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On My Way !

Have you ever had a situation that you blamed everyone but yourself?  You didn't want to confess that you bit off a big bite of stupid causing the trouble.  God tries to warn us, but we go full speed ahead  anyway.  I don't know about you, but I have more times than I'd like to think.  I'm learning. God speaks to all His children.  It just takes some longer than to realize it was God warning them.  God spoke to Jonah and told him to go to Nineveh .  He actually rebelled and went the other way. He got in a heap of trouble before he obeyed.  Was it actually partly because he thought that God wouldn't tell him to go to such wicked people?  He finally obeyed and  then became very angry because God did not destroy them. So many times we have problems because we don't hear the voice of God. Why are people so stubborn? Don't we realize that God is our sovereign King,  creator of all things.  As Jonah said to God in his prayer, he knew that God was forgiving, and long suffering.  When we pray we need to ask God to open our spiritual ears that we may be blessed for obeying and not in situations of our own making.  Then we turn around and have  to do what God asked, without the blessing or pay the price of disobedience, I want to hear and obey all the time.  It is true that God is a forgiving God, but it is set in God's law that we will reap what we sow,  Is it not better to be blessed than to stew in our own juice for a while? Jonah had to end up in the belly of a whale.  What do you have to go through?  The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not force anything upon you that you do not want.  But you will not receive the blessing You will receive a reward, but it will not be a blessing.  Those who do not receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  They will go to heaven but not with all the benefits that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost will give.  It's your choice. Do you want just to go to heaven or with the benefits that He will help you get there easier with His help, rest, and comfort? Isaiah 28:11,12 Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 3, 2016 - 12:30am


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