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God's Glory To Be Revealed By Lazarus' Death

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 11:11

Story Summary: 

Jesus waited to come to His friends so that others could see the  Power of His Father and Glorify His Father. He needed everyone to understand that He was acting for His father and not for Himself. He was in complete obedience to His Father so that He might be revealed to others as the Messiah (Christ), God's only Son. Martha spoke of her disappointment when His expected arrival did not measure up to her expectation. This was revealed when she said, "if you had been here, Lazarus would not have died". She also affirmed that she KNEW whatever Jesus asked of God, it would be His. Jesus proclaims His identity to her by saying, "I am the resurrection and the life."  He affirmed that if one is alive spiritually, they will never die. Martha states her belief in Jesus by declaring Him to be the Christ, the Son of God. How about you? Do you really know who Jesus is? Does your life attest to the power and presence of God in it or does it look and sound like the world? Has the cares of this world choked out the reality of God in your life by stunting your growth because you don't take in the light and food needed for your spiritual growth? I am eager to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 AM.  

Date of Class: 
Sunday, August 20, 2017


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