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Behold: Bitterness and Chains

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 8:14

Story Summary: 

Peter and John travel to Samaria when they hear of the stirring and moving of God among the people. People were being saved and baptized under the preaching and ministry of Philip but the Holy Spirit had not yet fallen on them. Peter and John laid hands on them to receive the Holy Ghost. Simon, the sorcerer who had professed belief in God, desired to buy the ability to lay hands on someone to receive the Holy Ghost. He was rebuked by Peter and Peter revealed to him that he had a gall of bitterness in his heart and was bound by that iniquity.  What do you do when God reveals sin and chains of iniquity in your life? Do you ignore it or act upon it?  When Peter and John had testified and preached the word, they left to go back to Jerusalem but preached in many villages on the way back. Meanwhile, Philip was visited by the angel of the LORD and told to go south to Gaza which is desert country. When things are good and going just right and God is moving left and right, when He speaks to you and tells you to go, are you willing to be obedient? Philip did not hesitate, he obeyed God. This is an example for us as a follower of Jesus: Go when He speaks. Develop your trust in Him by being obedient instantly. Learn to believe that He truly knows what is best for you. As His child, learn these awesome lessons and watch Him do great and mighty things through you. I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M..

Date of Class: 
Sunday, May 6, 2018


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