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Photo Board

Sister Bonnie Blair is working on a photo board that will have a picture of everyone that comes to church regularly.  Just one big problem.  The pictures we have are from a mixed bag of cameras with different size and type of pictures.  So we would like your help.  We want to take at least one picture of everyone so that we have a new and formal picture.  We will be taking pictures before and after every service for the next 2 weeks or until we have a picture of everyone whichever comes first.  We are trying to have this completed and up by Christmas.  I am going to take the liberty of answering a few questions before they are asked.

~  Yes, we want everyone.

~  No, you are not ugly, and will not break the camera.

~  No, you cannot throw the camera out of the door.

~  Yes, everyone would look nice in the pictures.

~  Yes, we can take another picture of you if you do not like the first one.

~  Yes, God will be okay with it.

~  No, that dress does not make you look fat.

~  No, It will only take less than 10 seconds.

Expire Date: 
Thursday, December 20, 2018 (All day)


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