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Jesus: Faithful To The End

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 19: 7

Story Summary: 

Pilate continues to try to persuade the Jews to release Jesus but they are bent on seeing Him dead. Pilate heard the Jews saying that Jesus was a blasphemer because he claimed to be the Son of God. Pilate became more afraid than he already was. Pilate asked Jesus where He was from and Jesus would not answer him. This angered Pilate and he told Jesus, "don't you know I have power of life and death over you?" Jesus replied to Pilate that he had no power at all except what God allowed him to have. From that time, Pilate tried to release Jesus but to no avail. The Jews began to cry out "crucify Him, crucify Him." The crowd overwhelmed Pilate and the Jews told him that if he released Jesus that they would tell Caesar that he was no friend to him because he released a man claiming to be a king. Pilate released Him to them and they led him to Golgotha for His crucifixion. He was nailed to a cross and hung between two thieves. Pilate placed a sign above Jesus'  head that said, Jesus of Nazareth The King Of The Jews. It was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Jews tried to get Pilate to change it by saying He said He was the King of the Jews but Pilate told them, " what I have written, I have written."  Soldiers gambled at his feet for his clothing but cast lots for his outer garment as it was seamless and had been woven from top to bottom. His mother, her sister, Mary the wife of Cleopas, Mary Magdalene, and John were at the foot of the cross. Jesus spoke to his mother and, indicating John, said "woman, behold your son," and said to John," behold your mother." Jesus, knowing all things were now fulfilled, said, "I thirst." A sponge was filled with vinegar, placed on hyssop, and put to his mouth. Then Jesus said, "it is finished." Jesus voluntarily died. The authorities were getting ready to remove the bodies from the cross. Soldiers broke the bones in the legs of the two thieves but when they came to Jesus, He was already dead. Instead of breaking His legs, they stuck a spear in his side and out came blood and water. Oh what a price our saviour paid for you and me. Are you careless in your relationship to God? Do you presume upon His mercy and grace by taking his forgiveness for granted? We need to value our relationship with Jesus so much that we are willing to forsake all things that are sin and learn to be holy as He is holy. I hope to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, December 31, 2017


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