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Update on Brenda Stuard: Posted 9/16/20

Update on mom: Mom is still in the ICU at St. Vincent's. She's fighting COVID-19. When she arrived in Little Rock yesterday morning, her vitals were not good and her oxygen saturation levels were so low that they couldn't get a reading, so they immediately intubeated her and got her on the ventilator. As of tonight, she is at a 45% on the vent. She was at 55% yesterday. She is having plasma transfers done every 24hrs. And she's taking all meds that they can give her to fight COVID. Her lungs were already weak due to the lung disease she already has. She has a lot of fluid on her lungs but they're draining her lungs regularly. They told me it’s basically a waiting game at this point. It's hard not being able to be there with her but thank you to everyone who has reached out. I've seen family, friends, church family, her classmates, my classmates and so many others offering support and prayers. That means the world to me, my sister and my family. Please continue to pray bc she's definitely not out of the woods. Thank you. I will try to update again when I can. –Vicki

Expire Date: 
Thursday, September 24, 2020 (All day)


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