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Finishing the study of Joseph.

Teens Class
Scripture References: 

Genesis 39-47

Story Summary: 

We will be finishing the study of Joseph's life, and finishing the movie;  "The life of Joseph.  " He has been thrown in prison, because he was faithful to his teachings.   He would not yield to Potipher's wife.   He was thrown into prison for upholding his righteous training.   Even in prison he had God's favor.   He also through being faithful to his convictions, he also gained favor with the keeper of the prison and guards Being used of God, he interpreted dreams.   He interpreted the dreams of the butler of Pharaoh, and the baker.   Pharaoh  also had dreams that God gave him the interpretation of Them.   Because of God using Joseph, Pharaoh  believed his God would give him wisdom to lead  Egypt through the 7 years of great bounty and store up the grain for time of famine.   There was also famine in the land Of Caanan.  Joseph's brothers had to come before him and eventually all of Jacob's house came to Egypt and was cared for in the land of  Goshen.  There God blessed them through the famine.   Sometimes we see a lot of hardships to reach the place of our destiny.   Let's be faithful un the hard times, especially when we don't understand why.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, March 25, 2018


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