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What an awesome God we have

We had one of our greatest services yesterday 12/17/12.Last week we had a 10 yr.old(Amber) come to accept Jesus. Yesterday Amber brought two of her friends Samantha,& Priscilla and both came to Jesus for salvation.(Praise,Praise,Praise to the one who gave us his Son.Thank you God for being so faithful. Bro. & Sis Worley invited the Lanihan family& it was nice to meet Deacon David & Betty,very sweet people.Our third Sunday singing night turned out to be one of our greatest service. God moved in a very special way and the altars were filled with mourners.It was truly awesome! the Spirit was so thick and conviction was strong all over the church.Glory,Glory,Glory. Our prayers go out to the families in Sandy Hook,not just for those that lost children but for all those that have to minister to and with them.May God be your guide and may God have mercy on Adam Lansing's soul? God touch our country and help us to stay aware of the evil one. He goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. WE must be stead fast unmovable,always abounding in the work of the Lord.We need to remember what the writer Paul said" when I would to do good evil is present with me."Thanks be to God we have an advocate with the Father,Jesus Christ the righteous making intercession for us.I simply want to request that all prayer warriors pray for our troops and those who are serving as public servants.God bless America. Stand up, Stand up for Jesus!!!!

Expire Date: 
Monday, December 31, 2012 - 12:15am


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