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God, god's, Who do you serve? 1

The joy of the Lord is our strength, complaining just weakens our walls of defense.  I try to be a fair person & be considerate to all, well, most all people. God laid this on my heart to compare the difference in god's,  including mine. The Lord God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, is my God.  I pray to Him & praise  & worship Him. When I bring my petition before God, I ask it in His only begotten Son's name, which is Jesus.  My God is a God of love. He is not a cruel tyrant to inflict harm to those who do not believe in Him. He just loves them.  God is love.& cares for even the smallest person. Let me inject something here, when He created man  with the same basic image. He sees, feels love, joy  & all the attributes that we share. But at the time He made us , He gave us free will, of who we will serve. This is the reason that we have so much war, strife, starvation & sicknesses, & premature death. I heard a program that advertised that this man was a defender against the god's which inflicted, pain, death havoc to man. I know it is TV but there is some truth about some god's. There are the ones who worship animals. People are starving in their countries &  they give their food sacrificially to the animals, mice, whatever.  Does their god love all of them?  I Will finish this at a later date. John 3:16,17;  11-14; Genesis 1:24-26, 2:7  Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, August 13, 2016 - 12:00pm


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