect peace He did to me impart, He took my sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And keeps me singing ev'ry day! I'm so glad He took my sins away, He took my sins away.
If you will come to Jesus Christ today, He'll take your sins away, He'll take your sins away, And keep you happy In His love each day, He'll take your sins away.
He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And keeps me singing ev'ry day! I'm so glad He took my sins away, He took my sins away. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Took My Sins Away Blue book - Melodies of Praise 149qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp149qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1296qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Not AshamedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'm not ashamed to own that Jesus came and died on Calvary, That by His blessed, free atonement, He prepared a way for me; And fixed it so that I from bondage might forevermore be free, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed to speak for Jesus, I'm not ashamed to praise His name; I'm not ashamed to own His blessings, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed to tell the sinners that the Lord will save their souls, If they will only come believing, He will cleanse and make them whole; And He'll prepare for them an entrance to that everlasting fold, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed to speak for Jesus, I'm not ashamed to praise His name; I'm not ashamed to own His blessings, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed to testify that He has cleansed my soul from sin, And by His blessed,Holy Spirit, He has made me free within; Yes, I am trying now to serve Him and some precious souls to win, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed to speak for Jesus, I'm not ashamed to praise His name; I'm not ashamed to own His blessings, O praise the Lord, I'm not ashamed. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Not Ashamed White book - Songs We Sing 150qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp150qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5360qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRoom at the Cross for YouqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The cross upon which Jesus died Is a shelter in which we can hide. And its grace so free is sufficient for me, And deep is its fountain; as wide as the sea. There's room at the cross for you, There's room at the cross for you. Tho millions have come There's still room for one Yes, there's room at the cross for you. Tho milions have found Him a friend And have turn'd from the sins they have sinned The Saviour still waits to open the gates, And welcome a sinner before it's too late. There's room at the cross for you, There's room at the cross for you. Tho millions have come There's still room for one Yes, there's room at the cross for you. The hand of my Saviour is strong And the love of my Saviour is long. Through sunshine or rain Through loss or in gain, the blood flows from Calv'ry to cleanse ev'ry stain. There's room at the cross for you, There's room at the cross for you. Tho millions have come There's still room for one Yes, there's room at the cross for you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRoom at the Cross for You Blue book - Melodies of Praise 150qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp150qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5367qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBurn On!qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O fire of God begin in me, Burn out the dross of self and sin, Burn off my fetters, set me free, And make my heart a heav'n within.
Burn on! O fire of God, burn on, (burn on) Till all my dross, (till all my dross,) is burned away, (is burned away.) Burn on! (burn on!) burn on! (burn on!) Prepare me for the testing day.
Baptize with fire this soul of mine, Endue me with Thy Spirit's might, And make me by Thy pow'r divine A burning and a shining light.
Burn on! O fire of God, burn on, (burn on) Till all my dross, (till all my dross,) is burned away, (is burned away.) Burn on! (burn on!) burn on! (burn on!) Prepare me for the testing day.
Burn in, O fire of God, burn in, Till all my soul Christ's image bears, And ev'ry pow'r and pulse within His holy, heav'nly nature wears.
Burn on! O fire of God, burn on, (burn on) Till all my dross, (till all my dross,) is burned away, (is burned away.) Burn on! (burn on!) burn on! (burn on!) Prepare me for the testing day.
Burn on, O fire of God, burn on, Till all my dross is burn'd away, Till earth and sin and self are gone, And I can stand the testing day.
Burn on! O fire of God, burn on, (burn on) Till all my dross, (till all my dross,) is burned away, (is burned away.) Burn on! (burn on!) burn on! (burn on!) Prepare me for the testing day. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBurn On! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 151qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp151qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1297qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Loves MeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Alas! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sov'reign die? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? He loves me, He loves me, He loves me this I know; He gave Himself to die for me Because He loves me so. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity, grace unknown, And love beyond degree! He loves me, He loves me, He loves me this I know; He gave Himself to die for me Because He loves me so. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut His glories in, When Christ, the mighty Savior died, For man the creature's sin! He loves me, He loves me, He loves me this I know; He gave Himself to die for me Because He loves me so. But drops of grief can ne'er repay, The debt of love I owe, Her, Lord, I gave myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. He loves me, He loves me, He loves me this I know; He gave Himself to die for me Because He loves me so. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Loves Me White book - Songs We Sing 151qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp151qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5368qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn My Father's HouseqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp In my Father's house are many mansions, If it were not true, He would have told me so; He has gone away to live 'in that bright city, He's preparing me a mansion there I know.
Do not shun the Savior's love, from up in glory, Or you won't be there to sing the gospel story; In my Father's house are many mansions; If you're true then to this land you'll surely go.
Jesus died upon the cross to bear my sorrow, Freely died that souls like you might have new life; But I know there soon will come a bright tomorrow, When the world will all be free from sin and strife.
Do not shun the Savior's love, from up in glory, Or you won't be there to sing the gospel story; In my Father's house are many mansions; If you're true then to this land you'll surely go.
When your friends have turn'd you down and left you lonely, In this world you're all alone and O so blue; Turn your tho'ts away from sin to Jesus only, A new life and friendship sweet He'll give to you.
Do not shun the Savior's love, from up in glory, Or you won't be there to sing the gospel story; In my Father's house are many mansions; If you're true then to this land you'll surely go. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIn My Father's House Blue book - Melodies of Praise 152qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp152qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1298qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSwing Out On The PromisesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Swing out on the promises, the never failing promises; Promises of Christ, the Lord, divine; Cross the line of Canaan on His everlasting promises, He will make your path to glory shine. Swing out on the promises, the never failing promises; Swing out on the promises, the Savior's precious promises; Trust the Savior's everlasting word; Swing out on the promises, the all-sufficient promises, Swing out on the promises, the Savior's holy promises, Swing out on the promises of God. Swing out on the promises, Jehovah's blessed promises; Trusting in His pow'r to make you whole; He will not forsake the ones who trust His sacred promises, Cast on Him the burdens of your soul. Swing out on the promises, the never failing promises; Swing out on the promises, the Savior's precious promises; Trust the Savior's everlasting word; Swing out on the promises, the all-sufficient promises, Swing out on the promises, the Savior's holy promises, Swing out on the promises of God. Swing out on the promises, the holy Master's promises; Give your life completely to the Lord;He will not forsake the soul who trusts in His great promises, Swing out on the promise of His word. Swing out on the promises, the never failing promises; Swing out on the promises, the Savior's precious promises; Trust the Savior's everlasting word; Swing out on the promises, the all-sufficient promises, Swing out on the promises, the Savior's holy promises, Swing out on the promises of God. Swing out on the promises, the Savior's loving promises; Glory waits the saved across the tide; What a glad reunion day for those who trust His promises, When we anchor safe on Canaan's side. Swing out on the promises, the never failing promises; Swing out on the promises, the Savior's precious promises; Trust the Savior's everlasting word; Swing out on the promises, the all-sufficient promises, Swing out on the promises, the Savior's holy promises, Swing out on the promises of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSwing Out On The Promises White book - Songs We Sing 152qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp152qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5369qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHoney in the RockqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O my brother, do you know the Savior, Who is wondrous kind and true? He the "Rock of your salvation!' There's Honey in the Rock for you..
Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother, There's Honey in the Rock for you; Leave your sins for the blood to cover, There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Have you "tasted that the Lord is gracious?" Do you walk in the way that's new? Have you drunk from the living fountain? There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother, There's Honey in the Rock for you; Leave your sins for the blood to cover, There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Do you pray unto God the Father, What wilt Thou have me to do? Never fear, He will surely answer, There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother, There's Honey in the Rock for you; Leave your sins for the blood to cover, There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Then go out thro' the streets and byways, Preach the word to the many or few; Say to every fallen brother, There's Honey in the Rock for you.
Oh, there's Honey in the Rock, my brother, There's Honey in the Rock for you; Leave your sins for the blood to cover, There's Honey in the Rock for you. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHoney in the Rock Blue book - Melodies of Praise 153qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp153qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1299qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Old Time ReligionqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 1. It was good for our mothers. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 2. Makes me love everybody. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 3. It has saved our fathers. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 4. It was good for the prophet Daniel. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 5. It was good for the Hebrew children. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 6. It was tried in the fiery furnace. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 7. It was good for Paul and Silas. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 8. It will do when I am dying. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. 9. It will take us all to heaven. 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, 'Tis the old time religion, And it's good enough for me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Old Time Religion White book - Songs We Sing 153qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp153qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5370qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Will Make the Darkness LightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I will make the darkness light before thee, What is wrong I'll make it right before thee, All Thy battles I will fight before thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
When thou walkest by the way I'll lead thee, On the fatness of the land I'll feed thee, And a mansion in the sky I'll deed thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
With an everlasting love I'll love thee, Tho' with trials deep and sore I'll prove thee, But there's nothing that can hurt or move thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
When thou walkest by the way I'll lead thee, On the fatness of the land I'll feed thee, And a mansion in the sky I'll deed thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
Altho' Satan in His rage would tear thee, And with all his winning arts would snare thee, Even down to thine old age I'll bear thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
When thou walkest by the way I'll lead thee, On the fatness of the land I'll feed thee, And a mansion in the sky I'll deed thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
I will make the darkness light before thee, I will make the crooked straight before thee, I will spread my wings protecting o'er thee, And the high place I'll bring down.
When thou walkest by the way I'll lead thee, On the fatness of the land I'll feed thee, And a mansion in the sky I'll deed thee, And the high place I'll bring down. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Will Make the Darkness Light Blue book - Melodies of Praise 154qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp154qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1300qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Song And StoryqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Homeward today I am going, Seeing my Saviour's bright smile; Love is my heart overflowing, Happy am I all the while. Telling the tender old story, Christ to the lost I proclaim; He is my song and my story, Bless His name. He is my story, He is my song, Sweetly I praise Him All the day long, Ever His mercy I will proclaim; Till I behold Him in glory, Bless His all-glorious, wonderful name. Coming from heaven He sought me, Found me in bondage of sin, Out of the darkness He brought me, Banished the guilt from within; Now to His love I am clinging, Gems for His crown is my aim; Ever of Him I am singing, Bless His name. He is my story, He is my song, Sweetly I praise Him All the day long, Ever His mercy I will proclaim; Till I behold Him in glory, Bless His all-glorious, wonderful name. Safe to the gates He will take me, Shielding my soul with His love; Never my Friend will forsake me, I shall be with Him above. All through eternity's morning, Part of His throne I may claim, And, with the life-crown adorning, Bless His all-glorious wonderful name. He is my story, He is my song, Sweetly I praise Him All the day long, Ever His mercy I will proclaim; Till I behold Him in glory, Bless His all-glorious, wonderful name. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Song And Story White book - Songs We Sing 154qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp154qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1301qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHand In Hand With JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once from my poor sin-sick soul Christ did ev'ry burden roll, Now I walk redeemed and whole, Hand in hand with Jesus. Hand in hand we walk each day, Hand in hand along the way, Walking thus, I cannot stray, Hand in hand with Jesus. In my night of dark despair, Jesus heard and answered prayer, Now I'm walking free as air, Hand in hand with Jesus. Hand in hand we walk each day, Hand in hand along the way, Walking thus, I cannot stray, Hand in hand with Jesus. From the straight and narrow way, Praise the Lord, I cannot stay, For I'm walking every day, Hand in hand with Jesus. Hand in hand we walk each day, Hand in hand along the way, Walking thus, I cannot stray, Hand in hand with Jesus. When the stars are backward rolled And His home I shall behold, I will walk those streets of gold, Hand in hand with Jesus. Hand in hand we walk each day, Hand in hand along the way, Walking thus, I cannot stray, Hand in hand with Jesus. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHand In Hand With Jesus White book - Songs We Sing 155qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp155qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5371qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBlessed AssuranceqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story ,this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight, Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
This is my story ,this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
This is my story ,this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppBlessed Assurance Blue book - Melodies of Praise 155qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp155qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1302qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy Heart Is FixedqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My heart is fixed, O God on Thee, No more my feet shall go astray, I caught a glimpse of Calvary, And now I walk with Christ today. My heart is fixed O! God on Thee, My eyes are now, on things above, From worldy yokes praise God I'm free, My heart o'erflows with joy and love. One time I wandered far away, I did not heed the Shepherd's voice, My heart on God is fixed today, For He is my eternal choice. My heart is fixed O! God on Thee, My eyes are now, on things above, From worldy yokes praise God I'm free, My heart o'erflows with joy and love. My heart is fixed, my face is set, Upon the prize that lies before, All other claims I will reject, My heart is fixed forevermore. My heart is fixed O! God on Thee, My eyes are now, on things above, From worldy yokes praise God I'm free, My heart o'erflows with joy and love. No longer tossed upon the waves, Of sin and doubt but now I sail, Within the life boat, Jesus saves No storms against me shall prevail. My heart is fixed O! God on Thee, My eyes are now, on things above, From worldy yokes praise God I'm free, My heart o'erflows with joy and love. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Heart Is Fixed White book - Songs We Sing 156qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp156qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5372qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLord, I'm Coming Now to Thee qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord I'm coming now to Thee. Lay Thy nail-scarred hand on me. Let Thy healing virttue flow, And I shall be made whole. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppLord, I'm Coming Now to Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 156qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp156qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1303qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppShall We Gather At The River?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angels feet have trod; With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God? Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray; We will walk and worship ever, All the happy golden day. Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. Soon we'll reach the shining river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease, Soon our happy hearts will quiver, With the melody of peace. Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppShall We Gather At The River? White book - Songs We Sing 157qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp157qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5373qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGod Is Still on the ThroneqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Have you started for glory and heaven, Have you left this old world far behind; In your heart is the Comforter dwelling, Can you say "Praise the Lord, He is mine;" Have the ones that once walked on the highway, Gone back, and you seem all alone? Keep your eyes on the prize, for the home in the skies, God is still on the throne.
God is still on the throne, and He will remember His own; Tho' trials may press us and burdens distress us, He never will leave us alone; God is still on the throne, He never forsaketh His own; His promise is true, He will not forget you, God is still on the throne.
Burdened soul, is your heart growing weary With the toil and the heat of the day; Does it seem that your path is more thorny, As you journey along on life's way? Go away and in secret before Him Tell your grief to the Saviour alone; He will lighten your care, for He still answers pray'r, God is still on the throne.
God is still on the throne, and He will remember His own; Tho' trials may press us and burdens distress us, He never will leave us alone; God is still on the throne, He never forsaketh His own; His promise is true, He will not forget you, God is still on the throne.
You may live in a tent or a cottage, Unnoticed by those who pass by; But a mansion for you He is building In that beautiful city on high; It will outshine the wealth and the splendor Of the richest on earth we have known; He's the Architect true, and He's building for you; God is still on the throne.
God is still on the throne, and He will remember His own; Tho' trials may press us and burdens distress us, He never will leave us alone; God is still on the throne, He never forsaketh His own; His promise is true, He will not forget you, God is still on the throne.
He is coming again, is the promise To disciples when He went away; In like manner as He has gone from you, You will see Him returning some day; Does His tarrying cause you to wonder, Does it seem He's forgotten His own? His promise is true, He is coming for you; God is still on the throne.
God is still on the throne, and He will remember His own; Tho' trials may press us and burdens distress us, He never will leave us alone; God is still on the throne, He never forsaketh His own; His promise is true, He will not forget you, God is still on the throne.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppGod Is Still on the Throne Blue book - Melodies of Praise 157qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp157qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1304qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitlepppp'Twill Be Glory By and ByqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My Redeemer has gone to prepare(in the sky) Blessed mansions of rest by and by(by and by) Soon He'll call me home to rest with the ransomed and the best, For it all will be glory by and by(over there). How I long for that rest in the home of the blest, 'Twill be sweet when we meet, O it will be glory by and by(by and by). I've no treasures to bind me below(here below) In this land full of sorrow and woe(here below) All my treasures are above in that land of peace and love, Soon I'll go and shall rest forevermore(evermore). How I long for that rest in the home of the blest, 'Twill be sweet when we meet, O it will be glory by and by(by and by). I shall sing home at last by and by(by and by) And my voice will be tuned to the lyre(heav'nly lyre) Then my songs shall ever be home at rest beyond the sea, It will all soon by glory by and by(by and by). How I long for that rest in the home of the blest, 'Twill be sweet when we meet, O it will be glory by and by(by and by). qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagpppp'Twill Be Glory By and By White book - Songs We Sing 158qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp158qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5445qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppJesus Opened up the WayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way to glory When He died to save us from our ruined state, And He asks that we shall go tell the world the story, How His blood will save them from their awful fate.
Jesus opened up the way to heaven's gate When He died on the cross, To redeem all the lost; He prepared the road that leads To His abode, 'Tis a road marked by blood But it leads us home to God.
And the way is marked by the footprints of the Savior, With His blood He made it, made it plain and straight; If you walk that way, It will lead you into heaven, Lead you safely into glory's golden gate.
Jesus opened up the way to heaven's gate When He died on the cross, To redeem all the lost; He prepared the road that leads To His abode, 'Tis a road marked by blood But it leads us home to God.
Sinner, will you come and join in this heav'nly journey, Walk the bloody pathway that the Savior trod; Then when life is over and all the sheaves are garnered, You will meet the Savior and be not afraid.
Jesus opened up the way to heaven's gate When He died on the cross, To redeem all the lost; He prepared the road that leads To His abode, 'Tis a road marked by blood But it leads us home to God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppJesus Opened up the Way Blue book - Melodies of Praise 158qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp158qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5485qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMaster, The Tempest Is RagingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness, No shelter or help is nigh: "Carest Thou not that we perish?" How canst thou lie asleep, When each moment so madly is threatening A grave in the angry deep?
"The wind and the waves shall obey My will, Peace, be still!" Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea, Or demons or men, or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies The Master of ocean and earth and skies; They all shall sweetly obey My will; Peace be still! Peace, be still! They all shall sweetly obey My will; Peace, peace, be still!
Master, with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief today; The depths of my sad heart are troubled; O waken and save, I pray! Torrents of sin and of anguish Sweep o'er my sinking soul! And I perish! I perish, dear Master; O hasten and take control!
"The wind and the waves shall obey My will, Peace, be still!" Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea, Or demons or men or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies The Master of ocean and earth and skies; They all shall sweetly obey My will; Peace be still! Peace, be still! They all shall sweetly obey my will; Peace, peace, be still!
Master, the terror is over, The elements sweetly rest; Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, And heaven's within my breast. Linger, O blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more; And with joy I shall make the blest harbor, And rest on the blissful shore.
"The wind and the waves shall obey My will, Peace, be still!" Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea, Or demons or men or whatever it be, No water can swallow the ship where lies The Master of ocean and earth and skies; They all shall sweetly obey My will; Peace be still! Peace, be still! They all shall sweetly obey my will; Peace, peace, be still!
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppMaster, The Tempest Is Raging Blue book - Melodies of Praise 159qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp159qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1305qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen We All Get to HeavenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions, bright and blessed, He'll prepare for us a place. When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over Not a shadow not a sigh. When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving ev'ry day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay. When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. Onward to the prize before us! Soon His beauty we'll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open, We shall tread the streets of gold. When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen We All Get to Heaven White book - Songs We Sing 159qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp159qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5486qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWorthy The LambqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp "Worthy is the Lamb," the hosts of heaven sing, As before the throne they make His praises ring; "Worthy is the Lamb the book to open wide, Worthy is the Lamb who once was crucified."
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy; Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh this bleeding Lamb, Oh this dying Lamb, He was found worthy.
Worthy is the Lamb who shed His precious blood To restore a world to happiness and God; "When no eye could pity and no arm could save," Jesus, for our ransom, Himself freely gave.
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy; Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh this bleeding Lamb, Oh this dying Lamb, He was found worthy.
Worthy is the Lamb, the bleeding sacrifice Who for Adam's race paid such a fearful price; Worthy is the Lamb, the Paschal Lamb of God, For the world received "Redemption thro' His blood."
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy ; Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh this bleeding Lamb, Oh this dying Lamb, He was found worthy.
"Worthy is the Lamb," let men and angels sing, "Worthy is the Lamb," let hallelujah's ring; And when life is past, upon the golden shore, "Worthy is the Lamb," we'll shout forevermore.
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb, Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy; Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh this bleeding Lamb, Oh this dying Lamb, He was found worthy. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppWorthy The Lamb Blue book - Melodies of Praise 160qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp160qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1306qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'll Have A New LifeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp On the resurrection morning when all the dead in Christ shall rise, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life; Sown in weakness raised in power, ready to live in Paradise, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord I'll have a new life. Glory, glory... never sad, There'll be no more sorrow, No more pain, there'll be no more strife;..... In... His likeness, I'll... be glad, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life. Free from ev'ry imperfection, youthful and happy I shall be, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life; Glorified with Him forever, death will be lost in victory, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life. Glory, glory... never sad, There'll be no more sorrow, No more pain, there'll be no more strife;..... In... His likeness, I'll... be glad, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life. What a hallelujah morning when the last trump of God shall sound, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life; Graves all bursting, saints a shouting, heavenly beauty all around, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life. Glory, glory... never sad, There'll be no more sorrow, No more pain, there'll be no more strife;..... In... His likeness, I'll... be glad, I'll have a new body, Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life. qqqqTagppppI'll Have A New Life White book - Songs We Sing 160qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp160qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5487qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Am Thine, O LordqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am thine O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be closer drawn to Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side.
Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the pow'r of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side.
O the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend!
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side.
There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Am Thine, O Lord Blue book - Melodies of Praise 161qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp161qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1307qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppAmericaqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp My country tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring. My native country thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake, Let all that breathe partake, Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our fathers' God to thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppAmerica White book - Songs We Sing 161qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp161qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5488qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppBlessed Be the FountainqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Blessed be the fountain of blood, To a world of sinners revealed; Blessed be the dear Son of God: Only by His stripes we are healed. Tho' I've wandered far from His fold, Bringing to my heart pain and woe, Wash me in the blood of the Lamb, And I shall be whiter than snow.
Whiter than the snow, Whiter than the snow; Wash me in the blood of Lamb, And I shall be whiter than snow.
Thorny was the crown that He wore, And the cross His body o'ercame; Grievous were the sorrows He bore, But He suffered thus not in vain. May I to that fountain be led, Made to cleanse my sins here below; Wash me in the blood that He shed, And I shall be whiter than snow.
Whiter than the snow, Whiter than the snow; Wash me in the blood of Lamb, And I shall be whiter than snow.
Father, I have wandered from Thee, Often has my heart gone astray; Crimson do my sins seem to me--- water cannot wash them away. Jesus, to that fountain of Thine, Leaning on Thy promise, I go; Cleanse me by Thy washing divine, And I shall be whiter than snow.
Whiter than the snow, Whiter than the snow; Wash me in the blood of Lamb, And I shall be whiter than snow.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppBlessed Be the Fountain Blue book - Melodies of Praise 162qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp162qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1308qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPrecious Jesus, Don't ForgetqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Many times my soul is over burdened, Many times I'm prone to disobey, But to Thee dear Jesus I am praying, Leep me in the straight and narrow way; Precious Jesus, ever linger near me, Help me stem the battles that are met, Keep me ever in Thy blessed keeping, Precious Jesus, don't forget. Don't forget, don't forget, Lest I wander far away; Savior dear be Thou near, Ev'ry hour and ev'ry day; Lead the way ev'ry day, Thru the shadows of the night, Don't forget, don't forget, Keep me ever in Thy sight. There are times when I am disappointed, Sorely tempted by a wicked race, But I love the precious name of Jesus And I cling to Thy protecting grace; Don't forget me, Jesus, don't forget me, Be my light thru sorrow and regret, Keep Thy spirit daily watching o'er me, Precious Jesus, don't forget. Don't forget, don't forget, Lest I wander far away; Savior dear be Thou near, Ev'ry hour and ev'ry day; Lead the way ev'ry day, Thru the shadows of the night, Don't forget, don't forget, Keep me ever in Thy sight. Be my guide thru life's uneven journey, Lead me safely to the journey's end, There's no other One so true and faithful, None on whom, in need, I can depend; I would ever labor in Thy harvest Till at last the harvest sun is set, And when I walk that lonesome valley, Precious Jesus, don't forget. Don't forget, don't forget, Lest I wander far away; Savior dear be Thou near, Ev'ry hour and ev'ry day; Lead the way ev'ry day, Thru the shadows of the night, Don't forget, don't forget, Keep me ever in Thy sight. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppPrecious Jesus, Don't Forget White book - Songs We Sing 162qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp162qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5489qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Need Thee Every HourqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford.
I need Thee, O I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee!
I need Thee ev'ry hour, Stay thou near by; Temptations lose their pow'r When Thou art nigh.
I need Thee, O I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee!
I need Thee ev'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain.
I need Thee, O I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee!
I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most Holy One; O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.
I need Thee, O I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee! qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppI Need Thee Every Hour Blue book - Melodies of Praise 163qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp163qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1309qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppDon't ForgetqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Friends oft forsake me, Foes are met, I plead Thy promise, Don't forget. My way grows weary, Oft I fret, Thy love consoles me, Don't forget. So oft I falter Here and yet I keep on trusting, Don't forget. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppDon't Forget White book - Songs We Sing 163qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp163qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5490qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIn My Heart There Rings a MelodyqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have a song that Jesus gave me, It was sent from heav'n above; There never was a sweeter melody, 'Tis a melody of love.
In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; In my heart there rings a melody; There rings a melody of love.
I love the Christ who died on Calv'ry, For He washed my sins away; He put within my heart a melody, And I know it's there to stay.
In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; In my heart there rings a melody; There rings a melody of love.
'Twill be my endless theme in glory, With the angels I will sing; 'Twill be a song with glorious harmony, When the courts of heaven ring.
In my heart there rings a melody. There rings a melody with heaven's harmony; In my heart there rings a melody; There rings a melody of love. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppIn My Heart There Rings a Melody Blue book - Melodies of Praise 164qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp164qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1310qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Know Somebody's ListeningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Tho a pilgrim, a stranger, a beggar I be, As here I go traveling on, Tho dearest of friends will not listen to me And chide me for trusting God's Son; Tho the world in its folly, its sin and its shame, Neglectfully turns me away, I still have my Savior, O praise His sweet name, He hears everything that I say. I know somebody's listening, know somebody's listening, Hears everything that I say, Know somebody answers, know somebody answers, Pray'r that I secretly pray; Know somebody loves me, know somebody loves me, Never will turn me away, Jesus of Mount Calvary, And He hears everything that I say. Thru the troubles and trials and darkes of night He speaks and I hear His kind voice, Thru darkness He giveth me comfort and light, He keeps me, in Him I rejoice; What more could I ask when the shadows grow dim And kindred and loves ones betray, What more could I cherish than Jesus the Friend Who hears everything that I say. I know somebody's listening, know somebody's listening, Hears everything that I say, Know somebody answers, know somebody answers, Pray'r that I secretly pray; Know somebody loves me, know somebody loves me, Never will turn me away, Jesus of Mount Calvary, And He hears everything that I say. Let the world amble on like the Babylon of old, With beauty and charm to allure, My hope in the heavenly treasures untold is far more exceeding and sure; My Redeemer will answer my sad feeble plea And guide me each hour of the day, A wonderful, wonderful Savior is He Who hears everything that I say. I know somebody's listening, know somebody's listening, Hears everything that I say, Know somebody answers, know somebody answers, Pray'r that I secretly pray; Know somebody loves me, know somebody loves me, Never will turn me away, Jesus of Mount Calvary, And He hears everything that I say. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Know Somebody's Listening White book - Songs We Sing 164qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp164qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1311qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI've Believed the True ReportqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've believed the true report, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the outer court, O glory be to God! I am all on Jesus' side, On the altar sanctified, To the world and sin I've died, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven vail, where the gloried never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King. I'm a king and priest to God, Hallelujah to the Lamb! By the cleansing of the blood, O glory be to God! By the Spirit's pow'r and light, I am living day and night, In the holiest place so bright, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven vail, where the gloried never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King. I have passed the outer vail, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Which did once God's light conceal, O glory be to God! But the blood has brought me in To God's holiness so clean, Where there's death to self and sin, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven vail, where the gloried never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King. I'm within the holiest pale, Hallelujah to the Lamb! I have passed the inner vail, O glory be to God! I am sanctified to God By the power of the blood, Now the Lord is my abode, Hallelujah to the Lamb! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I have passed the riven vail, where the gloried never fail, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI've Believed the True Report White book - Songs We Sing 165qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp165qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5491qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppLaunch OutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The mercy of God is an ocean divine, A boundless and fathomless flood; Launch out in the deep, cut away the shoreline, And be lost in the fulless of God.
Launch out into the deep, Oh, let the shoreline go, Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow.
But many, alas! only stand on the shore And gaze on the ocean so wide; They never have ventured its depths to explore, Or to launch on the fathomless tide.
Launch out into the deep, Oh, let the shoreline go, Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow.
And others just venture away from the land, And linger so near to the shore, That the surf and the slime that beat over the strand, Dash o'er them in floods evermore.
Launch out into the deep, Oh, let the shoreline go, Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow.
Oh, let us launch out on this ocean so broad, Where the floods of salvation o'erflow; Oh, let us be lost in the mercy of God, Till the depths of His fullness we know.
Launch out into the deep, Oh, let the shoreline go, Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppLaunch Out Blue book - Melodies of Praise 165qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp165qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1312qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOnly Trust HimqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give you rest, By trusting in His word. Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. Yes, Jesus is the truth, the Way, That leads you into rest; Believe in Him without delay, And you are fully blest. Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. Come, then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOnly Trust Him White book - Songs We Sing 166qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp166qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5492qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe End Is Not YetqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I have tried to count His blessings, and I fail to understand Why the Lord should so richly reward; Could I count the stars of heaven, add to them earth's grains of sand, Still His blessings are more, praise the Lord!
And the end is not yet, praise the Lord, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord; Blessings new He's still bestowing, And my cup is overflowing, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!
Like an army I behold them pass before me in review, O what joy doth the right now afford! Tho' they may be long in passing, still they come, battallions new, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!
And the end is not yet, praise the Lord, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord; Blessings new He's still bestowing, And my cup is overflowing, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!
Surely goodness, love and mercy have been mine along life's way. And my weak heart to strength is restored, And my cup of joy and gladness keeps o'erflowing, day by day, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!
And the end is not yet, praise the Lord, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord; Blessings new He's still bestowing, And my cup is overflowing, And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppThe End Is Not Yet Blue book - Melodies of Praise 166qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp166qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1313qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHeaven Now is on ViewqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp As I travel with Jesus (on the bright way) ever trusting His promise,(happy each day) In His love I'm rejoicing(praising His name) as I sing this glad song; For He tells me of heaven(home of the blessed)that eternal bright city(city of rest) Where the river of life flows so gently along. Heaven now is in view, heaven now is in view, I'm a child of a King, and a millionaire, too; Clouds have rifted above and the light has come thru, Praise the wonderful Dove, heaven now is in view. You may call me old-fashioned(just as you please) when I mention the Savior, (down on my knees) But I'll ever keep walking(walking each day) in the light of His love; You may lay up your treasures(silver and gold) where the rust is decaying,(soon they will mold) But I'd rather lay mine in that city above. Heaven now is in view, heaven now is in view, I'm a child of a King, and a millionaire, too; Clouds have rifted above and the light has come thru, Praise the wonderful Dove, heaven now is in view. John beheld that bright city(so we are told) with its jasper walls gleaming,(streets of pure gold), Yes He sat it descending,(coming so near) what a wonderful sight; And He told of the splendor(all of its own) of the beautiful rainbow(over the throne) That forever will shine in that city of light. Heaven now is in view, heaven now is in view, I'm a child of a King, and a millionaire, too; Clouds have rifted above and the light has come thru, Praise the wonderful Dove, heaven now is in view. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHeaven Now is on View White book - Songs We Sing 167qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp167qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5493qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppNot My Will, but Thine qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Not my will but Thine; Not my will, but thine; Not my will, but Thy will be done, Lord, in me. May Thy Spirit divine fill this being of mine. Not my will, but Thy will be done, Lord, in me. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppNot My Will, but Thine Blue book - Melodies of Praise 167qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp167qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1314qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThere'll Be ShoutingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp What a happy time is coming, When we reach our home in heaven, And the burdens which we've borne, we'll bear no more; When the angel sounds the trumpet, Calling us to those bright mansions, There'll be shouting on the everlasting shore. There'll be shouting on the hills of glory, Shouting, yes, shouting, When we reach that land of which we've heard the story, There'll be shouting on the hills of God. When the saints begin to gather, Tound the throne in that blest city, And the angel choir the songs of praise outpour; Harps of gold will then be ringing, Saints of all the ages singing; Such a meeting as we never saw before. There'll be shouting on the hills of glory, Shouting, yes, shouting, When we reach that land of which we've heard the story, There'll be shouting on the hills of God. On that blessed happy morning, When old friends are reunited, And when all our loved ones we will see again; In that happy land eternal, We will live in joy supernal, And with Jesus and His angels ever reign. There'll be shouting on the hills of glory, Shouting, yes, shouting, When we reach that land of which we've heard the story, There'll be shouting on the hills of God. On that happy glad tomorrow, When we leave this world of sorrow, And we all shall gather on the other shore; There'll be shouting, there'll be singing, All around glad praises ringing, We shall live in peace and joy forevermore. There'll be shouting on the hills of glory, Shouting, yes, shouting, When we reach that land of which we've heard the story, There'll be shouting on the hills of God. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThere'll Be Shouting White book - Songs We Sing 168qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp168qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5494qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppConstantly AbidingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's a peace in my heart that the world never gave, A peace it can not take away; Tho' the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I've a peace that has come there to stay!
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine; Constanty abiding, rapture divine; He never leaves me lonely, whispers, O so kind: " I will never leave thee," Jesus is mine.
All the world seemed to sing of a Savior and King, When peace sweetly came to my heart; Troubles all fled away and my night turned to day, Blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art!
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine; Constanty abiding, rapture divine; He never leaves me lonely, whispers, O so kind: " I will never leave thee," Jesus is mine.
This treasure I have in a temple of clay, While here on His footstool I roam; But He's coming to take me some glorious day, Over there to my heavenly home!
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine; Constanty abiding, rapture divine; He never leaves me lonely, whispers, O so kind: " I will never leave thee," Jesus is mine.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppConstantly Abiding Blue book - Melodies of Praise 168qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp168qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1315qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppChrist AroseqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Low in the grave He lay- Jesus, my Savior! Waiting the coming day- Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! Vainly they watch His bed-Jesus, my Savior! Vainly they seal the dead- Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! Death cannot keep His prey- Jesus, my Savior! He tore the bars away- Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppChrist Arose White book - Songs We Sing 169qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp169qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5495qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPass Me NotqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Pass me not O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief.
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace.
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me; Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heav'n but Thee
Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppPass Me Not Blue book - Melodies of Praise 169qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp169qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5496qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppPentecost in My SoulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp To me the Holy Ghost is giv'n, An earnest of the joys of heav'n; Since He has taken full control, I've Pentecost in my soul.
I've Pentecost in my soul, I've Pentecost in my soul; The Spirit has come, has come to abide; I've Pentecost in my soul.
The Spirit dwells my heart within And breaks the pow'r of pardoned sin; Tho' o'er my head dark clouds may roll, I've Pentecost in my soul.
I've Pentecost in my soul, I've Pentecost in my soul; The Spirit has come, has come to abide; I've Pentecost in my soul.
O holy rest! O peace sublime! He reigns within me all the time; He purifies and makes me whole-- I've Pentecost in my soul.
I've Pentecost in my soul, I've Pentecost in my soul; The Spirit has come, has come to abide; I've Pentecost in my soul.
Then seek this Gift without delay, Receive the Holy Ghost today; Yield all to His benign control, Let Pentecost fill your soul! O yes!
I've Pentecost in my soul, I've Pentecost in my soul; The Spirit has come, has come to abide; I've Pentecost in my soul.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppPentecost in My Soul Blue book - Melodies of Praise 170qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp170qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1316qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Love My Savior TooqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Jesus, my heavenly King, loves me, I know, Praises to Him I sing, onward I go; Closely to Him I cling, blessings still flow, I love my Savior, too. I love my Savior, He loves me,too; I seek His favor, In everything I do. Walking with Him each day, lovelight doth shine, Doing His will alway, never repine; Kneeling to Him I pray, "Thy will, not mine," I love my Savior, too. I love my Savior, He loves me,too; I seek His favor, In everything I do. Happy to serve my friend, lean on His arm, Rapture will never end, nothing alarm; Voices will sweetly blend, under His charm, I love my Savior, too. I love my Savior, He loves me,too; I seek His favor, In everything I do. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Love My Savior Too White book - Songs We Sing 170qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp170qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5497qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSunlight, SunlightqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I wandered in the shades of night, Till Jesus came to me, And with the sunlight of His love Bid all my darkness flee.
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within.
Tho' clouds may gather in the sky, And billows 'round me roll, However dark the world may be, I've sunlight in my soul.
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within.
While walking in the light of God, I sweet communion find; I press with holy vigor on, And leave the world behind.
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within.
I cross the wide extended fields, I journey o'er the plain, And in the sunlight of His love I reap the golden grain.
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within.
Soon I shall see Him as He is, The Light that came to me; Behold the brightness of His face, Thro'out eternity.
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppSunlight, Sunlight Blue book - Melodies of Praise 171qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp171qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1317qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen I Walk Up the Streets of GoldqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The burdens of life may be many, The frowns of the world may be cold; To me it will matter but little, When I walk up the streets of gold. When I walk up the streets of gold, When I walk up the streets of gold; How my heart will rejoice in that morning, When I walk up the streets of gold. With joy I shall enter that city, The face of my Savior behold; And I shall be changed and be like Him, When I walk up the streets of gold. When I walk up the streets of gold, When I walk up the streets of gold; How my heart will rejoice in that morning, When I walk up the streets of gold. What wonderful visions of beauty, What glorious scenes shall unfold; And what dazzling splendors surround me, When I walk up the streets of gold. When I walk up the streets of gold, When I walk up the streets of gold; How my heart will rejoice in that morning, When I walk up the streets of gold. For ages and ages I'll praise Him, And never grow weary or old; Love-crowned I'll abide in His presence, When I walk up the streets of gold. When I walk up the streets of gold, When I walk up the streets of gold; How my heart will rejoice in that morning, When I walk up the streets of gold. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen I Walk Up the Streets of Gold White book - Songs We Sing 171qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp171qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5498qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppGlory To God, Hallelujah! qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We are never, never weary of the grand old song; Glory to God Hallelujah! We can sing it loud as ever, with our faith more strong: Glory to God, hallelujah!
O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing, For the way is growing bright and our souls are on the wing; We are going by and by to the palace of a King! Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are lost amid the rapture of redeeming love; Glory to God hallelujah! We are rising on its pinions to the hills above: Glory to God, hallelujah!
O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing, For the way is growing bright and our souls are on the wing; We are going by and by to the palace of a King! Glory to God, hallelujah!
We are going to a palace that is built of gold; Glory to God, hallelujah! Where the King in all His splendor we shall soon behold: Glory to God, hallelujah!
O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing, For the way is growing bright and our souls are on the wing; We are going by and by to the palace of a King! Glory to God, hallelujah!
There we'll shout redeeming mercy in a glad, new song; Glory to God, hallelujah! There we'll sing the praise of Jesus with the blood-washed throng: Glory to God, hallelujah!
O, the children of the Lord have a right to shout and sing, For the way is growing bright and our souls are on the wing; We are going by and by to the palace of a King! Glory to God, hallelujah!
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppGlory To God, Hallelujah! Blue book - Melodies of Praise 172qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp172qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1318qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppOpen The Pearly GatesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp We are marching up on the King's highway, We'll shout and sing, and we'll watch and pray; No time to idle, no time to wait, But hasten on to the golden gate. Open the pearly gates, Open the pearly gates; Open the pearly gates, And let the redeemed come in. With joy and gladness upon each head, We're marching up where the feast is spread; For a royal banquet will there be given, To all those who enter the gates of heav'n. Open the pearly gates, Open the pearly gates; Open the pearly gates, And let the redeemed come in. No unclean thing shall go up thereon, No lion there, oh, no, not one; But those arrayed in pure garments white, With souls prepared for the mansions bright. Open the pearly gates, Open the pearly gates; Open the pearly gates, And let the redeemed come in. With our battles fought and our victories won, Our weapons of warfare all laid down; We'll take up our golden harps and sing, And crown our Christ as a conquering King. Open the pearly gates, Open the pearly gates; Open the pearly gates, And let the redeemed come in. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppOpen The Pearly Gates White book - Songs We Sing 172qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp172qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5499qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen We All Get to HeavenqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed, He'll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory.
While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when trav'ling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.
When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory.
Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving ev'ry day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay.
When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory.
Onward to the prize before us! Soon His beauty we'll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open, We shall tread the streets of gold.
When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen We All Get to Heaven Blue book - Melodies of Praise 173qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp173qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1319qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSome Glad Day After WhileqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O blessed tho't sweet rest will come, Some glad day aftere while; When all our toil on earth is done, There'll come a glad day, after while. O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day after while; O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day, after while. These heavy loads we shall lay down, Some glad day, after while; When we receive our heavenly crown, Ther'll come a glad day, after while O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day after while; O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day, after while. Our suff'ring too, will soon be past, Some glad day after while; When we shall find sweet rest at last, There'll come a glad day, after while. O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day after while; O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day, after while. All war and strife, will soon be o'er, Some glad day, after while; We'll find sweet peace on heaven's shore, There'll come a glad day, after while. O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day after while; O after while, after while, There'll come a glad day, after while. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSome Glad Day After While White book - Songs We Sing 173qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp173qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5500qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhat, Never Thirst Again?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There flows from Calvary a stream For ev'ry sinner's pain, And he that drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never thirst again.
What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again; What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again, For he that drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never thirst again.
Earth's fountains fair but mock our souls, Like desert phantoms lure, And they that drink the fainter grow, The keener thirst endure.
What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again; What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again, For he that drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never thirst again.
This stream from Calvary still flows, To bless and cleanse and heal, And he that drinketh, Jesus said, New life and rest shall feel.
What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again; What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again, For he that drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never thirst again.
Oh, blessed stream of pure delight! Oh, balm for ev'ry pain! To thee I haste, for Jesus said, I'll never thirst again.
What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again; What! never thirst again? No, never thirst again, For he that drinketh, Jesus said, Shall never thirst again. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhat, Never Thirst Again? Blue book - Melodies of Praise 174qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp174qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1320qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen Morning ComesqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand, All the ways that God will lead us to that blessed promised land; But He'll guide us with His eye, and we'll follow till we die, We will inderstand it better by and by. By and by when the morning comes, All the saints of God are gathering home, We will tell the story how we've overcome, We will understand it better by and by. We are often destitute of the things that life demands, Want of shelter and of food, thirsty hills and barren land; But we're trusting in the Lord, and according to His word, We will understand it better by and by. By and by when the morning comes, All the saints of God are gathering home, We will tell the story how we've overcome, We will understand it better by and by. Temptations, hidden snares, often take us unawares, And our hearts are made to bleed for each thoughtless word or deed; And we wonder why the test, when we try to do our best, But will understand it better by and by. By and by when the morning comes, All the saints of God are gathering home, We will tell the story how we've overcome, We will understand it better by and by. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen Morning Comes White book - Songs We Sing 174qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp174qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5501qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Is Able to Deliver TheeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp 'Tis the grandest theme thro' the ages rung; 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue; 'Tis the grandest theme that the world e'er sung, "Our God is able to deliver thee."
He is able to deliver thee, He is able to deliver thee; Tho' by sin opprest, Go to Him for rest; "Our God is able to deliver thee." AMEN.
'Tis the grandest theme in the earth or main; 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal strain; 'Tis the grandest theme, tell the world again, "Our God is able to deliver thee."
He is able to deliver thee, He is able to deliver thee; Tho' by sin opprest, Go to Him for rest; "Our God is able to deliver thee." AMEN.
'Tis the grandest theme, let the tidings roll, To the guilty heart, to the sinful soul; Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole, "Our God is able to deliver thee."
He is able to deliver thee, He is able to deliver thee; Tho' by sin opprest, Go to Him for rest; "Our God is able to deliver thee." AMEN. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Is Able to Deliver Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 175qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp175qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1321qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWe're Marching to ZionqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known , Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne. We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God. Let those refuse to sing, Who never know our God; But children of the heavenly King, But children of the heavenly King, May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad. We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God. The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. We're marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God. Then let our songs abound, And ev'ry tear be dry; We're marching thru Immanuel's ground, We're marching thru Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high. qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppWe're Marching to Zion White book - Songs We Sing 175qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp175qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1322qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIf the Light Has Gone OutqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the sun of your life has gone down, And the clouds in the west turn to gold,(turn to gold) Enless night then to you will have come, If the light has gone out in your soul. O just think how in death you will feel, With the light growing dim in your soul; O how lonely 'twill be! O how still!(how still) When the light has gone out in your soul. When you come to the end of the way, And life's story for you has been told,(has been told), O how sad all to you will appear, If the light has gone out in your soul. O just think how in death you will feel, With the light growing dim in your soul; O how lonely 'twill be! O how still!(how still) When the light has gone out in your soul. When before judgment's bar you shall stand, And the deeds that have here had control(had control) Good and evil appear, O what then , If the light has gone out in your soul. O just think how in death you will feel, With the light growing dim in your soul; O how lonely 'twill be! O how still!(how still) When the light has gone out in your soul. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIf the Light Has Gone Out White book - Songs We Sing 176qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp176qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5548qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHave I Done My Best for Jesus?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I wonder, have I giv'n my best to Jesus Who died upon the cruel tree? To think of His great sacrifice at Calv'ry, I know my Lord expects the best from me.
How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I've helped to free? I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, When He has done so much for me?
The hours that I have wasted are so many, The hours I've spent for Christ so few. Because of all my lack of love for Jesus, I wonder if His heart is breaking too?
How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I've helped to free? I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, When He has done so much for me?
I wonder have I cared enough for others, Or have I let them die alone? I might have helped a wand'rer to the Saviour; The seed of precious Life I might have sown.
How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I've helped to free? I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, When He has done so much for me?
No longer will I stay within the valley, I'll climb to mountain heights above; The world is dying now for want of someone To tell them of the Saviour's matchless love.
How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I've helped to free? I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, When He has done so much for me?
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppHave I Done My Best for Jesus? Blue book - Melodies of Praise 176qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp176qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1323qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppO Morning GladqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp O morning glad, when light will shine, Thru Heaven's gate for me; And I shall greet the Friend divine, Who died to set me free. O morning glad, when trials cease, And I no more shall roam; But in His love's eternal peace, Be with my Lord at home. O morning glad, when sin no more, Shall fill my soul with fear; Whe I shall reach the better shore, With my Redeemer dear. O morning glad, when trials cease, And I no more shall roam; But in His love's eternal peace, Be with my Lord at home. O morning glad, when those who wait, And watch for me above; Will meet me at His palace gate, With words of joy and love. O morning glad, when trials cease, And I no more shall roam; But in His love's eternal peace, Be with my Lord at home. O morning glad, when storms shall end, And billows cease to roll; For then I shall behold the Friend, Who died to save my soul. O morning glad, when trials cease, And I no more shall roam; But in His love's eternal peace, Be with my Lord at home. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppO Morning Glad White book - Songs We Sing 177qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp177qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5549qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppRescue the PerishingqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.
Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent chid to receive; Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently; He will forgive if they only believe.
Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more.
Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide; Back to dthe narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wand'rer a Savior had died.
Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppRescue the Perishing Blue book - Melodies of Praise 177qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp177qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1324qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm On The Sunny SideqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've found the Savior, and I'm happy now in Him, I'm on the sunny side of life; He gives me vict'ry, I have peace and joy within, I'm on the sunny side of life. I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life; I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life. I've left the wilderness, I'm on the other side, I'm on the sunny side of life; Till Jesus calls me home, in Canaan I'll abide, I'm on the sunny side of life. I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life; I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life. The passing days bring many cares for me, I know, I'm on the sunny side of life; I praise the Lord, He keeps me whiter than the snow, I'm on the sunny side of life. I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life; I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life. Brother, so weary, hear the Savior calling thee, Come on the sunny side of life; He will deliver, He will keep thee ev'ry day, Come on the sunny side of life. I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life; I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side, I'm on the sunny side of life. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm On The Sunny Side White book - Songs We Sing 178qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp178qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5550qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhere He Leads I'll FollowqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Sweet are the promises, Kind is the word; Dearer far than any message man ever heard; Pure was the mind of Christ, Sinless I see; He the great example is and pattern for me. Where He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus ev'ry day.
Sweet is the tender love Jesus hath shown, Sweeter far than any love that mortals have known; Kind to the erring one, Faithful is He; He the great example is, and pattern for me.
Where He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus ev'ry day.
List to His loving words, "Come unto Me!!" Weary, heavy-laden, there is sweet rest for thee; Trust in His promises, Faithful and sure; Lean upon the Savior, and thy soul is secure.
Where He leads I'll follow, Follow all the way; Where He leads I'll follow, Follow Jesus ev'ry day.
qqqqyyVerse1pppp qqqqTagppppWhere He Leads I'll Follow Blue book - Melodies of Praise 178qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp178qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1325qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppSunshine In the SoulqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp There's sunshine in my soul today, More glorious and bright, Than glows in any earthly skies, For Jesus is my light. O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, When the peaceful happy moments roll; When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in the soul. There's music in my soul today, A carol to the King, And Jesus, listening, can hear, The songs I cannot sing. O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, When the peaceful happy moments roll; When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in the soul. There's springtime in my soul today, For, when the Lord is near, The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flow'rs of grace appear. O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, When the peaceful happy moments roll; When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in the soul. There's gladness in my soul today, And hope, and praise, and love, For blessings which He gives me now, For joys "laid up" above. O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, When the peaceful happy moments roll; When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in the soul. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppSunshine In the Soul White book - Songs We Sing 179qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp179qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5551qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI Must Tell JesusqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I must tell Jesus all of my trials; I cannot bear these burdens alone; In my distress He kindly will help me; He ever loves and cares for His own.
I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.
I must tell Jesus all of my troubles; He is a kind, compassionate Friend; If I but ask Him, He will deliver Make of my troubles quickly and end.
I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.
Tempted and tried I need a great Savior, One who can help my burdens to bear; I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus; He all my cares and sorrows will share.
I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.
O how the world to evil allures me! O how my heart is tempted to sin! I must tell Jesus, and He will help me Over the world the vict'ry to win.
I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI Must Tell Jesus Blue book - Melodies of Praise 179qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp179qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5552qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Last Mile of the WayqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If I walk in the pathway of duty, If I work till the close of the day; I shall see the great King in His beauty When I've gone the last mile of the way.
When I've gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me When I've gone the last mile of the way.
If for Christ I proclaim the glad story, If I seek for His sheep gone astray; I am sure He will show me His glory When I've gone the last mile of the way.
When I've gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me When I've gone the last mile of the way.
Here the dearest of ties we must sever, Tears of sorrow are seen ev'ry day; But no sickness, no sighing forever When I've gone the last mile of the way.
When I've gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me When I've gone the last mile of the way.
And if here I have earnestly striven And have tried all His will to obey; "Twill enhance all the rapture of heaven When I've gone the last mile of the way.
When I've gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me When I've gone the last mile of the way. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Last Mile of the Way Blue book - Melodies of Praise 180qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp180qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1326qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppMy RewardqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I'll wear a crown of glory, When I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story, When I get home. The Savior will greet me, He'll be the first to meet me, And by His side will seat me, When I get home. When I get home, When I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story, When I get home; When I get home, when I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story when I get home. All darkness will be ended, When I get home, But light and love have blended, When I get home. I'll never know a sorrow, When comes that glorious morrow, But joyful songs forever, When I get home. When I get home, When I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story, When I get home; When I get home, when I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story when I get home. There'll be no time for weeping, When I get home, But be a blessed reaping, When I get home. For Jesus there will bless me, And lovingly caress me, And nothing will distress me, When I get home. When I get home, When I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story, When I get home; When I get home, when I get home, I'll sing the wondrous story when I get home. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppMy Reward White book - Songs We Sing 180qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp180qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5553qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe HealerqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp On the Cross crucified, In great sorrow He died; The Giver of life was He, Yet my Lord was despised and rejected of men, This Jesus of Calvary.
He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; Surely He bore our sorrows, And by His stripes we are healed.
Price for healing was paid, As those cruel stripes were made, Within Pilate's judgment hall. Now His suff'ring affords perfect healing for all. This wonderful Healer's mine.
He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; Surely He bore our sorrows, And by His stripes we are healed.
Came the leper to Christ, Saying, "surely I know, That Thou, Lord, canst make me whole." When His great faith was seen Jesus said, "Yes I will." And touch'd him and made his clean.
He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; Surely He bore our sorrows, And by His stripes we are healed.
He has healed my sick soul, Made me ev'ry whit whole, And He'll do the same for you. He's the same yesterday and today and for aye, this Healer of men today.
He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; Surely He bore our sorrows, And by His stripes we are healed. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Healer Blue book - Melodies of Praise 181qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp181qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1327qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppIs Your All On the Altar?qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp You have longed for sweet peace, and for faith to increase, And have earnestly, fervently, prayed; But you cannot have rest, or be perfectly blest, Until all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit control? You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul. Would you walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word, And have peace and contentment alway, You must do His sweet will , to be free from all ill, On the altar your all you must lay. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit control? You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul. Oh, we never can know what the Lord will bestow, Of the blessings for which we have prayed, Till our body and soul He doth filly control, And our all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit control? You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul. Who can tell all the love, He will send from above, And how happy our hearts will be made, Of the fellowship sweet we shall share at His feet, When our all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit control? You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppIs Your All On the Altar? White book - Songs We Sing 181qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp181qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5554qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppWhen the Roll Is Called up YonderqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; Then when all of life is over, and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there.
When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, I'll be there. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppWhen the Roll Is Called up Yonder Blue book - Melodies of Praise 182qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp182qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1328qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Cross Is Not GreaterqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp The cross that He gave may be heavy, But it ne'er outweighs His grace, The storm that I feared may surround me, But it ne'er excludes His face. The cross is not greater than His grace, The storm cannot hide His blessed face; I am satisfied to know, That with Jesus here below, I can conquer every foe. The thorns in my path are not sharper, Than composed His crown for me, The cup that I drink not more bitter, Than He drank in Gethsemane. The cross is not greater than His grace, The storm cannot hide His blessed face; I am satisfied to know, That with Jesus here below, I can conquer every foe. The light of His love shineth brighter, As it falls on paths of woe, The toll of my work groweth lighter, As I stoop to raise the low. The cross is not greater than His grace, The storm cannot hide His blessed face; I am satisfied to know, That with Jesus here below, I can conquer every foe. His will I have have joy in fulfilling, As I'm walking in His sight, My all to the blood I am bringing, It alone can keep me right. The cross is not greater than His grace, The storm cannot hide His blessed face; I am satisfied to know, That with Jesus here below, I can conquer every foe. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Cross Is Not Greater White book - Songs We Sing 182qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp182qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5555qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Lord That Healeth TheeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord that healeth thee; Jehovah Rapha is My Name: For I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord that healeth thee; Sickness must flee at My command: For I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord that healeth thee; The prayer of faith shall banish disease: For I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord that healeth thee; My name is still as ointment poured forth: For I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee, I am the Lord that healeth thee; Come and be free from all your pains: For I am the Lord that healeth thee. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Lord That Healeth Thee Blue book - Melodies of Praise 183qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp183qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1329qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Set Me FreeqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Once like a bird in prison I dwelt, No freedom from my sorrow I felt, But Jesus came and listened to me, And glory to God, He set me free. He set me free, yes, He set me free, He broke the bonds of prison for me; I'm glory-bound my Jesus to see, For glory to God, He set me free. Now I am climbing higher each day , Darkness of night has drifted away, My feet are planted on higher ground, And glory to God I'm homeward bound. He set me free, yes, He set me free, He broke the bonds of prison for me; I'm glory-bound my Jesus to see, For glory to God, He set me free. Goodbye to sin and things that confound, Naught of this world shall turn me around, Daily I'm working, I'm praying too, and glory to God, I'm going through. He set me free, yes, He set me free, He broke the bonds of prison for me; I'm glory-bound my Jesus to see, For glory to God, He set me free. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Set Me Free White book - Songs We Sing 183qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp183qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5556qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe Leadeth Me qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp He leadeth me! O blessed tho't! O words with heav'nly comfort fraught! Whate'er I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me.
Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea, Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me!
He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me.
Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine, Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me!
He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me.
And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the victry's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God thro' Jordan leadeth me.
He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppHe Leadeth Me Blue book - Melodies of Praise 184qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp184qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1330qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppI'm Going ThroughqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Lord, I have started to walk in the light, Shining upon me from heaven so bright; I bade the world and its follies adieu, I've started in, Jesus, and I'm going thru. I'm going thru, yes, I'm going thru; I'll pay the price, whatever others do, I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few, I'm going thru, Jesus, I'm going thru. Many they are who start in the race, But with the light they refused to keep pace; Others accept it because it is new; But not very many expect to go thru. I'm going thru, yes, I'm going thru; I'll pay the price, whatever others do, I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few, I'm going thru, Jesus, I'm going thru. I'd rather walk with Jesus alone, And have for a pillow, like Jacob, a stone; Living each moment with His face in view, Than shrink from my pathway and fail to go thru. I'm going thru, yes, I'm going thru; I'll pay the price, whatever others do, I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few, I'm going thru, Jesus, I'm going thru. O brother, now will you take up the cross? Give up the world, and count it as dross; Sell all thou hast, and give to the poor, Then go thru with Jesus and those who endure. I'm going thru, yes, I'm going thru; I'll pay the price, whatever others do, I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few, I'm going thru, Jesus, I'm going thru. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppI'm Going Through White book - Songs We Sing 184qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp184qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5557qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThe Fire Is BurningqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp I've been on Mount Pisgah's lofty height, And I've satisfied my longing heart's desire; For I caught a glimpse of glory bright, And my soul is burning with the fire.
O the fire is burning, yes, 'tis brightly burning, O 'tis, burning, burning in my soul; O the fire is burning, yes 'tis brightly burning , O 'tis burning, burning, in my soul.
I will walk with Jesus, bless His name, And to be like Him I ev'ry day aspire; For His love is like a heav'nly flame, And my soul is burning with the fire.
O the fire is burning, yes, 'tis brightly burning, O 'tis, burning, burning in my soul; O the fire is burning, yes 'tis brightly burning , O 'tis burning, burning, in my soul.
I my all upon the altar lay, As I to my closet lovingly retire; And the flame consumes while there I pray, And my soul is burning with the fire.
O the fire is burning, yes, 'tis brightly burning, O 'tis, burning, burning in my soul; O the fire is burning, yes 'tis brightly burning , O 'tis burning, burning, in my soul.
By faith's eye I scan the ocean's foam, And beyond I see the haven I desire; There I view the beacon lights of home, And my soul is burning with the fire.
O the fire is burning, yes, 'tis brightly burning, O 'tis, burning, burning in my soul; O the fire is burning, yes 'tis brightly burning , O 'tis burning, burning, in my soul. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThe Fire Is Burning Blue book - Melodies of Praise 185qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp185qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppBlue book - Melodies of PraiseqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp1331qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppThrow Out The LifelineqqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp Throw out the Lifeline across the dark wave, There is a brother whom someone should save' Somebody's brother! O who then will dare, To throw out the Lifeline, His peril to share? Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is drifting away; Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is sianking today. Throw out the Lifeline with hand quick and strong, Why do you tarry, why linger so long? See he is sinking; O hasten today- And out with the Life-boat! away then away! Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is drifting away; Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is sianking today. Throw out the Lifeline to danger fraught men, Sinking in anguish where you've never been; Winds of temptation and billows of woe, Will soon hirl them out where the dark waters flow. Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is drifting away; Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is sianking today. Soon will the season of rescue be o'er, Soon will they drift to eternity's shore, Hast then, my brother, no time for delay, But throw out the Lifeline and save them today. Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is drifting away; Throw out the Lifeline! throw out the Lifeline! Some one is sianking today. qqqqyyVerse1ppppqqqqTagppppThrow Out The Lifeline White book - Songs We Sing 185qqqqyyTagpppp qqqqC1Sizepppp40qqqqyyC1Sizepppp qqqqC2Sizepppp40qqqqyyC2Sizepppp qqqqC3Sizepppp40qqqqyyC3Sizepppp qqqqC4Sizepppp40qqqqyyC4Sizepppp qqqqV1Sizepppp40qqqqyyV1Sizepppp qqqqV2Sizepppp40qqqqyyV2Sizepppp qqqqV3Sizepppp40qqqqyyV3Sizepppp qqqqV4Sizepppp40qqqqyyV4Sizepppp qqqqVSizepppp40qqqqyyVSizepppp qqqqBSizepppp40qqqqyyBSizepppp qqqqTSizepppp40qqqqyyTSizepppp qqqqESizepppp40qqqqyyESizepppp qqqqV5Sizepppp40qqqqyyV5Sizepppp qqqqNOTESpppp185qqqqyyNOTESpppp qqqqCCLIppppWhite book - Songs We SingqqqqyyCCLIpppp qqqqcDatepppp2021-04-11T00:00:00-05:00qqqqyycDatepppp qqqqyySongspppp |
qqqqSongspppp qqqqSongIDpppp5558qqqqyySongIDpppp qqqqSongppppqqqqyySongpppp qqqqSongTitleppppHe'll Understand and Say "Well Done"qqqqyySongTitlepppp qqqqVerse1pppp If when you give the best of your service, Telling the world that the Saviour is come; Be not dismayed when men don't believe you |