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No Room For Mercy

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 7:20

Story Summary: 

Jesus was teaching in the Temple about the middle of the feast. A controversy arose about who He was. One group said, "He is the Prophet who is to come ( the Messiah) and others said He was just a deceiver. They wondered at the miracles He performed and the knowledge contained in His teaching. Today, just as then, there are two groups, believers and unbelievers. Which group do you fit in? Do you really believe that Jesus is God's son who came to pay our sin debt (provide the ransom to buy us back from death) or do you just dismiss it because you can't really believe God punishes sin. If God required His Only Begotten Son to suffer separation from Him when He was bearing the sins of the world and to die a horrible, accursed death on the cross, suffer the humiliation and shame that deed brought, what do you think that He might require of me and you, sinners that can only be saved because of His mercy and grace? Remember that Jesus died for us that we might live for Him. We will be looking for you in Sunday School. 

Date of Class: 
Sunday, June 4, 2017


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