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Reverance and the 10 Commandments pt.2

Teens Class
Scripture References: 

Exodus 20

Story Summary: 

Last week we studied the first five commandments. The first 4 are relationship to God.. Ex. 20:3, You shall have no other Gods before him; 4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness. 5. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. As the children  of God we should respect and honor for our Lord. He is God or creator and should be honored and reverenced. 8. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.. How can we show respect to our God? We worship morning and evening, We need to spend personal time in prayer and be rested so that we can give our all to hear and obey him. This shows our love for Him. 12. Honor our father and mother: respect and obey, no back talking, no arguing, remarks under our breath. In the Bible they stoned disobedient, disrespectful children. Solomon in the book of proverbs gives us the way to teach and train our children. Remember they are the children and we are the parents! Proverbs 29:15,17, 22:15, 13:18, 15:5, 31,32.  Ephesians 6:1-4 Freedom is doing whatever you want as long as you don't overstep another's freedom. 13. Do not kill, (murder) taking someone's life is overstepping that person's right to life .There are exceptions; war which should be to protect our country, our freedom from being taken away. That  includes protecting our homes, property, family. If you can keep from killing, by all means do so. Support our Police not dishonor them. Exo 20:14. You shall not commit Adultery: it can cause diseases, others to retaliate with harm or murder. Not only that but, every one that you have relations with causes you harm because there is a unity that only a husband and wife has, and the marriage is as the relationship between Christ and the church, a metaphor..In the beginning  God created man and woman  and they two become one .This means fornication and homosexuality does not honor God! 15. Thou shall not steal: ( keep your hands to yourself). 16. You should not bear false witness: Truth is required by God. A false witness is lying about an incident or someone. 17.  You shall not covet: Coveting is lusting, evil desires, with a passion which are sin and if not delivered from can produce destruction, hatred and worse!  Genna

Date of Class: 
Sunday, November 26, 2017


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