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How Did Mucilini Say He Could Destroy America?

I saw a interesting article about how Mucilini stated how he could take over America.  This was originally stated in 1939.  This can't be word for word, but basically what he said.  First was to cause derision, degrade the influence of the church.  Cause separation, confusion and mistrust.  Afterwards  break the structure of the family.  In La.  last year 48% of all births were single  mothers.  With the divorces, and so many turning from the intended use of the  male or female; Then you have parents giving up, or the states taking children from parents and putting them in state facilities.  The legalism of  of drugs and the use of opiates is rampit.  The structure of a healthy families has depleted greatly.  Then we have the groups of people in DC who are trying to turn the very standard of God fearing USA and turn it into a dictatorship, Slaves to a government that  gives no godly freedom.  Don't  get me wrong, I PRAISE GOD FOR OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP.  He is doing as much as he can, as fast as he can.  He is fought every inch of the way.  I pray God put a shield of protection on him and his family.  Everyone has their own beliefs.  I pray that Jesus  lead and guide us into all truths.  Now let's go to the things we can do.  First is pray and obey God's word, The Holy Bible.  Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, 7 And when he is old  he will not depart from it.  Training is not just telling them something.  It includes teaching them why, but living it before them, If you make a mistake , explain what you did wrong, and how  you should of  acted.  Then if you got angry or said or wronged someone, apologize and make it as right as you can.  That's like telling a child not to steal and cheating on your taxes.  Persistence is necessary.  God made the parents the steward of the children.  If you don't demand their respect of you as their parents , and obey you, you are just about fighting a losing battle.  How can they respect God, or others if they don't respect you.  Honor your Father and Mother that your days may be long.  upon the land, which the Lord God is giving you.  Exodus 20:12  Ephesians 6:1 Children obey your parents 2 Honor your Fathers and Mothers  4.  And you Fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring  them up in the nature (training) and admonition of the Lord.  If  your children back talk you , they do not respect you.  So much of the time the children are doing what they want, when they want and are given most everything they want or are not made to take responsibility of their own self as they grow older.  they need to learn to be responsible by helping around the house or yard.  I've learned these things the hard way.  O yes, I made my mistakes.  I am paying for it through my children,.  I'm praying and believing for them.
Expire Date: 
Friday, March 9, 2018 - 2:00pm


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