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For Helen-posted 10/19/2015

I went to ER Tuesday. I was hurting so bad. It was a pancreatic attack. They said my pancreas was swollen and inflamed like an alcoholics. I don't drink. It was because my gallbladder was inflamed and I had a golf ball size stone in there. They took  my gall bladder out Thurs and I came home last night. This has been the sickest I've ever been. I am still in pain where I had the surgery. I don't know when I'll get to feeling better. I was sick 2 wks before this with asmatic bronchitis, coughing my head off. I took antibiotics and steroids for that. I think the steroids triggered my pancreas problem because it made my blood sugar go up. I wasn't a diabetic and I hope these meds don't make me be one. I haven't been able to keep much solid food down since I got home. PLease pray I will be able to because I know I'm dehydrated right now and I'll have to go back to hospital if I can't. I have never been this sick before in my life. thank all for their prayers. Helen

Expire Date: 
Monday, October 26, 2015 - 5:30am


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