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A Bad Case Of Stupid!

Before I give the scriptures I want to say that all of us have done some pretty stupid things.  Not keeping in fellowship with the Lord is one of the biggest.  Yet we have all done it to some degree or another. Matthew 26:69-75 Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee.  Mat 26:70  But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest.  I am not going to print all the verses. We know that Peter denied Christ two more times that night.  Mat 26:75  And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.  Peter loved the Lord very much. But he was not thinking very well, he only knew the fear of the people.  When he realized what he had done, he went out & wept bitterly. You know he was repenting for what he had done to the Lord which he loved. He repented in the hope that he would be forgiven.  He believed, because he saw & heard of Jesus's love for a wicked, hateful people.  In the next chapter we see another man who was in a case of really bad stupid.  The difference was that even though he repented, he didn't ask God but, went to the priests He went out & hung himself.  This was Judas.  I just thought about the difference.  Peter was under the new covenant. Judas, was under the old one..Jesus tore the veil of the temple from top to bottom. Representing the old covenant of going to the priest to going directly to the Lord for yourself. Jesus our Lord paid the price of redemption that we might have eternal life.  We've all had times of stupidity, when we are not doing the Lord's will. Not always that we are to the point of being back slidinen, but we following in our own fleshly ways. They call it being cold & indifferent.  Jesus said "  I would that you be hot or cold, for if you are lukewarm , I will spew you out of my mouth.  I want to be on fire for the Lord at all times.  We being flesh & blood, not yet glorified; we tend to let the enemy of our soul cool the flames of our spirit. That is one reason it says in Hebrews that we need to be in fellowship service, so much more as we see the day approaching. (10:25) We need the uplifting  7 encouragement of our brothers & sisters. Through prayer, worship & praise together we are made stronger. Especially so we don't enter those cases of stupid.  Jesus says for us to be wise.  I pray that everyone who reads this be led by the Holy Spirit & win others by our example.  Jesus is the King.  In the last four gospels it says to follow after the Spirit & be witnesses for Christ Jesus.  Merry Christmas & the God of peace bring you closer to Him. Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 24, 2016 (All day)


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