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122423 Sunday Morning Service Live
This service was filmed on December 24, 2023, during the Sunday Morning Service. This service contains the Sermon by Bennie Dendy and more.
122423 Sunday Morning Notes
Pre SS Song Leaders:
"Sherolyn Van Dalen, Donna Worley, Cathy Franklin"
Pre SS Songs:
Page 317 Away in a Manger
Sunday School Teacher:
Sherolyn Van Dalen
SS Scriptures:
Isaiah 7:14
Luke 1:26-33
Isaiah 9:6-7
John 3:16
Luke 2:1-19
Booster Band Leader(s):
Stephanie France
Booster Band Kids:
Angelica France
Lacey France
Anastasia France
Booster Band Songs:
We Are Boosters
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Joy To The World
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Father Abraham
Song Leaders:
"Donna Worley, Cathy Franklin"
Page 310 Joy to the World!
Page 313 Silent Night! Holy Night!
Page 312 Hark! The Herald Angels Sin
Sermon By:
Bennie Dendy
Sermon Title:
Our Christmas Service
Isaiah 9:6-7
John 3:16-17
Matthew 18:13-14
Mark 16:15-20
Matthew 25:1-46
Special Notes:
Some songs are different from planned program
Did not do all of the scriptures