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Behold: A New Way Is Coming

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 1:1

Story Summary: 

Luke refers back to what he has written before to his friend, Theophilus, about Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection. He begins this new writing with the fact that after Jesus rose from the dead, He showed himself to be alive by many infallible proofs. His disciples saw Him and heard his teaching on many occasions for forty days. He was seen at one time by more than 500 people. On Jesus' last day on earth, while standing and teaching his disciples on Mt. Olivet, He instructed His disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The disciples were anxious to know when the Kingdom was going to be restored to Israel. Jesus told them it was not for them to know the times or seasons because those things are put in the Father's power. In other words, it is none of our business. We are to do what He tells us to do. He told His disciples they would receive power after the Holy Ghost came on them and they would tell others about Him. It would begin in Jerusalem and would, over time, radiate to the uttermost part of the earth. At that point in time, He rose up and a cloud took Him out of their sight. Angels, identified as two men in white apparel, asked them, "why do you stand here looking up after Him? He will come back in the same way you have seen Him leave. They returned to an upper room where all His disciples were living. They continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. Other women, Jesus' mother Mary, and his brethren were there. His disciples that gathered together numbered about 120. Peter steps up at this time as a leader of this group. Are you desiring to have that power from on high?  Jesus says, ask, you will receive, seek, you will find, knock, it will be opened to you. Let us purpose in our heart to be committed to knowing Jesus, seeing and hearing Jesus, and obeying Jesus. People of God, rise up and become the church we have been called out to be. I hope to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. 

Date of Class: 
Sunday, January 28, 2018


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