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Katie & Clint Garner for Eliza age 2, posted 9/11/20

Last Tuesday our sweet, beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Eliza, was severely burned on her feet from scalding bath water that she turned on herself. Both feet and up past both ankles have deep, second degree burns. After arriving at the ER in Provo she was transferred by ambulance to the U of U burn trauma ICU, where she and I have been ever since and will continue to stay for an undetermined length of time. We were told this morning by the head surgeon that she would like to wait 6 more days to allow little Eliza’s body to heal as much as it can before making a final decision about whether or not she will receive skin graft surgery. This is where you come in. We need prayer warriors! Please pray for Eliza’s body to regenerate skin, to heal and restore her feet 100%, that surgery will not be necessary, that she will have full mobility and feeling, and that the trauma and fear and pain will be released and healed and she can feel peace and joy again. We have 6 days. Please add her name to prayer rolls and prayer groups. I believe in the power of unified prayer and I believe in miracles!


Expire Date: 
Friday, September 18, 2020 - 1:45am


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