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I Quit! (No not me)

This is the topic that God gave me to write about today. So , here we go. There was a time  about 6 years ago that John had hurt me so deeply that I had lost all feelings for him. I turned and contemplated leaving him.. The wounds were so deep, but when I married him I said, 'til death do us part. I looked to the Lord for the help and strength that I needed. I'm not going to give details but, just the fact that it happened.. It took a long  time to finally get over it. Especially when  we were together  most all the time. I got to going shopping by myself a lot , just to be by myself. But as time went on he began to change and I did too. I made the statement several times, "that just about the time things really were going good, he had to up and die on me." I was very serious. People would laugh at that, but I was very serious. I am so thankful that I didn't leave. He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:13. The Lord sent me to a couple  in Dallas that had just been married for 6 months. He was a pastor and she was a Christian also. We were driving back and forth for over a month.  One of those days the Lord said to tell her something. It was about enduring.  I felt funny because they seemed happy. But I did it. She said that she was thinking about leaving him. We prayed together. That was 20 years ago. A while back I heard they were doing good in the ministry. Praise God. There is a lot of other ways that we need to be faithful. Especially to the Lord.  Jesus Christ. If we endure , we will be saved from destruction with the world. Faithful to our calling, family friends, jobs, to  the word., God our Father. Faithful to me means full of enduring faith. How can we just say, "I give up?" Jesus never gave up when the going got tuff. Now if you are  doing wrong and say, " I give up," That is a good time to do so. That is why it is so important to study the scriptures @ Timothy 2:15  Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed; rightly dividing the word of truth. You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. Ephesians 6:12-18 is the Armor of God. At the beginning it says, "Having done all to stand, stand therefore...The 18 verse says praying always with all prayer and supplication.. That is the answer, stand fast and prayer,and supplication in faith. Not necessarily the easy way, but the best by far. The old proverb says,  winners never quit and losers never win, There was this girl who ran for student body president. Every year until her senior year she lost. Senior year she was class president. 5 years she lost, but she never gave up: she was also Valedictorian at graduation. Will you win or lose?  God grant my readers the strength and wisdom to endure to the end., Father in Jesus name. Aman  Genna
Expire Date: 
Thursday, December 7, 2017 - 10:00pm


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