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Almighty God, our Father

First,  I would like to thank all of you for your prayers. I still have a ways to go,. My doctor tells me that i have a virus in my chest. It will take a while to completely get over, but it will not keep me down. My hip is much better. My God will help me over that. He never fails. Sometimes it seems that God doesn't hear us. Not so.  He always hears his children. My Father gets on the move when we are in situations that  are hurtful. We just don't see where He is moving. This is just a part of my testimony. The storms were supposed to go north, but turned south.  My oldest son lives in East Texas. On the top of the Tv I saw that my kids were in the path of them.  I began to pray. A while later , my oldest son called and said that a Tornado hit his house. He said it sounded like a freight train.  It took the roof on the back fourth of the house.  He was safe  and took the least hurtful area. The front fence, two trees, and lots of building materials thrown into his shop. God spared my family, and showed Hid mighty power. God, my Father spared my son, again. I praise His Holy Name. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit  How can you not serve a loving Father?    Genna

Expire Date: 
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 10:00pm


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