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My Old Ford!

We must face our fears, or shed many tears; and fight our feelings as we go, trusting Jesus and then we know, Victory is ours, Stand and claim it. Hebrews 1:1, God who at sundry times and in divers manners  spake in times past unto our fathers by the prophets.  God spoke to balaam by a donkey (Numbers 22:28) When Balaam was going to curse Israel and the donkey refused to move, Balaam had hit the donkey  and finally shoved him and the donkey spoke and asked balaam why he had been so mean to him when he was just doing what the angel told him, God spoke through a burning bush to Moses (Exodus 3) Through incidents of our life, God speaks to us. My old Ford was one of them. The Speed Sensor went out several years ago. We drove it and used the shifter in a  lower gear and the button on the shifter to go into overdrive. It worked ok but it did not register through the computer  It wasn't too easy on the transmission so why did one of them not replace it? I went and bought one and Googled it.  In the past I would of done it myself Bro. Wes did it after a service.  God spoke to my heart that many of his people are like my Ford; they work but not like they should. Eventually they need repair or fixed to work at full capacity.  Are you operating slow and unsure?
Expire Date: 
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 10:00pm


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