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Sister Jeanette Dendy- posted 1/6/16

Just by looking at Sister Dendy you would think she was in great health not hurting nor anything wrong. But she has problems that are causing her very much pain.She still comes to church, teaches, prays for others and does the regular things she usually does that maybe we all don't know about. But it does hurt her to do these things , and also playing the piano. Have you ever played and instrument and sang while you were hurting so bad you could cry? She does. So please keep her in your prayers that this doctor can find the problem , fix it and delete the pain. 

There are a lot of our congregation that is being attacked by the devil because we make him mad. But we all need to be more dedicated in our prayer time to pray for all the others that are sick. Together we stand departed we fall. Lets show the devil he has no power that God gave us the power of prayer. Remember God tells us in his word to remind him of the things we need! We need a healthy congregation and Father we praise and honor and lift your name on high for all you do for us. We thank you right now for Sister Dendy's healing along with everyone else who is sick and needs your divine hand. Just speak the word Lord! And we all say Amen!


Expire Date: 
Saturday, February 13, 2016 - 1:45am


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