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Behold: Perseverance

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 5:30

Story Summary: 

Peter preaches the gospel to the rulers of the Jews. He told them they crucified the Son of God. He stated to them that Jesus had been exalted by His Father and even now was seated at His right hand, the place of authority. Their hearts were cut by these words but they did not repent. They hardened their heart even more and wanted to kill the disciples. Gamaliel was a member of the ruling body. He was a Pharisee and Doctor of the Law. He was well-respected by his peers. He cautioned them and told them to be careful. He reminded them of Theudas and Judas, both leaders of rebellions against Rome. When Theudas and Judas were killed, their followers were scattered and their efforts came to nothing. He advised the council to let them alone. He said if it was not God's work, it would fail but if it was, they would be fighting against God. The council agreed to let the Apostles go. They commanded them to speak no longer in the name of Jesus and they beat them. The Apostles went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Jesus. They continued to preach Jesus the Christ in the temple and in the homes. Do you see things through the eyes of Jesus? Are you faithful in suffering when it comes your way? I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M.. 

Date of Class: 
Sunday, April 8, 2018


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