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Ye Shall Know The Truth!

Teens Class
Scripture References: 

2 Timothy 2:15

Story Summary: 

How do I know the truth? There are so many versions and perversions of the Bible I stick with the King James. I will tell you why!  First of all it was translated in 1607-1611, by over 200 scholars of that day.  King James was one of  the scholars that helped put together the Latin Vulgate printed into a common English language. Also scholars agreeing on the translation. the scholars where very careful of using the word because, it was a matter of life and death. It reminds me of the lady that was out of groceries  to feed her family. The neighbor next door was not a godly man thought that he could put an end to her praying, so he went down to the grocery store and bought a bill of groceries and set it on her porch. He heard her praising the Lord for the groceries. He thought, good, now I can stop her from praising God on her porch. He said to her, God didn't give these to you, I did.  She shouted that much more and laughingly stated, 'God gave me the groceries I needed and had the devil deliver them!' This is kind of the same. God used men to give the gospel in simple English to the people. That same word is printed today in the English language. Jesus said ,Matt 24: 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. There are some references I use but I love the King James. We are doing our children an giving them something different and they become confused.; 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, January 7, 2018


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