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Rosie Howard

Rosie Howard, our sister in Christ, passed from this life on Monday, September 16 th, about 6 a.m., at her home in Arlington, Texas. She was in her early eighties. Sister Rosie had been sick a good while and after she had a stroke she seemed not to recover very well. She always prayed for her loved ones. She always asked the Lord to be with them and take care of them, and save their souls so they would all be in Heaven together.
She was never ashamed to be called a child of God. Why, be- cause she loved her Heavenly Father and was proud to be His child. She was a long time member of Gospel Lighthouse Outreach Church. And was also a prayer warrior for anyone who needed or wanted prayer. Funeral service will be held Thursday, September 19 th. at Jkyvue Funeral Home located at 7220 Rendon Bloodworth Rd. in Mansfield, Tx. with interment at the Memorial Gardens Cemetery at the same address. The phone number is 817-478-6955 should anyone need directions. She was preceded in death by her husband. She had children and grand- children.
Sister Rosie will be missed by all. Our church sends our condolences to all of her family, relatives and friends.

Expire Date: 
Thursday, September 26, 2013 - 1:45pm


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