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Behold: Caring And Sharing

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 4:32

Story Summary: 

In the early church, rapid change and growth in numbers throughout all walks of life were rapidly infusing the church with change and differing needs each day. A lack of selfishness was observed in all the new Christians as they had compassion on others and they began to do what they could to meet the needs of the other Christians. Joses Barnabas, who later became known as the son of consolation, came from the lineage of Levi. He was from Cyprus and sold land belonging to himself. He brought the proceeds from the sale and laid them at the Apostle's feet. He became known as an encourager among the Christians. Soon after, a couple, Ananias and Sapphira, conspired together to sell land, keep part of the sale price for themselves, bring the rest to the Apostles and say they had brought the full purchase price. The Holy Spirit showed Peter what was in their heart. When Ananias brought the money, he told Peter it was the full purchase price. Peter asked Ananias why he lied to the Holy Spirit and Ananias fell dead. How about you? Do you see needs of others you can meet? Do you care about those needs? Is your motive of helping pure or are you guilty of lying to God about why and how much you help others? Is it to glorify God or make you look good in man's eyes. We must strive to have a heart that has a pure motive for what we do for others. I am looking forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, April 1, 2018


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