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Divide and Conquer!

We celebrated Mother's day and now Father's day.  Not one of them were perfect.  Face it, they are flesh and blood.  If you had Godly parents, you are really blessed.  My mother stood strong for the Lord Jesus all her life.  My dad, well he made things right a few years before he went home to be with Jesus.  I am so thankful that God made a way for our lives to be restored with our dad.  This issue is a shout of praise that our lives were restored by God's grace.  Many nights I cried because my dad was not there.  Why?  There was a plan made by the devil.  I can picture in my mind, him asking, "What can we do to tear down the family unit and gain souls for our evil purposes?  " Yes, destroy the family and not have both influences as God intended.  The children will be more vulnerable to be deceived by our evil plans; and so the plan was put in force Every generation became more wicked.  I know divorce is sometimes necessary, that's why it says that God will judge.  Then the devil decided to strengthen his evil plan.  Let the people override the sanctity of marriage.  In the 60's it was called free love.  Many children were born not knowing their father.  God's plan, a mom and a dad.  Sad to say, but there is hardly a Christian that hasn't been effected by this evil in some way.  100 years ago even sinners had some morals, and family ties.  Thank God for godly Father's.  I applaud you.  Mother's too.  What we can do is, preach the word and love those who have failed.  Restore them in love, considering your own self lest you also be tempted.  Galatians 6:1 Forgetting those things which are behind, looking for those things ahead, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13, 14 paraphrased God is a restorer.  He doesn't leave us.  not one person can honestly say our parents were perfect.
Expire Date: 
Thursday, June 20, 2019 - 1:00pm


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