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Self-righteousness and ignorance against the truth

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 7:47

Story Summary: 

The Pharisees were reveling in self-righteousness and prejudice. They vocalized the assumption that Jesus could not be that Prophet that was coming because He was from Galilee. They were spiritually blind and ignorant of God's Word. They were ignorant because they only saw what they wanted to see. When Nicodemus urged restraint in judging Jesus, they mocked him and ridiculed him. They were not happy because the guards had not arrested Jesus, instead, the guards had recognized something different about Him. The Pharisee's heart was hard and they refused to consider anything that did not fit their way of thinking. They were very busy trying to trap Jesus and make Him look foolish and guilty of blasphemy before those who followed him. The wisdom of God, Jesus' intimacy with His Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit kept Him. Do you depend on God to keep you as you walk through troubles and trials in this life or do you behave as the Pharisees did and try to fix things in your flesh? Do you see God in the midst of troubles as the "ultimate fixer" or do you see Him in His character as the one who loves you and always knows what is best for you. As we trust God, we need to learn to trust Him because of who He is and not what He does. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00.   

Date of Class: 
Sunday, June 18, 2017


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