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We Are More Than Conquerers!

Romans 8:37 In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Most would continue her on all the goodness that God has given us.v.26- Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities. for we know not what we should pray for as we ought;..Infirmities- bodily ailments or , also weakness caused by disease or old age.  Conditions or disease that cause weakness.. A failing or weakness in a person's character.. v 26- Likewise the Spirit also helping our infirmities: for we know not what we ought to pray for as we ought:...Being human we have infirmities in our life. Thank God that e have the Holy Spirit to help our infirmities and how we should pray.. Matthew 3:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sun to rise  on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. Life happens, good and bad to everyone.. Just because you are a Christian everything will not be perfect.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Bad decisions, sometimes,; wrong place , wrong to me, and there are factors that we have no control of. The main thing we have to remember is that God is in control, f we let him. We need to pray for his will and trust him to take us through. When John  took cancer and in a few months he was gone..He chose to smoke . He knew the odds and refused to quit  He did less than a week before he died. He was too weak to smoke..I'm sorry but  you are playing with a loaded gun when you  abuse your bodies. You can't blame God.. It wasn't easy watching him those last few weeks, but I can honestly say that I did everything possible to help him., or make things the best  that I could.. Why would you put yourself in that kind of situation when you don't have to..There are  many things that can cause the same results. I used to smoke and tried to quit, but I couldn't..When I got my life straightened with my Lord Jesus, I knew that it would hinder my testimony That Sunday night I went to the alter and cried out to God. I told him that I can't , but you can. I was willing  and ready and he gloriously set me free..Praise God  I've been free all these years. I'm not condemning anyone, but with every bit of love in my heart  for people praying that you will heed  and let God do for you , what he did for me. Don't be like John. He took his chances and lost. God will do the same for you as he did me. He wants us to be free. God is calling us to get ready for his coming and be a witness . What kind of witness are you for Jesus?  Don't feel sorry for me, I know John is in heaven.  If you were the only example of  Christ's love, would people want him or  wonder? We are more than conqueror's - through Christ Jesus.. Gena
Expire Date: 
Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 9:30pm


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