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Small Family Church

A few years back my husband and I were talking and comparing smaller churches to larger churches. To each his own, just go to church!

My granddaughter about 8 yrs. old then joined in the conversation! To our surprise, but we were glad she was paying attention. She had gone to a very large church with a friend one time just to see what it was like.

A little later on during the conversation she said, "I don't like big churches!" I asked ,"Why, Sis?" She said you could get lost and it takes too long to get to where you want to be. And no one even knows your name!

We told her after a person attends the larger church for a while they get use to where everything is then they'll not get lost and learn peoples names. She said, "Mamaw, my friend has gone there two years and she doesn't know anyone, not even the preacher."

This same granddaughter went out of state to visit her maternal grandmother. While she was there they attended this certain church that had programs for everything that was done and on a certain time.

After their service was over her grandmother stated that the pastor really felt the Spirit this morning he had tears inhis eyes. My granddaughter told everyone, " That ain't nothing, you should see Pastor Dendy at my church he runs down the church isle and around the seats when he feels it!"

Have you ever felt the spirit move like that? My granddaughter is grown now and is no longer in church but she will be back because God's word says train a child the way they should go and they'll not depart. They will come back to God. I thank God for the chance to take my grand children to church that they may take notice of things as my granddaughter did. Those are the things that will bring her back in.

And thank you Pastor Dendy that you make an impression upon our kids with the Holy Spirit so they remember what He is. And that small churches like ours is more closely fit together as a family of God!


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